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      Exclusive: French, Germans explore idea of core euro zone
| Reuters

Exclusive: French, Germans explore idea of core euro zone
(Reuters) - German and French officials have discussed plans for a radical overhaul of the European Union that would involve establishing a more integrated and potentially smaller euro zone, EU sources say.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy gave some flavor of his thinking during an address to students in the eastern French city of Strasbourg on Tuesday, when he said a two-speed Europe -- the euro zone moving ahead more rapidly than all 27 countries in the EU -- was the only model for the future.

The discussions among senior policymakers in Paris, Berlin and Brussels go further, raising the possibility of one or more countries leaving the euro zone, while the remaining core pushes on toward deeper economic integration, including on tax and fiscal policy.

A senior EU official said changing the make-up of the euro zone has been discussed on an "intellectual" level but had not moved to operational or technical discussions, while a French government source said there was no such project in the works.

Such steps are also opposed by many EU countries, whose backing would be needed for any adjustments to the bloc's treaties, making them anything but a done deal.

"This will unravel everything our forebears have painstakingly built up and repudiate all that they stood for in the past sixty years," one EU diplomat told Reuters. "This is not about a two-speed Europe, we already have that. This will redraw the map geopolitically and give rise to new tensions. It could truly be the end of Europe as we know it."

Nonetheless, the Franco-German motor has generally been the driving force in steps forward for European integration.

To an extent the taboo on a country leaving the 17-member currency bloc was already broken at the G20 summit in Cannes last week, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Sarkozy both effectively said that Greece might have to drop out if the euro zone's long-term stability was to be maintained.

But the latest discussions among European officials point to a more fundamental re-evaluation of the 12-year-old currency project -- including which countries and what policies are needed to keep it strong and stable for the next decade and beyond -- before Europe's debt crisis manages to break it apart.

In large part the aim is to reshape the currency bloc along the lines it was originally intended; strong, economically integrated countries sharing a currency, before nations such as Greece managed to get in.

"France and Germany have had intense consultations on this issue over the last months, at all levels," a senior EU official in Brussels told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the discussions.

"We need to move very cautiously, but the truth is that we need to establish exactly the list of those who don't want to be part of the club and those who simply cannot be part.

"In doing this exercise, we will be very serious on the criteria that will be used as a benchmark to integrate and share our economic policies."

One senior German government official said it was a case of pruning the euro zone to make it stronger.

"You'll still call it the euro, but it will be fewer countries," he said, without identifying those that would have to drop out.

"We won't be able to speak with one voice and make the tough decisions in the euro zone as it is today. You can't have one country, one vote," he said, referring to rules that have made decision-making complex and slow, exacerbating the crisis.

Speaking in Berlin on Wednesday, Merkel reiterated a call for changes to be made to the EU treaty -- the laws which govern the European Union -- saying the situation was now so unpleasant that a rapid "breakthrough" was needed.

"The world is not waiting for Europe," she said in comments that focused on treaty change but hinted at more fundamental shifts. "Because the world is changing so greatly, we have to make a mental decision to find an answer to the challenges."

From Germany's point of view, altering the EU treaty would be an opportunity to reinforce euro zone integration and could potentially open a window to make the mooted changes to its make-up.

EU officials have told Reuters treaty change will be formally discussed at a summit in Brussels on December 9, with an 'intergovernmental conference', the process required to make alterations, potentially being convened in the new year, although multiple obstacles remain before such a step is taken.


While the two-speed Europe referred to by Sarkozy is already reality in many respects -- and a frustration for the likes of Poland, which hopes to join the euro zone -- the officials interviewed by Reuters spoke of a more formal process to create a two-tier structure and allow the smaller group to push on.

"This is something that has been in the air for some time, at least in high-level talks," said one EU diplomat. "The difference now is that some countries are moving forward very quickly ... The risk of a split, of a two-speed Europe, has never been so real."

In Sarkozy's vision, the euro zone would rapidly deepen its integration, including in sensitive areas such as corporate and personal taxation, while the remainder of the EU would be left as a "confederation," possibly expanding from 27 to 35 in the coming decade, with enlargement to the Balkans and beyond.

Within the euro zone, the critical need would be for core countries to coordinate their economic policies quickly so that defences could be erected against the sovereign debt crisis.

"Intellectually speaking, I can see it happening in two movements: some technical arrangements in the next weeks to strengthen the euro zone governance, and some more fundamental changes in the coming months," the senior EU official said.

But he cautioned: "Practically speaking, we all know that the crisis may deepen and that the picture can change radically from one day to another."

France and Germany see themselves as the backbone of the euro zone and frequently promote initiatives that other euro zone countries reject. The idea of a core, pared-down euro zone is likely to be strongly opposed by the Netherlands and possibly Austria, although both would be potential members.

"This sort of thinking is not the direction we want to go in. We want to keep the euro zone as it is," said a non Franco-German euro zone diplomat.

Britain, which is adamantly outside the euro zone, is also opposed to any moves that would create a two-speed Europe, or institutionalize a process even if it is already under way.

"We must move together. The greatest danger we face is division," Britain's deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, said during a visit to Brussels on Wednesday.

