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Autor Tema: Hablemos de Europa  (Leído 1420203 veces)

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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #690 en: Mayo 29, 2015, 17:18:33 pm »
Hablando de Europa... sigo con atención el debate sobre el futuro referéndum en UK sobre la UE y hay piezas que no encajan o que esconden intenciones no puestas encima de la mesa.

Lo primero, es que como parte del proceso de renegociación los tories van a pedir "restringir la entrada de inmigrantes en la UE". Pero debajo de ese titular, lo que quieren negociar los británicos es limitar el acceso a benefits y ayudas para los que trabajan (entiendo que eso significa no aplicar el universal tax credit, por el que se garantiza a todo el mundo unos ingresos mínimos).

La cuestión es que dudo que eso vaya a limitar en la práctica la emigración a UK de países del Este o el Sur de Europa. Y sin embargo, puede provocar un efecto curioso: muchos que emigraban por un período corto (2-3 años), tendrían un incentivo para quedarse más tiempo. Y teniendo en cuenta que la estancia mínima para nacionalizarse son 5 años, un límite muy parecido al requerido para optar a ser "paguitero british", entiendo la preocupación de países como Polonia que tienen casi 1 millón de emigrantes en UK.

Estos polacos podrían sentir la tentación de hacerse británicos, con lo cual el gran beneficio de tener una gran emigración en un país rico (que manden divisas a las familias que se quedan o las perspectivas de volver con divisas) se esfuman.

Por otro lado, UK se asegura que los inmigrantes que reciba, muchos o pocos, tienen grandes incentivos para quedarse y engrasar la gran rueda que mueve a la economía británica: una burbuja demográfica sin comparación en otro lugar de Europa.

Lo más peligroso del proceso de negociación no es que UK se vaya o se quede, sino que quiere fomentar una reforma para todos a condición de quedarse. Como los alemanes sienten una adoración tan irracional a los británicos, éstos se quedaran y encima se asegurarán de haber parado por un largo tiempo (quizás para siempre) el proceso de "Más Europa".

Ya me extrañaba que UK quisiese aislarse en su isla y dejar de tener importancia. Sospecho que su ambición es mucho mayor: todo esto es un chantaje para modelar el Continente a sus propios gustos.
"Además, yo vi otra cosa bajo el sol: la carrera no la gana el más veloz, ni el más fuerte triunfa en el combate; el pan no pertenece al más sabio, ni la riqueza al más inteligente, ni es favorecido el más capaz, porque en todo interviene el tiempo y el azar."


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #691 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 12:17:59 pm »
Varoufakis' Great Game by Hans-Werner Sinn

Cita de: Hans-Werner Sinn
MUNICH – Game theorists know that a Plan A is never enough. One must also develop and put forward a credible Plan B – the implied threat that drives forward negotiations on Plan A. Greece’s finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, knows this very well. As the Greek government’s anointed “heavy,” he is working Plan B (a potential exit from the eurozone), while Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras makes himself available for Plan A (an extension on Greece’s loan agreement, and a renegotiation of the terms of its bailout). In a sense, they are playing the classic game of “good cop/bad cop” – and, so far, to great effect.

Plan B comprises two key elements. First, there is simple provocation, aimed at riling up Greek citizens and thus escalating tensions between the country and its creditors. Greece’s citizens must believe that they are escaping grave injustice if they are to continue to trust their government during the difficult period that would follow an exit from the eurozone.

Second, the Greek government is driving up the costs of Plan B for the other side, by allowing capital flight by its citizens. If it so chose, the government could contain this trend with a more conciliatory approach, or stop it outright with the introduction of capital controls. But doing so would weaken its negotiating position, and that is not an option.

Capital flight does not mean that capital is moving abroad in net terms, but rather that private capital is being turned into public capital. Basically, Greek citizens take out loans from local banks, funded largely by the Greek central bank, which acquires funds through the European Central Bank’s emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) scheme. They then transfer the money to other countries to purchase foreign assets (or redeem their debts), draining liquidity from their country’s banks.

