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Autor Tema: PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021  (Leído 519554 veces)

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #990 en: Enero 28, 2021, 17:24:44 pm »

 >:( >:(


Yo estoy empezando a estar hasta los mismísimos de que siempre ganen los mismos, y en cuanto alguien les hace caer en su propia trampa se cambien las reglas del juego.

Llámese GME, llámese pisitos, aquí siempre pringa la MN y las manos fuertes se lo llevan crudo.

Y suben los hactibos, y los mercaos.

Las declaraciones de la mandamas del Nasdaq han sido bastante claras. Resumiendo que o ganan los de siempre (grandes bancos, fondos,...) o que se lleva la pelota y que se acaba el partido.

En reddit quieren presentar una demanda colectiva porque se huelen lo que va a pasar pero la justicia funciona como funciona y la política ni que digamos. Deberían de organizarse en reddit para comprar políticos en Washington  8). Eso funciona mejor, y hoy por hoy, los políticos norteamericanos no son tan caros según dicen. Pero a ver quien compite en estas cosas con Wall Street.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #991 en: Enero 28, 2021, 17:54:28 pm »

Robinhood App Rating Drops to 1-Star After Restricting GameStop, AMC

Oh it’s going to be one of those weird days, folks, be ready.

Robinhood, the stock app that wanted to “democratize finance for all,” sure stepped away from that message this morning when they stopped all of its users from being able to buy stocks from GameStop ($GME), AMC ($AMC), Nokia ($NOK), Blackberry ($BB), and others. The service has since seen one hell of a backlash that has not only anger thousands and thousands of retail traders, they’ve seen their Google Play app rating drop immediately to 1-star after more users than I can count are letting the company know that they are not pleased.

The backstory here is quite lengthy, but Robinhood put a block on buying of those stocks after they deemed there to be “significant market volatility.” If you have been following the story of GameStop’s stock price over the past week, that “volatility” they point out has to do with a flood of stock purchases that raised the value of GameStop so significantly, that it basically bankrupted Melvin Capital, a hedge fund who held a huge short position in $GME.

As this week kicked off, the growing power over at /r/wallstreetbets that helped boost the GameStop situation had found several other stocks to try and take on next, AMC being a good example. Those stocks, as you can probably guess, are a part of the list of stocks that Robinhood put a halt on this morning.

Robinhood put out a statement to try and address this move of theirs, but it has not been received well. Many are calling this outright market manipulation and there are threats of class action lawsuits on the horizon. I don’t know how this shakes out, but it certainly doesn’t look good for Robinhood.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl

el malo

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #992 en: Enero 28, 2021, 18:06:11 pm »
Mira, puedo comprender tu enfado, por algo muy sencillo: "mi depot tiene mas muescas que granos de arena el mar".

Yo creo que no hay postura con la que no me la hayan pegado: Vamos, como para escribir un libro.

Yo de cada "experiencia" he aprendido. Y he encontrado "mi lugar".

Que los hactibos suben, pues te quedas fuera, hace como un mes dije que yo me iba fuera, porque no me gustaba como estaba la cosa... ayer y hoy mete-sacas. Buscame en el "mercao" a ver si me encuentras ....  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

La avaricia, el miedo, la esperanza ... Normalmente definen la bolsa como un casino, y yo no estoy de acuerdo, es un teatro, y o pones pasta en la mesa o no te metes en la representacion. Eso si, gratis lo puedes ver...pero desde la butaca.

En el escenario tienes que pagar. OK??

Que los mercados no representan la realidad actual: Pues cojxxxxx, te sientas y miras... como yo hago.

Que vienen tiempos malos ... y peores, tu no me conoces ... "La esperanza es lo ultimo que muere, pero MUERE". Y los anos venideros van a ser duros, pero que muy duros. Hubiese preferido una buena crisis en el 2008-9, es lo que hay, yo solo soy una pulga subida al perro, subido al elefante que campea por ahi.

Yo naci muy poble amijo. Para mi esto a ser "back to the roots".

PD: Te enfadan mis post, pues falle. Y no es un buen punto de partida para comenzar algo, mofarse de la desgracia ajena. Fue su riesgo, y perdieron, pero eso no es causa de alegria, al menos para mi.

