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https://www.reuters.com/article/us-davos-meeting-trust/capitalism-seen-doing-more-harm-than-good-in-global-survey-idUSKBN1ZJ0CWCitarCapitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global surveyA majority of people around the world believe capitalism in its current form is doing more harm than good, a survey found ahead of this week’s Davos meeting of business and political leaders.
Capitalism seen doing 'more harm than good' in global surveyA majority of people around the world believe capitalism in its current form is doing more harm than good, a survey found ahead of this week’s Davos meeting of business and political leaders.
in its current form
JPMorgan Says Analysts Are ‘Unusually’ Pessimistic on EarningsForecasts for the S&P 500’s earnings growth over the next two reporting seasons are below those seen in the second and third quarters of last year and are likely “too low,” JPMorgan strategists led by Mislav Matejka wrote in a note on Monday. Typically, fourth-quarter earnings are 3% to 4% higher than in the second quarter, instead of lower, they said.“As the year progresses, the optimistic earnings growth forecasts by the sell-side analysts would tend to be downgraded, but crucially without an adverse effect on stocks performance,” the strategists wrote. “What is much more unusual is that the EPS projections for the next two reporting seasons might be too low.”
944 Trillion Reasons Why The Fed Is Quietly Bailing Out Hedge FundsWhich leads to the 944 trillion dollar question asked by the Horseman CIO: "If the banks are not benefitting, who is?" (...)if enough liquidity is drained, mutual assured destruction between funds and banks will almost instantly follow. And since banks are now aware of the risk and are trying to reduce their exposure, it is very hard if not impossible to see how this can be unwound "without triggering all the other bad financial structures and malinvestment that QE has produced."It also explains why the Fed had to get involved, if under the guise of saving the repo market, when in reality the Fed was once again bailing out the banks and levered funds that are facing trillions of dollars in losses should one clearinghouse go under, as the cascade of resulting events would lead to a domino effect where one counterparty after another failed, and one clearinghouse after another has to be bailed out, initially by banks, and ultimately by the Fed.
El FMI rebaja el crecimiento de España hasta el 1,6% en 2020 tras la "marcada" desaceleración de la demanda y las exportaciones
without triggering all the other bad financial structures and malinvestment that QE has produced
La verdad sobre la economía de Trump, StiglitzSe suponía que las rebajas impositivas alentarían una nueva oleada de inversiones. En vez de eso, generaron un récord histórico de recompras de acciones (unos 800 000 millones de dólares en 2018) por parte de algunas de las empresas estadounidenses más rentables, y llevaron a un déficit récord en tiempos de paz (casi un billón de dólares en el año fiscal 2019) en un país que supuestamente está cerca del pleno empleo. E incluso con la poca inversión que hubo, Estados Unidos tuvo que tomar prestado al extranjero sumas ingentes: los datos más recientes muestran un endeudamiento externo cercano a los 500 000 millones de dólares al año, con un aumento de más del 10% en la posición deudora neta de Estados Unidos en un solo año.
La incertidumbre política y la nueva ley hipotecaria han empañado los datos de compraventa de viviendas en 2019.
[...]¿Quién es "el cabrón"? ¿Dios o la humanidad?[...]
Si es que estos americanos no hacen más que titularizar mierda:https://www.hayatitulizacion.es/es/servicios/Haya Titularización es filial de Haya Real State que a su vez es una de las comercializadoras de la SAREB.Pero no son los únicos que titularizan hipotecas, tarjetas de crédito, deudas de pymes, contratos de arrendamiento o derechos de autor. CAIXABANK TITULIZACION, SGFT, S.A. EBN TITULIZACION, S.A., SGFT EUROPEA DE TITULIZACION, S.A., S.G.F.T. HAYA TITULIZACION, SGFT, S.A. INTERMONEY TITULIZACION, S.G.F.T., S.A. SANTANDER DE TITULIZACION, SGFT, S.A. TITULIZACION DE ACTIVOS, S.A., S.G.F.T.
Cita de: PastorMesetario en Enero 20, 2020, 15:17:54 pm[...]¿Quién es "el cabrón"? ¿Dios o la humanidad?[...]¿El cabrón? Dios... sin discusión.¿El egoista? Cualquiera de nosotros... sin discusión.¿La víctima? (Buena pregunta... )No te confundas... La humanidad decide... y acierta.No cabe otra.
[...]Las víctimas no importan. Las han titulizado