Other eurozone central banks are thus forced to create new money to fulfill the payment orders for the Greek citizens, effectively giving the Greek central bank an overdraft credit, as measured by the so-called TARGET liabilities. In January and February, Greece’s TARGET debts increased by almost €1 billion ($1.1 billion) per day, owing to capital flight by Greek citizens and foreign investors. At the end of April, those debts amounted to €99 billion.

A Greek exit would not damage the accounts that its citizens have set up in other eurozone countries – let alone cause Greeks to lose the assets they have purchased with those accounts. But it would leave those countries’ central banks stuck with Greek citizens’ euro-denominated TARGET claims vis-à-vis Greece’s central bank, which would have assets denominated only in a restored drachma. Given the new currency’s inevitable devaluation, together with the fact that the Greek government does not have to backstop its central bank’s debt, a default depriving the other central banks of their claims would be all but certain.

A similar situation arises when Greek citizens withdraw cash from their accounts and hoard it in suitcases or take it abroad. If Greece abandoned the euro, a substantial share of these funds – which totaled €43 billion at the end of April – would flow into the rest of the eurozone, both to purchase goods and assets and to pay off debts, resulting in a net loss for the monetary union’s remaining members.

All of this strengthens the Greek government’s negotiating position considerably. Small wonder, then, that Varoufakis and Tsipras are playing for time, refusing to submit a list of meaningful reform proposals.

The ECB bears considerable responsibility for this situation. By failing to produce the two-thirds majority in the ECB Council needed to limit the Greek central bank’s self-serving strategy, it has allowed the creation of more than €80 billion in emergency liquidity, which exceeds the Greek central bank’s €41 billion in recoverable assets. With Greece’s banks guaranteed the needed funds, the government has been spared from having to introduce capital controls.

Rumor has it that the ECB is poised to adjust its approach – and soon. It knows that its argument that the ELA loans are collateralized is wearing thin, given that, in many cases, the collateral has a rating below BBB-, thus falling short of investment grade.

If the ECB finally acknowledges that this will not do, and removes Greece’s liquidity safety net, the Greek government would be forced to start negotiating seriously, because waiting would no longer do it any good. But, with the stock of money sent abroad and held in cash having already ballooned to 79% of GDP, its position would remain very strong.

In other words, thanks largely to the ECB, the Greek government would be able to secure a far more favorable outcome – including increased financial assistance and reduced reform requirements – than it could have gained at any point in the past. A large share of the acquired resources measured by the TARGET balances and the cash that has been printed would turn into an endowment gift for an independent future.

Many people in Europe seem to believe that Varoufakis, an experienced game theorist but a political neophyte, does not know how to play the cards that Greece has been dealt. They should think again – before Greece walks away with the pot.

« última modificación: Mayo 30, 2015, 12:24:08 pm por lectorhinfluyente1984 »

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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #692 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 16:15:47 pm »
Varoufakis' Great Game by Hans-Werner Sinn

Cita de: Hans-Werner Sinn
MUNICH – Game theorists know that a Plan A is never enough. One must also develop and put forward a credible Plan B – the implied threat that drives forward negotiations on Plan A. Greece’s finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, knows this very well. As the Greek government’s anointed “heavy,” he is working Plan B (a potential exit from the eurozone), while Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras makes himself available for Plan A (an extension on Greece’s loan agreement, and a renegotiation of the terms of its bailout). In a sense, they are playing the classic game of “good cop/bad cop” – and, so far, to great effect.

Plan B comprises two key elements. First, there is simple provocation, aimed at riling up Greek citizens and thus escalating tensions between the country and its creditors. Greece’s citizens must believe that they are escaping grave injustice if they are to continue to trust their government during the difficult period that would follow an exit from the eurozone.

Second, the Greek government is driving up the costs of Plan B for the other side, by allowing capital flight by its citizens. If it so chose, the government could contain this trend with a more conciliatory approach, or stop it outright with the introduction of capital controls. But doing so would weaken its negotiating position, and that is not an option.