PD2: Me he estado mirando mas concretamente los volumenes, y ojo, que aqui hay mas que una "cruzada". Repito "hay gente mu mala en este mundo".

Bueno, que hay risas ... pues bien. Mejor eso que amargarse.

Que como acabara esto ... ,pues como que ya lo he visto un par de veces. Opciones:

a) Se sacan a la empresas de cotizacion, ampliacion extraordinaria de capital. Un mes para que los que estan dentro se lo piensen, se abren las compuertas y -90% u mas.....
b) En otras, se cambia para regulacion para esa empresa en concreto, por un tiempo determinado (aka alargamos vencimientos put/call)....y cosas mas "feas", que el diablo sabe mas por viejo que por diablo.

Esto es un: "Venga tio.... por un par de euros, unas risas", bueno hay gente que va al teatro por lo mismo. Las maquinas se deben de estar partiendo los transistores, por que los largos se estan "forrando". Cuidao que en este mundo hay gente "mu" mala y s´aprovechan-de-los-pobles-de´graciaos.

Cada uno con su dinero que haga lo que quiera (400 por unas risas ..., que cada uno haga cuentas). Es mas, alguien ha dado bastante en el punto diciendo, que es buena excusa para luego hacer otras cosas. Recuerden estamos en la "cima" y cualquier excusa es buena. Las razones para caer estan claras, pero nos faltan "culpables".

Nunca me han gustado los cortos, y menos como hoy en dia se hacen, pero .... yo, a lo mio .... a mis mete-sacas. (No he tocado ninguna de las empresas de las que se esta hablando, pfui!!!!).

Yo personalmente no lo encuentro divertido. Cada uno con su opinion.

 >:( >:(


Yo estoy empezando a estar hasta los mismísimos de que siempre ganen los mismos, y en cuanto alguien les hace caer en su propia trampa se cambien las reglas del juego.

Llámese GME, llámese pisitos, aquí siempre pringa la MN y las manos fuertes se lo llevan crudo.

Y suben los hactibos, y los mercaos.

No se que ha podido llevar a interpretación en mi post que el enfado era con usted, pero ni mucho menos. El enfado es con los contínuos ataques que está habiendo para cortarle las alas a esta subida.

No se puede defender el libre mercado y luego empezar a jugar sucio o romper la baraja cuando alguien te la mete doblada jugando limpio. Eso es lo que me enfada.

Cuando hubo el ataque con cortos contra VAG, lo vimos desde la barrera. No había motivo, era un puro movimiento especulador para sacar pasta a base de joder una empresa. Pero VAG tiene mucho músculo y no salió bien.

Ahora se hace lo mismo con una empresilla y las gacelas se alían para que no caiga. Troleada o no, las gacelas no han hecho nada fuera de las reglas del juego.

Como esto puede sentar un precedente muy peligroso, se juega muy muy sucio. ¿Qué es lo siguiente? ¿Prohibir los foros de bolsa en Internet? ¿Aceptamos que nos cierren TE no vaya a ser que nos organicemos y le jodamos el bonus al director de algún fondo buitre de pisitos?

Eso es lo que me cabrea. Que aquí tienen que ganar siempre los fuertes por Decreto Ley.

Entiendo que usted tenga sus motivos y que esta troleada de Reddit no le haga ni pizca de gracia. Es su opinión y la respeto. Si ha pensado que el enfado era con usted, le aclaro que nada más lejos ;)


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #993 en: Enero 28, 2021, 18:10:31 pm »

EU orders inspection of AstraZeneca's Belgium site following vaccine delivery delays
From CNN's Niamh Kennedy and James Frater

Belgian health authorities – at the request of the European Commission – conducted “an inspection” of AstraZeneca’s Belgian production facility Wednesday “to ensure that the delay in the delivery of the vaccines is indeed due to a production problem at the Belgian site,” France Dammel, spokesperson for Belgian Health Minister Frank Vandenbroucke said in a statement.

“Belgian experts are looking into the elements obtained during this inspection visit, together with Dutch, Italian and Spanish experts,” Dammel said, adding that the report is expected in a few days.

Last week, AstraZeneca told the European Commission and EU member states that it intends to supply the bloc with fewer vaccine doses than previously agreed.

