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Autor Tema: PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021  (Leído 519184 veces)

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #825 en: Enero 24, 2021, 11:14:55 am »
Me alegro que ppcc admita por fin el blanqueo como punto clave de la burbuja
Jamás he leído eso.  ???

¿Y el 15% la cocaína en EEUU?
En Colombia no llega al 1%
« última modificación: Enero 24, 2021, 11:17:45 am por CHOSEN »


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #826 en: Enero 24, 2021, 11:16:25 am »

Las restricciones para frenar las nuevas cepas alejan la economía de la recuperación

La tercera ola del coronavirus se agiganta en Europa a lomos de las nuevas variantes

(...) A la espera, no solo de que la vacunación avance, sino de que se pruebe eficaz contra las nuevas cepas y para cortar la transmisión del SARS-CoV-2, los expertos sanitarios urgen a tomar más medidas para frenar el avance del virus, que puede colapsar los servicios hospitalarios. El director del Centro de Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias del Ministerio de Sanidad, Fernando Simón, advirtió el jueves en rueda de prensa que la cepa británica será la “dominante” en marzo en España, mientras que el primer ministro británico, Boris Johnson, ha asegurado ayer de que empieza a haber evidencias de que esta variante es más mortal. Concretamente, un 30% más en los mayores de 60 años.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #827 en: Enero 24, 2021, 11:49:35 am »
The Observer en su línea...Grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence  :'(


The bill for Boris Johnson’s Brexit is coming in and it’s punishingly steep

(...) You will recall that it was one of the Brexiters’ signature promises that departure from the EU would be a liberating moment. A buccaneering free trade Britain would flourish as wealth creators were unshackled from the stifling regulatory chains of Brussels. What Brexit has actually done is impose a vast amount of cumbersome and costly new bureaucracy on exporters and importers. British companies have been put in a chokehold of regulations, customs declarations, conformity assessments, health and rules-of-origin certifications, VAT demands and inflated shipping charges. While some ministers talk about reducing worker protections in the name of “cutting red tape”, a move for which there is little demand even from employers, Brexit is ensnaring British businesses in writhing snakes of the stuff. I guess Jacob Rees-Mogg, he who thinks that fish unable to reach EU markets are “happier” knowing they are British, will claim that struggling British exporters should be patriotically proud to be throttled by red, white and blue tape.

(...) The HMRC estimates that Brexit demands that British companies complete 215m additional, often highly complex, documents a year with a mirroring amount of extra paperwork also being generated by EU counter-parties. The cost of that alone on British businesses is thought to be around £7bn a year. If you make exporting and importing more difficult and more sluggish, at the same time as making cross-border transactions a great deal more costly, then it stands to reason that there will be less trade.

Faced with the heavy burdens imposed by Brexit, some companies will stop exporting to the EU because they can no longer find any profit in it. Other companies will move elements of their operations – and, in some cases, all of their business – out of the UK to inside the EU. Investment, jobs and tax revenues that would have benefited the UK will in future go to countries in the EU instead. This is already happening. Other companies will simply find that Brexit has left them unviable. Overwhelmed by the new costs, they will go to the wall. That will be especially so for those who were already struggling to survive because of the coronavirus crisis.

British business lost to European competitors. British entrepreneurs crushed. British jobs exported abroad. Welcome to the Brexit.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #828 en: Enero 24, 2021, 16:29:24 pm »
Me alegro que ppcc admita por fin el blanqueo como punto clave de la burbuja
Jamás he leído eso.  ???

¿Y el 15% la cocaína en EEUU?
En Colombia no llega al 1%

Thoumi lo cifra en el 25% de toda la actividad financiera de EEUU, aquí Haken dice que el 85% del beneficio por tráfico de drogas se queda en el país, por importes al nivel de la industria:


a los altos réditos que la economía ilícita –producto de la prohibición misma– genera a la economía mundial. Según los cálculos
dados por la UNODC, el narcotráfico en general mueve alrededor de 320 mil millones de
dólares anualmente, siendo este, la principal
y más rentable economía criminal del mundo
actual (Haken, 2011).