"That is why, while the United Kingdom fully supports deeper fiscal integration within the euro zone to support monetary union, we would not wish it to become a club within a club.

"To retreat from each other now would be to leave ourselves isolated in extremely tempestuous times."

(Additional reporting by Robin Emmott and Luke Baker in Brussels, writing by Luke Baker, editing by Mike Peacock)

Anticorrupción registra la sede del Instituto Noos de Urdangarín | Política | EL PAÍS

Anticorrupción registra la sede del Instituto Noos de Urdangarín
La inspección se produce por una pieza secreta del ‘caso Palma Arena’ sobre el cobro de 2,3 millones del Gobierno de Baleares para realizar dos foros deportivos turísticos
ANDREU MANRESA / JESÚS GARCÍA Barcelona / Palma de Mallorca 7 NOV 2011 - 16:53 CET

Una comisión policial encabezada por el fiscal anticorrupción de Baleares, Pedro Horrach, bajo la orden del juez José Castro, instructor del caso Palma Arena, está efectuando hoy en Barcelona el registro judicial de la sede del Instituto Noos, creado por Iñaki Urdangarín, duque de Palma, esposo de la infanta Cristina de Borbón.

La investigación se centra en la antigua actividad empresarial privada de Urdangarín, a través de su institución de patrocinio mecenazgos y su relación contractual con instituciones públicas.La actuación de Barcelona está amparada en una pieza secreta sobre la supuesta malversación de fondos públicos y falsedad documental en la gestión de 2,3 millones de euros cobrados por la realización de dos foros deportivo-turísticos en Palma, en 2005 y 2006, por encargo del Gobierno balear de Jaume Matas, del PP.

Policías y fiscal tenían hoy en su agenda barcelonesa la entrada y registro en el domicilio de Diego Torres,mano derecha de Urdangarín y director de Noos y de Ana María Tejeiro, así como de otras compañías ligadas a las actividades de las jornadas de patrocinio denominadas Forum Illes Balears. Uno de los registros previstos era el despacho de la asesoría fiscal de Urdangarín. Miguel Tejeiro fue asesor del duque y secretario de Noos.

Las jornadas de reflexión deportiva en Palma, las gestó el duque de acuerdo con el Gobierno de Baleares de Jaume Matas del PP. Uno de los amigos de Urdangarín, el olímpico de vela José Luís Pepote Ballester, ex director general de Deportes con Matas, fue el puente para los primeros contactos y el gestor de las partidas económicas.Ballester fue detenido al estallar el caso Palma Arena y es una de las figuras claves en las decisiones y contratos de los enventos cuestionados.

En una de las piezas no secretas del caso Palma Arena constan las primeras facturas presentadas porNoos al Gobierno de Baleares. Son cuatro, cada una por valor de 300.000 euros. Fueron libradas a la autonómica Fundación para el Suport i promoció de l’EsportBalear, bajo el título de “honorarios correspondientes”, según “el convenio de colaboración” firmado.

El letrado de uno de los afectados en Barcelona ha sido reclamado esta mañana para que asistiera al registro. La noticia ha sido confirmada en fuentes de la investigación en Palma. El Grupo de Delincuencia Económica de la Policía Nacional rastrea más de mil documentos contables y la Agencia Tributaria emitió un informe sobre el tráfico de fondos alrededor de los eventos de Noos. Semanas atrás, antes de los registros, los principales proveedores del Instituto Noos fueron emplazados para que comunicase los conceptos y trabajos facturados.

En paralelo Urdangarín contrató con la Generalitat valenciana otros forum paralelo. Al justificar Noos los gastos de Palma, presentó al menos cuatro facturas correspondientes a trabajos de traducción, diseño y ponencias efectuados en Valencia.

La UE amenaza con multar a España por su paro excesivo - elEconomista.es

La UE amenaza con multar a España por su paro excesivo
Antonio León / Bruselas7/11/2011 - 14:03

El Ecofin o Consejo de ministros de Economía y Finanzas de los 27 países de la UE intenta alcanzar este martes en Bruselas un acuerdo sobre la nómina de desequilibrios económicos por los que se podría multar a un país europeo. El principio de imponer multas no sólo por déficit presupuestario excesivo (único criterio existente hasta ahora) ya está acordado desde septiembre, pero no la lista concreta de los indicadores ni los niveles numéricos que al ser rebasados dispararían la sanción.

En el borrador de la lista de desequilibrios que actualmente negocian las diplomacias de los veintisiete acaba de incluirse un nivel de paro excesivo y persistente. Lo que amenaza con terminar por traducirse en una multa a España. No sería una multa inmediata sino que se haría esperar al menos hasta 2014, porque Bruselas dará a España tiempo para corregir la dramática situación de su mercado laboral nacional.

Otros indicadores que aparecen en la lista y que ya se barajaban desde hace meses son el déficit por cuenta corriente y las burbujas inmobiliarias, otros dos de los cánceres que lastran la economía de España. El Gobierno español presiona para reabrir el debate y que el superávit por cuenta corriente de Alemania sea tratado con casi tanto rigor como el déficit en este capítulo.

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