In June 2020 AstraZeneca entered into a partnership with French manufacturing company Novasep to produce its vaccine supply.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #994 en: Enero 28, 2021, 18:25:41 pm »
Lo debo de haber interpretado mal.

VAG?? o AIXTRON que tambien fue una de las buenas ...

La tenian a algo asi como 1 eur (ya hace un par de anos y no recuerdo bien como andaba), pues fondos USA se metieron cortos hasta arriba.

Los chinos echaron cuentas, y se dieron cuenta, para que comprar las maquinas para procesadores, si podemos comprar la empresa?.
Pues metieron una oferta a 6 EUR. y todos con los pantalones abajo.
Subio a 6 EUR, pues como vieron que fue una pillada de libro, pues el gobierno aleman (tras recibir alguna que otra llamada) dijo que era empresa estrategica, y ni por 6 ni por 600 ...
La tiraron para abajo, para que los fondos pudieran salir, y hoy pues anda sobre los 15 EUR.

Buena pieza de teatro .... de estas te puedo contar 1000.

Y lo de ahora ... mucho ojo.

PD:2016 3 EUR mira la subida a 6 y la bajada a 3 :) luego casi a 20 :)

Mira, puedo comprender tu enfado, por algo muy sencillo: "mi depot tiene mas muescas que granos de arena el mar".

Yo creo que no hay postura con la que no me la hayan pegado: Vamos, como para escribir un libro.

Yo de cada "experiencia" he aprendido. Y he encontrado "mi lugar".

Que los hactibos suben, pues te quedas fuera, hace como un mes dije que yo me iba fuera, porque no me gustaba como estaba la cosa... ayer y hoy mete-sacas. Buscame en el "mercao" a ver si me encuentras ....  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

La avaricia, el miedo, la esperanza ... Normalmente definen la bolsa como un casino, y yo no estoy de acuerdo, es un teatro, y o pones pasta en la mesa o no te metes en la representacion. Eso si, gratis lo puedes ver...pero desde la butaca.

En el escenario tienes que pagar. OK??

Que los mercados no representan la realidad actual: Pues cojxxxxx, te sientas y miras... como yo hago.

Que vienen tiempos malos ... y peores, tu no me conoces ... "La esperanza es lo ultimo que muere, pero MUERE". Y los anos venideros van a ser duros, pero que muy duros. Hubiese preferido una buena crisis en el 2008-9, es lo que hay, yo solo soy una pulga subida al perro, subido al elefante que campea por ahi.

Yo naci muy poble amijo. Para mi esto a ser "back to the roots".

PD: Te enfadan mis post, pues falle. Y no es un buen punto de partida para comenzar algo, mofarse de la desgracia ajena. Fue su riesgo, y perdieron, pero eso no es causa de alegria, al menos para mi.

PD2: Me he estado mirando mas concretamente los volumenes, y ojo, que aqui hay mas que una "cruzada". Repito "hay gente mu mala en este mundo".

Bueno, que hay risas ... pues bien. Mejor eso que amargarse.

Que como acabara esto ... ,pues como que ya lo he visto un par de veces. Opciones:

a) Se sacan a la empresas de cotizacion, ampliacion extraordinaria de capital. Un mes para que los que estan dentro se lo piensen, se abren las compuertas y -90% u mas.....
b) En otras, se cambia para regulacion para esa empresa en concreto, por un tiempo determinado (aka alargamos vencimientos put/call)....y cosas mas "feas", que el diablo sabe mas por viejo que por diablo.

Esto es un: "Venga tio.... por un par de euros, unas risas", bueno hay gente que va al teatro por lo mismo. Las maquinas se deben de estar partiendo los transistores, por que los largos se estan "forrando". Cuidao que en este mundo hay gente "mu" mala y s´aprovechan-de-los-pobles-de´graciaos.

Cada uno con su dinero que haga lo que quiera (400 por unas risas ..., que cada uno haga cuentas). Es mas, alguien ha dado bastante en el punto diciendo, que es buena excusa para luego hacer otras cosas. Recuerden estamos en la "cima" y cualquier excusa es buena. Las razones para caer estan claras, pero nos faltan "culpables".