Capital flight does not mean that capital is moving abroad in net terms, but rather that private capital is being turned into public capital. Basically, Greek citizens take out loans from local banks, funded largely by the Greek central bank, which acquires funds through the European Central Bank’s emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) scheme. They then transfer the money to other countries to purchase foreign assets (or redeem their debts), draining liquidity from their country’s banks.

Other eurozone central banks are thus forced to create new money to fulfill the payment orders for the Greek citizens, effectively giving the Greek central bank an overdraft credit, as measured by the so-called TARGET liabilities. In January and February, Greece’s TARGET debts increased by almost €1 billion ($1.1 billion) per day, owing to capital flight by Greek citizens and foreign investors. At the end of April, those debts amounted to €99 billion.

A Greek exit would not damage the accounts that its citizens have set up in other eurozone countries – let alone cause Greeks to lose the assets they have purchased with those accounts. But it would leave those countries’ central banks stuck with Greek citizens’ euro-denominated TARGET claims vis-à-vis Greece’s central bank, which would have assets denominated only in a restored drachma. Given the new currency’s inevitable devaluation, together with the fact that the Greek government does not have to backstop its central bank’s debt, a default depriving the other central banks of their claims would be all but certain.

A similar situation arises when Greek citizens withdraw cash from their accounts and hoard it in suitcases or take it abroad. If Greece abandoned the euro, a substantial share of these funds – which totaled €43 billion at the end of April – would flow into the rest of the eurozone, both to purchase goods and assets and to pay off debts, resulting in a net loss for the monetary union’s remaining members.

All of this strengthens the Greek government’s negotiating position considerably. Small wonder, then, that Varoufakis and Tsipras are playing for time, refusing to submit a list of meaningful reform proposals.

The ECB bears considerable responsibility for this situation. By failing to produce the two-thirds majority in the ECB Council needed to limit the Greek central bank’s self-serving strategy, it has allowed the creation of more than €80 billion in emergency liquidity, which exceeds the Greek central bank’s €41 billion in recoverable assets. With Greece’s banks guaranteed the needed funds, the government has been spared from having to introduce capital controls.

Rumor has it that the ECB is poised to adjust its approach – and soon. It knows that its argument that the ELA loans are collateralized is wearing thin, given that, in many cases, the collateral has a rating below BBB-, thus falling short of investment grade.

If the ECB finally acknowledges that this will not do, and removes Greece’s liquidity safety net, the Greek government would be forced to start negotiating seriously, because waiting would no longer do it any good. But, with the stock of money sent abroad and held in cash having already ballooned to 79% of GDP, its position would remain very strong.

In other words, thanks largely to the ECB, the Greek government would be able to secure a far more favorable outcome – including increased financial assistance and reduced reform requirements – than it could have gained at any point in the past. A large share of the acquired resources measured by the TARGET balances and the cash that has been printed would turn into an endowment gift for an independent future.

Many people in Europe seem to believe that Varoufakis, an experienced game theorist but a political neophyte, does not know how to play the cards that Greece has been dealt. They should think again – before Greece walks away with the pot.

No veo la jugada. El BCE juega a largo, y además hay otros jugadores... nosotros por ejemplo. Una cantidad importante para Grecia puede ser una minucia para la unión... y un chantage no lo puede aceptar casi por definición.


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #693 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 17:54:36 pm »
Decir que "los griegos" tienen la EXCELENTE oportunidad de sacar capitales del país y que esto refuerza la posición del gobierno griego en su negociación con la troika es cuanto menos voluntarioso.

¿Acaso los millones de argentinos que se quedaron pillados con el corralito y asaltando supermercados eran unos antipatriotas?
Amos enga...


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #694 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 18:12:41 pm »
Estar ocioso es lo que tiene, acabo de terminar una excel muy simple con los datos básicos de la Eurozona 2013-14. Perdón por el redondeo y cualquier error que se me haya escapado.