Esta cifra, nada despreciable, reforzaría
por sí sola la tesis de la importancia que representa este mercado en la economía mundial; es más, entraría en competencia con otro
tipo de sectores o áreas altamente lucrativas como los automotores (770 mil millones);
la fabricación de productos de refinación de petróleos (668 mil millones); y la extracción de petróleo y gas natural (617 mil millones).
Esto quiere decir que la economía del narco-tráfico aproximadamente representaría la mitad de cada uno de estos sectores y estaría a la
par con la fabricación de radios, televisores y celulares en importancia (356 mil millones).(6)
Por consiguiente, desprenderse de este mercado generaría efectos devastadores en el sistema financiero internacional

A esta situación se sumaría la alta dependencia de las economías capitalistas a este tipo
de economía. Según Haken (2011), el 85% de los ingresos del mercado de la cocaína vendida
en los Estados Unidos va a parar a la economía de este país
. Esto quiere decir que el grueso de la rentabilidad de esta economía ilícita se queda en los centros de consumo y no retornan a los centros de producción como se suele creer.

la cosa es, que mientras haya grandes cantidades de dinero que blanquear (1KG de Cocaina = 600.000eur en la calle), el vehículo sobrevivirá viento y marea, si es necesario matando a su huesped com oparece que está pasando.

y añado... el que averigue cuál será el vehículo de relevo de blanqueo, se hará millonario (no puede perder)


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“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #830 en: Enero 24, 2021, 18:11:42 pm »

Sorry, but debt forgiveness is not going to happen

Cancelling the debt central banks have bought is not a fair way to address the economic challenges we face today, argues Rui Soares.

It is a law of finance that as government deficits balloon, calls for debt forgiveness grow. And, sure enough, this time is no different. In November, Riccardo Fraccaro, Italian cabinet under-secretary and close aide to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, floated the idea of the European Central Bank cancelling government bonds bought during the pandemic.

Putting our cynicism to one side for a moment, there are sound reasons for such calls. Chief among them is that debt cancellation would allow for a normalisation of monetary policy: one could end quantitative easing by in effect pretending it never happened, raising interest rates back closer to their historical norms with no fear of stirring a financial meltdown, and restoring the global economy to the world we knew prior to the great financial crisis. One might also argue that the growing inequality triggered by asset price inflation could be brought under control too.

Alas, this is all way too optimistic. And the reason is this:

Across advanced economies, debts have piled up. All of those countries listed above have, to varying degrees, significantly higher burdens now than they did in 2002. But, as the chart above shows, the nature of the current debt boom differs spectacularly from state to state.

Switzerland is a case in point: perceived (rightly) as a bastion of fiscal prudence, it is actually more leveraged than Italy — seen as a case study in profligacy — when you consider sources of debt beyond the state. Swiss mortgages, it turns out, are a formidable debt burden indeed.

And herein lies the problem. Most of the calls for debt forgiveness focus on forgiveness of sovereign debt. But, while that would enable a country such as Italy to handle higher interest rates, the same cannot be said about Switzerland -- Swiss homeowners would remain highly indebted and face real difficulties in a higher interest rate regime making it eventually unsustainable.

One might argue that, with central banks’ buying sprees including ever more corporate debt, mortgage-backed securities and other assets, at some point enough debt from all economic sectors will be held by them that we can then cancel debt across the board.

Sounds easy. But it isn't. How could you possibly justify cancelling the debt of highly leveraged company A and not of its competitor company B, which happens to only have bank loans but no bonds outstanding that the central bank can buy? Not to mention the adverse impact of debt cancellation on the competitive position of company C, who happens to be debt-free. This question is especially pertinent given the inability of smaller firms to tap bond markets — especially in Europe — which has meant that they have not benefited directly from quantitative easing, under which only bonds have been purchased.

You can apply much the same logic to the distributional effects of cancelling mortgages. Could citizens who have mortgages, many of whom tend to come from higher income brackets, be favoured over those who don't? One might argue that QE, by raising asset prices, favours the rich. But central banks such as the ECB have also argued that, by raising growth, the policy also helps the most vulnerable by lowering unemployment. Cancelling debt, on the other hand, would involve very explicit income distribution policy choices being made by non-elected public servants. Don't count on that happening any time soon. Central bankers' independence to set monetary policy as they see fit has already come under enough pressure since the financial crisis; officials will not want to risk further public anger.