Nunca me han gustado los cortos, y menos como hoy en dia se hacen, pero .... yo, a lo mio .... a mis mete-sacas. (No he tocado ninguna de las empresas de las que se esta hablando, pfui!!!!).

Yo personalmente no lo encuentro divertido. Cada uno con su opinion.

 >:( >:(


Yo estoy empezando a estar hasta los mismísimos de que siempre ganen los mismos, y en cuanto alguien les hace caer en su propia trampa se cambien las reglas del juego.

Llámese GME, llámese pisitos, aquí siempre pringa la MN y las manos fuertes se lo llevan crudo.

Y suben los hactibos, y los mercaos.

No se que ha podido llevar a interpretación en mi post que el enfado era con usted, pero ni mucho menos. El enfado es con los contínuos ataques que está habiendo para cortarle las alas a esta subida.

No se puede defender el libre mercado y luego empezar a jugar sucio o romper la baraja cuando alguien te la mete doblada jugando limpio. Eso es lo que me enfada.

Cuando hubo el ataque con cortos contra VAG, lo vimos desde la barrera. No había motivo, era un puro movimiento especulador para sacar pasta a base de joder una empresa. Pero VAG tiene mucho músculo y no salió bien.

Ahora se hace lo mismo con una empresilla y las gacelas se alían para que no caiga. Troleada o no, las gacelas no han hecho nada fuera de las reglas del juego.

Como esto puede sentar un precedente muy peligroso, se juega muy muy sucio. ¿Qué es lo siguiente? ¿Prohibir los foros de bolsa en Internet? ¿Aceptamos que nos cierren TE no vaya a ser que nos organicemos y le jodamos el bonus al director de algún fondo buitre de pisitos?

Eso es lo que me cabrea. Que aquí tienen que ganar siempre los fuertes por Decreto Ley.

Entiendo que usted tenga sus motivos y que esta troleada de Reddit no le haga ni pizca de gracia. Es su opinión y la respeto. Si ha pensado que el enfado era con usted, le aclaro que nada más lejos ;)
« última modificación: Enero 28, 2021, 18:33:49 pm por siempretarde »
"La humildad es el elixir que cura la frustracion, la pena y la ira".


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #995 en: Enero 28, 2021, 19:24:26 pm »

GameStop head-spinning volatility may be only the beginning of a new wave

A behavioral economist thinks the wild trading in GameStop is the beginning of a major shift in investing power.
“The people are saying, ‘Screw Wall Street,’” said the University of Chicago’s Alex Imas.

Trading in GameStop has reached fever-pitched levels that shows little sign of breaking.

Despite the plunge in prices during Thursday’s session after several brokerages put limits on buying and selling, the stock is up a head-spinning 500 percent in a week.

It’s possible this is just the beginning of a new wave for Wall Street. 

“The people are saying, ‘Screw Wall Street,’” said Alex Imas, a behavioral economist at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.

Imas said we may be seeing a major change in the power of social media networks when it comes to influencing tradeable assets.

“What we’ve seen from this episode with GameStop is that networks like Reddit have the power to move a stock faster and further and to hold it at elevated levels longer than believed, and coordination on these platforms is allowing it to happen.

Investors have become used to a system where the stock market provides a place where people get independent signals and decide on their own if it’s time to buy or sell. But, Imas said, “these social networks that can be a platform for the large scale coordination of an idea can make an asset depart from its fundamental value.”

Traditional Wall Street analysts who cover the ailing brick-and-mortar video game maker clearly don’t believe there is a fundamental case for the stock to be up 1,400% in the first few weeks of 2021. As GameStop rose to stratospheric levels, Bank of America analysts covering the stock once again told investors to take their profits now.

In an investor note Wednesday, they said the stock is worth a mere $10 a share.

“The more business shifts from in-store transactions, the more difficult it will be to sell high margin pre-owned and collectible merchandise” which accounted for 46% of GameStop’s sales in 2019, the analysts said.   

Of the six analysts covering the stock recorded by FactSet, the highest price target is $33 a share, that’s less 12 percent of the stock’s current value of $267 per share as of middy Thursday.

There are other examples of when prices have soared, departing from fundamental value, but not like this — where a group of people suddenly decided to coordinate to drive a stock up. Anything with a dot-com suffix rose through the late 1990s during a tech boom stock market experts had trouble explaining.