Se me ha ocurrido hacer un semáforo de la Eurozona, recuerdo que PPCC hablaba del rescate de países como Bélgica, y así sale en el eurosemáforo.

Además de los PIGS, me preocupa los semáforo en ámbar; Italia y Francia. Los PIGS ya los damos por perdidos. Si excluimos a Fr e It, la economía sana de la Eurozona se acerca a un 40%. Porque aquí solo hay un país con las ideas claras, Alemania y el resto más perdidos que un pulpo en un garaje.

Me ha llamado la atención como va Reino Unido, con un déficit del 5,7%, casi nos alcanza a ES con un 5,8%.


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #695 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 18:41:03 pm »
No descartaría que Werner Sinn estuviese propagando falsedades consciente y deliberadamente...

...al fin y al cabo, si esto es un Juego donde valen los faroles, él como asesor merkeliano es un jugador más jeje

P.D.: jeje como dicen en el foro de ZH, H.W.S. nos pretende convencer pues de que Varoufakis no está jugando a John Nash, sino a Nigga Gets It
« última modificación: Mayo 30, 2015, 19:16:40 pm por lectorhinfluyente1984 »


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #696 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 19:14:39 pm »
No lo sé exactamente, pero en un contrato financiero se tendrá que estipular la divisa, ¿ right ?
Y si una divisa no existe a la fecha de contrato, no se puede estipular dicha divisa.

De los flujos de Grecia hacia el exterior, para volver a comprar deuda, se volatirizarían los contratos con el Estado que no estipulen la divisa. Es absurdo. No creo que los inversores sean tan tontos, y menos ahora.
Y la prima de riesgo debería compensar la devaluacion esperada, o no entiendo para qué la quieren. 

Yo sigo pensando que Alemania juega a convencer a los demás socios de que dejen de retrasar/impedir la unión fiscal y los controles de cuentas públicas, y entonces aceptará con resignación eso de los bonos europeos. :biggrin: Algo así.

Es que no  sólo los Griegos y los Alemanes juegan esa partida. Resulta que los demás también, Parece que no nos enteramos..

Aunque bien mirado, puede que sí nos enteremos, pero es importante hacer como si no, de cara a la galería.
Ese artículo es... un artículo de prensa.

En todo caso,  es... ¡divertido! 

« última modificación: Mayo 30, 2015, 19:16:48 pm por saturno »
Alegraos, la transición estructural, por divertida, es revolucionaria.

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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #697 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 21:14:55 pm »
Saturno, ¡en verdad que hay más jugadores! :)

Greece has very little in the way of bargaining power with European creditors.

Outside of gimmicks like tapping its SDR reserves, Athens has no cash to make payments to the IMF in June and, perhaps more importantly, there's very little in the way of wiggle room when one looks at revenues versus spending (see below), meaning Greece will also struggle to pay public sector employees which, in combination with Greeks’ consternation about the safety of their deposits, could contribute to social unrest and put unwelcome political pressure on PM Alexis Tsipras and his Syriza party that swept to power just five months ago on a defiant (and apparently naive) anti-austerity platform.

The troika (and Germany) knows this of course and they are also acutely aware that Spain's Podemos and Portugal's Socialists are watching the Greek drama closely for the slightest indication of concessions from the IMF or from the EU. In other words, the standoff is now just as much about politics as it is about economics, and the 'institutions' do not want any Syriza sympathizers to be able to say that Greece made anyone blink by threatening an exit from the currency bloc.

What all of the above means is that for better or worse, Greece has essentially no leverage because for many European officials, trading austerity concessions for the right to maintain the idea of euro indissolubility is no longer a desirable outcome as it could embolden anti-austerity governments in larger, more influential countries.

All of that said, Greece still has one card to play: the so-called 'Russian pivot'. Over the course of negotiations between Syriza and the troika Moscow has, at various times, sought to take advantage of the hostilities between Athens and Brussels by making a series of overtures including the possibility of a €5 billion advance on Greece’s portion of the Turkish Stream natural gas pipeline and an invitation for the country to join the BRICS bank, a possibility Goldman’s Jim O’Neill wrote off as a politically-motivated “joke.”