There are plenty of reasons why we need to rid ourselves of the low-rate, high-debt world we’ve ended up in. From income inequality to low productivity growth, the economic problems befalling the world’s largest economies should be at the top of the political agenda. But solving them will require tools other than debt cancellation.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #831 en: Enero 24, 2021, 18:20:31 pm »

Sunak plan to end UK stamp duty holiday boosted by housing boom data

New data showing a boom in house prices and transactions during the coronavirus crisis has strengthened chancellor Rishi Sunak’s hand as he prepares to end the stamp duty holiday.

Mr Sunak introduced the tax break to provide an “immediate stimulus” to the economy last July. The Treasury said it intends to end the policy as planned on March 31.

The property industry has urged him to consider extending the exemption on the first £500,000 of residential property purchases, but Mr Sunak has told Tory MPs he needs to make “tough choices” to start restoring order to the public finances.

“The position is as laid out last July,” the Treasury said, referring to the announcement at the time that the temporary stimulus measure, which could save a buyer up to £15,000, would run to the end on March. Some in the Treasury fear that an extension of a few months would simply create another cliff edge.

This week new data reinforced the Treasury’s view that the policy had fuelled the property market and while it had helped protect jobs in the industry, it has also pushed the price of homes further out of reach of first time buyers.

New HM Revenue & Customs figures found that residential transactions were 31.5 per cent higher in December 2020 compared with December 2019 and were up 13.1 per cent from November 2020.

UK average house prices increased 7.6 per cent in the year to November 2020 — the highest rate since June 2016. The average house price is now £250,000 while in London prices passed £500,000 for the first time.

The Treasury said last month that stamp duty land tax raised “several billion pounds a year” that was needed to fund essential public services.

While Mr Sunak’s Budget on March 3 will focus on protecting jobs through what he hopes will be the final phase of the pandemic, the housing market looks less precarious than other parts of the economy.

The end of the stamp duty holiday would dismay estate agents and other property professionals. They have warned that ending the holiday in March would risk the collapse of thousands of deals yet to be completed, while an extension would also bring wider economic benefits.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #832 en: Enero 24, 2021, 18:29:25 pm »
...r (1KG de Cocaina = 600.000eur en la calle), el vehículo sobrevivirá viento y marea, si es necesario matando a su huesped com oparece que está pasando.

600,000? Creo que te sobra un 0. 60,000 a precio de consumidor, 60 Euros por gramo. Al por mayor la mitad, pero como la cortan pues de 1kg de cocaina sacan 2,000 gramos. Como los panes y los peces.

No soy consumidor ni aficionado.
'Es enfermizo estar bien adaptado a una sociedad profundamente enferma.'
-  Jiddu Krishnamurti


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #833 en: Enero 24, 2021, 18:33:17 pm »
...r (1KG de Cocaina = 600.000eur en la calle), el vehículo sobrevivirá viento y marea, si es necesario matando a su huesped com oparece que está pasando.

600,000? Creo que te sobra un 0. 60,000 a precio de consumidor, 60 Euros por gramo. Al por mayor la mitad, pero como la cortan pues de 1kg de cocaina sacan 2,000 gramos. Como los panes y los peces.

No soy consumidor ni aficionado.


un gramo puro no cuesta más de cincuenta céntimos de euro  en origen, y ese gramo aquí, reducido a un 10%, les costará sesenta eur.


0.50 un gramo al 100%
60 un gramo al 10%

Si compramos lo clásico: anfetas, benzocaina, algún laxante medio aparente, algo de caliche de la pared, un poco de lactosa, algo de sacarosa y mezclamos esa masita, tenemos que:

de un gramo puro podemos obtener diez gramos a un diez por ciento

Si por un gramo puro nos cuesta medio euro y sacamos diez gramos a sesenta euros cada uno:


Por medio euro (más el añadido, que no es mucho) podemos obtener 60 euros por 10.

Es decir: 600 euros.

Por diez gramos, podemos ganar 6000 euros. Y por cien, 60000

Y por un kilo, que son mil gramos: 600000


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #834 en: Enero 24, 2021, 18:43:16 pm »
Chamaleon, que yo sepa de memoria el calculo en UK de la aportacion de prostitucion y cocaina en el PIB la hace el Instituto nacional de Estadística y no llegaba al 1% del PIB

Cifras bastante atrasadas pero no creo que haya habido incrementos significativos de consumos de uno y otro.