In December 1996 then-Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of “irrational exuberance” in the stock market.

In March 2000, the Nasdaq hit a high of 5,048 before losing 76 percent of its value over the next two years. The runup was due to many factors, including the birth of internet stock chat rooms, but nothing with the power we see today on platforms like Reddit.

Imas said Wall Street is going to have to contend with the fact that this new form of grassroots collaborative investing is changing the landscape. “Investors have shown they can organize and have the ability to coordinate for kicks, like it’s a game, and can clearly make real money at the same time,” he said.

He added that it doesn’t appear there’s anything illegal with the process “and I don’t see why we won’t see more of this and why people won’t get together as a group and make some money.”  The coordination “can apply to anything that’s tradeable,” he said.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #996 en: Enero 28, 2021, 19:34:45 pm »

How Trumpism explains the GameStop stock surge

(CNN)At the core of Donald Trump's angry populist appeal was -- and is -- this sentiment: The elites think they know better than you. They think they can tell you how to live and what to believe. But guess what? We the people are smarter than the elites!

Trump elucidated this argument in its purest form at a rally in North Dakota in 2018 when he went on this riff:

"I meet these people they call them 'the elite.' These people. I look at them, I say, 'That's elite?' We got more money, we got more brains, we got better houses, apartments, we got nicer boats, we're smarter than they are, and they say they're elite? We're the elite. You're the elite. We're the elite."

"So I said the other day, let's keep calling these people—and let's face it, they've been stone-cold losers, the elite, the elite—so let them keep calling themselves the elite. But we're going to call ourselves—and remember you are indeed, you work harder, but you are indeed smarter than them—let's call ourselves from now on the super-elite. We're the super-elite."

What made Trump's argument so potent, politically speaking, is that he wasn't just calling out the elites. He was saying that Average Joes needed to rise up and actually show them how wrong they were -- that voting him for him was the best way to express their anger and frustration with the condescension of their alleged bettors. Donald Trump offered himself up as a collective middle finger to the elites. And he won.

All of which brings me to the current -- seemingly inexplicable -- stock surge of GameStop, the video-game seller that has made its money over the years thanks to its locations in malls.

The origins of the surge are in the prevalent belief among Wall Street sharps -- professional investors -- that GameStop's stock, even before this recent spike, was overvalued. After all, shopping malls are in a long decline -- "Malls are doomed: 25% will be gone in 5 years," read a CNN headline in 2017 -- that has only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a result of the belief among the pro investor crowd that GameStop was, essentially, doomed, they began shorting the stock -- essentially betting on it to fail. This happens all the time to a variety of stocks with very little fanfare. It is the way of the modern stock market.

Except that this time, amateur investors decided to revolt against the pros. Using Reddit -- and a subreddit known as r/wallstreetbets -- the amateurs began a coordinated effort of buying GameStop stock to drive its price higher and higher. (It's worth noting that Reddit was also a gathering spot for some of the most ardent Trump supporters in 2016.)

That effort to screw the pros -- people with a short position on a stock that is surging have major vulnerabilities the higher the stock goes -- got an unexpected boost from none other than iconoclast-in-chief and Tesla founder Elon Musk, who tweeted "Gamestonk!" with a link to the "wallstreetbets" subreddit on Tuesday.

(Musk has also been a longtime critic of social media censoring and was a prominent Covid-19 skeptic. Sound like anyone else we know?)

And there's no question that the populist revolt has worked for GameStop stock. On December 28, it was trading at $20.99 a share. On Wednesday, it was a shade under $335 a share.

What's the end game for the GameStop surgers? Like, now that they have proven the point that they can take a stock that the pros have declared moribund and revive it -- at least for a moment -- what do they do now? Because they don't really believe that GameStop is suddenly the new Amazon or Apple or Google. It's still mostly a business that derives its value from brick and mortar stores in malls. Which, again, is not exactly a big growth area in the coming years.

The point is that there is no real point beyond showing up the pros -- proving to them that they aren't as smart as they think they are and that they don't have the ability to control everything.
Which, again, has its roots in Trumpism. The entire notion of Trump's candidacy and presidency was to stick it to the elites. And then, well, uh, there wasn't really a plan beyond that. The screwjob was the point.
(Montreal screwjob reference!)