But Vladimir Putin isn’t fond of joking (unless he’s participating in his yearly town hall meeting with the Russian people) and sure enough, less than two months ahead of this year’s BRICS Summit in Ulfa, it appears Greece may accept Moscow’s invite.

Enikos has more:

Greece is preparing and will probably submit a request to participate in the new development bank for BRICS countries and has secured Russia’s support on the issue, Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told ANA-MPA news agency on Friday evening.
“During my meeting with Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak, we secured the decisive Russian support to Greece’s request for participation in the new development bank of BRICS countries. The relevant request for Greece’s participation…will be symbolic and will be paid in installments, while right after operations begin, it will be able to accept financial support,” the minister said.
Lafazanis added that technical details were also discussed on how to submit the request so that it will be accepted after discussions within the Greek government conclude.
He also noted that he also discussed the credit facility that will be provided by Russian banks to the Greek company which will undertake the construction of the new gas pipeline which will cross Greece.
“Repayment of the Russian loan will be achieved by the profits made through the operation of the pipeline and this facility is not related to loans or economic assistance between states,” he said.

As mentioned above, this comes as Russia, Brazil, India, China, and South Africa are set to officially launch the BRICS bank and a related reserve pool when the group of emerging powers convenes on July 8-9 in Russia. It also comes as Moscow looks set to put plans for a Eurasian currency bloc into motion and as the Central Bank of Russia explores the possibility of establishing a BRICS-associated alternative to SWIFT.

Additionally, China's recent $50 billion commitment to Brazil underscores the degree to which BRICS nations are expanding their economic and political cooperation in the face of declining Western hegemony. The BRICS bank speaks to the idea that the world's most influential emerging markets now feel it necessary to support each other in the face of what they view as a half-hearted attempt on the part of the world's existing multilateral institutions to serve EM interests or even to give them representation that's comparable to their place in the world economy. Here's what we said on Friday:

Much like the China-led AIIB, the BRICS bank is in many ways a response to the failure of US-dominated multilateral institutions to meet the needs of modernity and offer representation that’s commensurate with the economic clout of its members.

Why would Russia want Greece to join the bank? The motivation is clearly geopolitical consdering that Greece is broke, and what's interesting about the statement from Lafazanis is that it appears to suggest that Greece's paid in capital would come in installments while Athens would immediately be eligible for a loan from the bank.

In short, Putin would like nothing better than to establish a symbolic relationship with the first country to break from the supposedly indissoluble currency bloc, especially given the situation in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Greece is out of leverage, especially now that recent regional and municipal elections in Spain have proven to Athens' EU creditors that the austerity (or, 'fauxterity' as we're fond of calling it) revolt is very real. We'll see what, if any, impact this latest Russian pivot trial balloon has on Greek debt deal negotiations.


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #698 en: Mayo 30, 2015, 21:48:18 pm »
Y mientras, 'Sarko' vuelve con más fuerzas (si los tribunales le dejan  :roto2: )


Algunas perlas del nuevo "Republicano":

Derecha "de toda la vida":

un canto a los valores tradicionales: la familia, la escuela, la autoridad, “la moral compartida” o “la herencia de la civilización cristiana”.

¿Rusia no es tan mala como nos pintan?:

En su arremetida contra el poder actual dijo haber sentido “vergüenza y tristeza” porque el presidente François Hollande ha preferido entrevistarse en Cuba con Fidel Castro “en lugar de rendir homenaje al pueblo ruso” en el reciente aniversario del fin de la II Guerra Mundial.

Cantos de lamento por la pérdida de grandeur europea:

Otra de sus críticas se centró en la Unión Europea. También abogó por “refundarla”. “Literalmente”, remachó. Para él, la UE ha fracasado en Ucrania y Oriente Próximo y se equivoca cuando propone el reparto por cuotas de refugiados. Por eso, llegó a preguntarse en tono apocalíptico: “¿Hemos creado Europa para que Europa y la civilización europea desaparezcan?”; “¿a qué grado de impotencia política, diplomática, militar y económica habrá que llegar para que Europa cambie?”.