'Es enfermizo estar bien adaptado a una sociedad profundamente enferma.'
-  Jiddu Krishnamurti


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #835 en: Enero 24, 2021, 18:47:23 pm »
¿Y dónde suelen terminar esos dineros opacos? Hay que reformular la consabida frase de Garganta profunda* y dejarla tal que así: 'Follow the brick'

Noticia del  27/11/2020

El pasado lunes, y de forma simultánea en varios países europeos y Brasil, se llevó a cabo un amplio dispositivo operativo contra una organización dedicada al transporte de grandes cantidades de droga, por vía marítima y aérea, y al blanqueo de dinero ilícito

En total se han realizado 179 registros domiciliarios con la detención de 45 personas -en Brasil, Bélgica, España y Dubai-, y se han intervenido 167 viviendas, 12 millones de euros en efectivo y 70 vehículos de lujo, entre otros efectos

Los investigadores estiman que la red desmantelada introducía en Europa unas 45 toneladas de cocaína al año, por los que habría obtenido un beneficio económico que rondaría los 100 millones de euros en los últimos seis meses

En España, los agentes han detenido a una persona en Motril (Granada) y han llevado a cabo el registro de tres domicilios en Málaga, además de intervenir dos inmuebles valorados en 4.000.000 euros, cinco vehículos de alta gama y bloquear numerosas cuentas y productos bancarios




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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #836 en: Enero 24, 2021, 19:13:27 pm »
Por poder, puede cortarla al 1% si quiere.
O hace sucusion como los de la homeopatía y la corta al 1٪0

A 6000 el gramo.

Además de que el corte máximo es al menudeo,  y esa pasta no se suele blanquear. Va a gasto corriente.
No me creo que la pasta de los traficantes generen más de un 1% del pib. Y de esa, que no vaya a gasto corriente ni un 0,5.

Era lo último que iba quedando de un pasado cuyo aniquilamiento no se consumaba, porque seguía aniquilándose indefinidamente, consumiéndose dentro de sí mismo, acabándose a cada minuto pero sin acabar de acabarse jamás.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #837 en: Enero 24, 2021, 19:15:51 pm »
(El vehículo ideal para blanqueo de dinero negro es la deuda pública. Los inmuebles sirven para blanquear dinero negro solo porque el Estado lo tolera. Hubo un tiempo en que nosotros usamos el nickname 'dos dineros' para hacer ver que la burbuja se alimentaba de dinero bancario —préstamos bancarios— y de dinero negro —rentas ocultadas al fisco—.)


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #838 en: Enero 24, 2021, 19:42:31 pm »
Recuerdo en el 2009, cuando se barajaba quien caeria por la prima de riesgo, Italia estaba muy arriba (antes que Grecia), y halle-op. Toda la deuda publica emitida y vendida!!!. Creo que ayudo, si no recuerdo mal, que berlusconi dijo que no "miraria" el origen del dinero.  8)

(El vehículo ideal para blanqueo de dinero negro es la deuda pública. Los inmuebles sirven para blanquear dinero negro solo porque el Estado lo tolera. Hubo un tiempo en que nosotros usamos el nickname 'xxxxxxxx' para hacer ver que la burbuja se alimentaba de dinero bancario —préstamos bancarios— y de dinero negro —rentas ocultadas al fisco—.)
« última modificación: Enero 24, 2021, 21:01:31 pm por siempretarde »
"La humildad es el elixir que cura la frustracion, la pena y la ira".


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #839 en: Enero 24, 2021, 19:56:45 pm »

Montana governor calls on Biden to rethink Keystone Pipeline decision: ‘It’s a lifeline’

Gov. Gianforte argues the decision is 'eco-terrorists weighing in with the president'

With the signing of an executive order last week, President Biden blocked work on the Keystone XL Pipeline as an environmental precaution, but Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte called on the newly elected leader to reconsider his decision.

Gianforte, a Republican, told "Fox & Friends Weekend" that not only is the pipeline expected to create thousands of jobs across the U.S., it is also crucial for preserving the livelihood of many people in his state.

“The Keystone XL Pipeline is a lifeline for rural Montana,” he said. “Over $100 million in annual taxes that we were counting on to pay for teachers, to pay for law enforcement, to pay for infrastructure--we need this in rural Montana.”

According to the governor, the pipeline is already the most “economical and environmentally sensitive” way to transfer crude oil to market, and blames the president’s decision on “partisan behavior.”(...)
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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