That strategy -- if that is even a word that can be associated with what this is -- has massive limits. Sticking it to the man will only get you so far. It's not a solution to any problem. It's just a way to express frustration, anger and a feeling of helplessness.

Think of it this way: Giving someone the finger might make you feel good in the moment. But it doesn't solve anything.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #997 en: Enero 28, 2021, 19:43:07 pm »
Más opiniones...


What happened with GameStop?

(...) Trump deregulation and market chaos

It's important to remember that the market chaos we have seen from all of this isn't just about a Reddit forum, a slick app, or media buzz. It's also, in some ways, yet another form of Trump-era chaos.

Trump oversaw a massive wave of financial deregulation. Here are just a few examples:

The Trump administration shut down a working group that was examining the risks that Hedge Funds might pose to the financial system. This working group was housed at the Financial Stability Oversight Council;  Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin shut it down.

Trump put a former executive from the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase in charge of one of the major banking regulators, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). He proceeded to deregulate crypto at banks. As Yahoo Finance detailed, "During his term, the OCC published several interpretive letters or made statements announcing that banks can provide services to issuers of stablecoins, partner with crypto custodians, conduct payments using stablecoins and operate nodes on blockchain networks."

Trump appointed former OneWest executive Steven Mnuchin, who oversaw massive foreclosures during his tenure, to the Treasury. Trump also appointed a former white shoe law firm attorney Jay Clayton, who defended many Wall Street clients, to run the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which oversees much of the stock and equity options marketplace.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #998 en: Enero 28, 2021, 19:57:42 pm »
Robinhood Hit with Class Action After Blocking GameStop Trades
Posted by msmash on Thursday January 28, 2021 @01:00PM from the time-to-face-the-music dept.

Robinhood is already facing a class action lawsuit after the microtrading platform deliberately blocked users from trading GameStop stock as the stock catapulted in value. From a report:
The news shows some nearly immediate impact to Robinhood after the snap decision. "Robinhood purposefully, willfully, and knowingly removing the stock 'GME' from its trading platform in the midst of an unprecedented stock thereby deprived retail investors of the ability to invest in the open-market and manipulating the open-market," the class action complaint reads. Fox Business journalist Lydia Moynihan tweeted news of the class action earlier on Wednesday.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #999 en: Enero 28, 2021, 20:04:25 pm »
La culpa, de Trump por desregular el mercado.
¿No son los edges los que siempre piden desregular el mercado?  :roto2:

Algunos están con el pie cambiadísimo.
Y no lo digo por esto en concreto, son muchas cosas. El otro día comentábamos la charla/presentación de la Fundación G. Bueno, cómo la izquierda se había perdido en un lío ideológico del que ya no sabía salir apoyando a las multinacionales farmacéuticas norteamericanas, o el dumping de la inmigración masiva.
Hoy toca ración de lo mismo pero en el extremo contrario.
Todos perdidísimos, como pollos sin cabeza.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #1000 en: Enero 28, 2021, 20:24:26 pm »
La culpa, de Trump por desregular el mercado.
¿No son los edges los que siempre piden desregular el mercado?  :roto2:

Igual están preparando a la opinión pública para echarle la culpa a Trump de la inminente caída de las bolsas.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #1001 en: Enero 28, 2021, 20:27:19 pm »
Es un holocausto en toda regla contra todo pensamiento contrario, y a quien les lleven la contraria, actúan como la antigua Santa Inquisición, son un peligro!!!

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #1002 en: Enero 28, 2021, 20:27:53 pm »



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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #1003 en: Enero 28, 2021, 20:28:39 pm »

How Trumpism explains the GameStop stock surge

(CNN)At the core of Donald Trump's angry populist appeal was -- and is -- this sentiment: The elites think they know better than you. They think they can tell you how to live and what to believe. But guess what? We the people are smarter than the elites!

Trump elucidated this argument in its purest form at a rally in North Dakota in 2018 when he went on this riff:

"I meet these people they call them 'the elite.' These people. I look at them, I say, 'That's elite?' We got more money, we got more brains, we got better houses, apartments, we got nicer boats, we're smarter than they are, and they say they're elite? We're the elite. You're the elite. We're the elite."