“No se es ciudadano francés solo por vivir o tener un empleo en Francia, sino por compartir una lengua, una cultura, una moral común, un modo de vida”. “La República os respeta, pero vosotros tenéis que respetar la República”.

Se puede estar de acuerdo o no con él, se puede pensar que es un tipo con buena labia que intenta quedarse con el personal, pero hay buenos mimbres en ese discurso para la aparición de una derecha a nivel europea con una ideología coherente.

Lo que tengo claro es que el futuro de Europa está en Francia. Sin una Francia decidida no hay nada que hacer. La tecnocracia alemana podrá administrar bien pero sin Política no hay nada y en eso a los habitantes del Hexágono no les gana casi nadie.

« última modificación: Mayo 30, 2015, 21:51:25 pm por españavabien »
"Además, yo vi otra cosa bajo el sol: la carrera no la gana el más veloz, ni el más fuerte triunfa en el combate; el pan no pertenece al más sabio, ni la riqueza al más inteligente, ni es favorecido el más capaz, porque en todo interviene el tiempo y el azar."


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #699 en: Junio 01, 2015, 05:32:45 am »
Terruños de geometría (literalmente) variable


¡Nosotros también podríamos recrear una República Ibérica Federal Descentralizada... y No-Étnica!

« última modificación: Junio 01, 2015, 05:44:58 am por lectorhinfluyente1984 »

Mad Men

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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #700 en: Junio 01, 2015, 11:51:41 am »
Terruños de geometría (literalmente) variable


¡Nosotros también podríamos recrear una República Ibérica Federal Descentralizada... y No-Étnica!

Pues lo que están debatiendo los Alemanes me parece muy interesante. De hecho, no sería mala idea fusionar las CC.AA en cuatro o cinco regiones federales, la mierda mamandurriera y corrupta que nos sacaríamos de encima.

Glen Radar

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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #701 en: Junio 01, 2015, 12:30:28 pm »
Pues lo que están debatiendo los Alemanes me parece muy interesante. De hecho, no sería mala idea fusionar las CC.AA en cuatro o cinco regiones federales, la mierda mamandurriera y corrupta que nos sacaríamos de encima.

Si se hiciese siguiendo un criterio jacobino (es decir, basado en la geografía y no en el pseudohistoricismo etnicista), no estaría mal. El peligro estriba en crear Euskalherrías y Països Catalans para solaz de las oligarquías y los caciques de turno. Y, por desgracia, en España nos hemos vuelto demasiado sentimentaloides como para afrontar estas cuestiones con racionalidad y visión a largo plazo.


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #702 en: Junio 01, 2015, 12:49:25 pm »
Me parece ciencia ficción pensar que algo así en España es posible. Se lía la de dios es cristo solamente con proponer un plan hidrológico que afecte a más de una provincia.


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #703 en: Junio 02, 2015, 19:21:52 pm »
Peligroso es eso de crear macro-regiones. Porque al final podríamos resucitar a Castilla.Hacer resucitar a Castilla, nos llevaría a tener los mismos problemas que en UK, donde la existencia de un ente fantasmagórico que no existe oficialmente en ningún sitio pero que existe en la realidad, llamada Inglaterra y que tiene más del 80% de la población, hace que el federalismo sea inviable.
"Además, yo vi otra cosa bajo el sol: la carrera no la gana el más veloz, ni el más fuerte triunfa en el combate; el pan no pertenece al más sabio, ni la riqueza al más inteligente, ni es favorecido el más capaz, porque en todo interviene el tiempo y el azar."


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Re:Hablemos de Europa
« Respuesta #704 en: Junio 02, 2015, 20:06:06 pm »
A ver qué pasa finalmente con UK...
Entre estos y el TTIP tenemos dos buenos caballos de troya metidos en Europa. :-[
No es signo de buena salud el estar bien adaptado a una sociedad profundamente enferma


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