"So I said the other day, let's keep calling these people—and let's face it, they've been stone-cold losers, the elite, the elite—so let them keep calling themselves the elite. But we're going to call ourselves—and remember you are indeed, you work harder, but you are indeed smarter than them—let's call ourselves from now on the super-elite. We're the super-elite."

What made Trump's argument so potent, politically speaking, is that he wasn't just calling out the elites. He was saying that Average Joes needed to rise up and actually show them how wrong they were -- that voting him for him was the best way to express their anger and frustration with the condescension of their alleged bettors. Donald Trump offered himself up as a collective middle finger to the elites. And he won.

All of which brings me to the current -- seemingly inexplicable -- stock surge of GameStop, the video-game seller that has made its money over the years thanks to its locations in malls.

The origins of the surge are in the prevalent belief among Wall Street sharps -- professional investors -- that GameStop's stock, even before this recent spike, was overvalued. After all, shopping malls are in a long decline -- "Malls are doomed: 25% will be gone in 5 years," read a CNN headline in 2017 -- that has only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a result of the belief among the pro investor crowd that GameStop was, essentially, doomed, they began shorting the stock -- essentially betting on it to fail. This happens all the time to a variety of stocks with very little fanfare. It is the way of the modern stock market.

Except that this time, amateur investors decided to revolt against the pros. Using Reddit -- and a subreddit known as r/wallstreetbets -- the amateurs began a coordinated effort of buying GameStop stock to drive its price higher and higher. (It's worth noting that Reddit was also a gathering spot for some of the most ardent Trump supporters in 2016.)

That effort to screw the pros -- people with a short position on a stock that is surging have major vulnerabilities the higher the stock goes -- got an unexpected boost from none other than iconoclast-in-chief and Tesla founder Elon Musk, who tweeted "Gamestonk!" with a link to the "wallstreetbets" subreddit on Tuesday.

(Musk has also been a longtime critic of social media censoring and was a prominent Covid-19 skeptic. Sound like anyone else we know?)

And there's no question that the populist revolt has worked for GameStop stock. On December 28, it was trading at $20.99 a share. On Wednesday, it was a shade under $335 a share.

What's the end game for the GameStop surgers? Like, now that they have proven the point that they can take a stock that the pros have declared moribund and revive it -- at least for a moment -- what do they do now? Because they don't really believe that GameStop is suddenly the new Amazon or Apple or Google. It's still mostly a business that derives its value from brick and mortar stores in malls. Which, again, is not exactly a big growth area in the coming years.

The point is that there is no real point beyond showing up the pros -- proving to them that they aren't as smart as they think they are and that they don't have the ability to control everything.
Which, again, has its roots in Trumpism. The entire notion of Trump's candidacy and presidency was to stick it to the elites. And then, well, uh, there wasn't really a plan beyond that. The screwjob was the point.
(Montreal screwjob reference!)

That strategy -- if that is even a word that can be associated with what this is -- has massive limits. Sticking it to the man will only get you so far. It's not a solution to any problem. It's just a way to express frustration, anger and a feeling of helplessness.

Think of it this way: Giving someone the finger might make you feel good in the moment. But it doesn't solve anything.

Ver a gente "de izquierdas" hacer estas piruetas mentales para evitar decir que están totamente a favor de que las elites jueguen con las cartas marcadas es absolutamente obsceno. Y lo peor de todo es que, como se ve en el artíclo, cada vez tienen menos reparos en decirlo.

Da bastante miedo el rumbo que ha cogido el mundo en estos últimos años. Pequeños levantamientos como este por lo menos nos hacen ver que el rey está desnudo, tan desnudo como la Unión Soviética en la década de los 80. El problema es que mientras el sistema comunista cayó por su propio peso porque aquello ya había durado demasiado, no se vislumbra alternativa al sistema actual. Tras los sucesos acaecidos en Enero de este año (la psy-op del capitolio, esto de GameStop) sabemos que el sistema es una mentira tan grande como la dictadura del proletariado que iba a dar paso al paraiso comunista. El tema es que a los dirigientes les da igual.

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2020/2021
« Respuesta #1004 en: Enero 28, 2021, 20:30:01 pm »



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