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Leyendo el artículo de Daniel La Calle en el confi hoy me he encontrado estohttp://www.bcg.com/documents/file87307.pdf, de Boston Consulting Group, 2011, que decía cosas comoCitarIn the overall context of the future of the euro zone, politicians would need to propose a broader sharing of the burden so that taxpayers in such countries as Germany, France, and the Netherlands would contribute more than the share required to reduce their own debt load. This would be unpopular, but the banks and insurance companies in these countries would benefit. To ensure a socially acceptable sharing of the burden, politicians would no doubt decide to tax financial assets only above a certain threshold—€100,000, for example. Given that any such tax would be meant as a one-time correction of current debt levels, they would need to balance it by removing wealth taxes and capital-gains taxes. The drastic action of imposing a tax on assets would probably make it easier politically to lower income taxes in order to stimulate further growth. Although the tax on financial assets would reflect the hidden losses of those assets, governments would need to implement an additional tax on real estate to ensure that property owners contribute to the overall restructuring. In contrast to the one-time wealth tax, this tax would likely be on capital gains as well as on income from real estate. (Politicians would probably argue that the measures to deal with the debt overhang reduce the downward pressure on real estate prices in markets like Spain.) To stimulate necessary additional investments,governments could create a further incentive for companies to invest in new equipment and R&D by imposing higher taxes on profits not reinvested
In the overall context of the future of the euro zone, politicians would need to propose a broader sharing of the burden so that taxpayers in such countries as Germany, France, and the Netherlands would contribute more than the share required to reduce their own debt load. This would be unpopular, but the banks and insurance companies in these countries would benefit. To ensure a socially acceptable sharing of the burden, politicians would no doubt decide to tax financial assets only above a certain threshold—€100,000, for example. Given that any such tax would be meant as a one-time correction of current debt levels, they would need to balance it by removing wealth taxes and capital-gains taxes. The drastic action of imposing a tax on assets would probably make it easier politically to lower income taxes in order to stimulate further growth. Although the tax on financial assets would reflect the hidden losses of those assets, governments would need to implement an additional tax on real estate to ensure that property owners contribute to the overall restructuring. In contrast to the one-time wealth tax, this tax would likely be on capital gains as well as on income from real estate. (Politicians would probably argue that the measures to deal with the debt overhang reduce the downward pressure on real estate prices in markets like Spain.) To stimulate necessary additional investments,governments could create a further incentive for companies to invest in new equipment and R&D by imposing higher taxes on profits not reinvested
http://www.cyprus-forum.com/cyprus40121-140.htmlby Oceanside50 » Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:36 amtrue capitalism doesnt need government intervention, we dont have pure capitalism, as you can see how theEU is intervening into peoples accounts, thats not capitalism...and with what we have now this problem will come up again, soon...what were seeing could be thought of as fascism, where government and big corporations work in unison....Big corporate banks teeter on bankruptcy and the government saves them....the stage after capitalism isnt anywhere on the horizon probably because everyone is in so much debt ie individuals and governments, who has time to look for the next stage...As for nonalignment, France,Italy cant afford to be nonaligned today, how can tiny Cyprus or Greece.by sven » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:53 pmThe CRIMINALS ARE IN CHARGE, you know there is something seriously wrong, when they are forced to "speed read hundreds of pages of legal documentation" , they should insist on a 'cooling off' period, like we get with these types of pressure sales.Cyprus if you don't watch out, you are about to sell your soul to these Evil Crooks. Do a google search for 'Open Bank Resolution (OBR) pdf New Zealand, in that document, dated November 2012, you will find the clauses that mirror the shut down of the banking system in Cyprus. This has been planned, and if it has been planned, they have not planned it for your benefit.. These people Bankers and Lawyers, do not care about you, they have no EMPATHY, you will better of out of the EU, the EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK has the legal responsibility for POLICY for the CENTRAL BANK of CYPRUS since 2008, they have set you up, and The International Monetary Fund (IMF) are about to RAPE you. No matter where you are in the world TAKE YOUR CASH OUT OF THE BANKS and buy long term storage food and small easily exchangeable silver .The CRIMINALS IN CHARGE the 'Bankers and Lawyers' are stealing from you, there is no DEMOCRACY, it is an ILLUSION, all the best to the ordinary PEOPLE of the world. Sven
Aporto algunos comentarios de un foro chipriota; es interesante ver como se está viviendo desde dentro:Citarhttp://www.cyprus-forum.com/cyprus40121-140.htmlby Oceanside50 » Sat Mar 23, 2013 7:36 amtrue capitalism doesnt need government intervention, we dont have pure capitalism, as you can see how theEU is intervening into peoples accounts, thats not capitalism...and with what we have now this problem will come up again, soon...what were seeing could be thought of as fascism, where government and big corporations work in unison....Big corporate banks teeter on bankruptcy and the government saves them....the stage after capitalism isnt anywhere on the horizon probably because everyone is in so much debt ie individuals and governments, who has time to look for the next stage...As for nonalignment, France,Italy cant afford to be nonaligned today, how can tiny Cyprus or Greece.by sven » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:53 pmThe CRIMINALS ARE IN CHARGE, you know there is something seriously wrong, when they are forced to "speed read hundreds of pages of legal documentation" , they should insist on a 'cooling off' period, like we get with these types of pressure sales.Cyprus if you don't watch out, you are about to sell your soul to these Evil Crooks. Do a google search for 'Open Bank Resolution (OBR) pdf New Zealand, in that document, dated November 2012, you will find the clauses that mirror the shut down of the banking system in Cyprus. This has been planned, and if it has been planned, they have not planned it for your benefit.. These people Bankers and Lawyers, do not care about you, they have no EMPATHY, you will better of out of the EU, the EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK has the legal responsibility for POLICY for the CENTRAL BANK of CYPRUS since 2008, they have set you up, and The International Monetary Fund (IMF) are about to RAPE you. No matter where you are in the world TAKE YOUR CASH OUT OF THE BANKS and buy long term storage food and small easily exchangeable silver .The CRIMINALS IN CHARGE the 'Bankers and Lawyers' are stealing from you, there is no DEMOCRACY, it is an ILLUSION, all the best to the ordinary PEOPLE of the world. Sven
Lo que está sucediendo es que nos están sometiendo a un proceso de *saqueo* CALCADO, a los procesos neoliberales que practicaron con latinoamérica con la excusa de la "crisis de la deuda" desde los 70, 80 y 90
NO CARD, NO MONEY!!!!leoniI suspect that most the people on this forum HAVE a bank card! I also suspect that with this said card you go to the ATM's, shops etc and use it! I think it's about time we stopped moaning about not being able to go INTO the banks and start THINKING about all the people who ONLY have a savings account with NO CARD!!!! They can't just go to an ATM or shop to get money or buy food, they are without money and food, and for how long? I know of at least half a dozen people who are in this situation, with no money to buy food!!! So, I think we are the lucky ones, that we HAVE got access to money and food. LeoniCampbell FindlayI just cannot believe it!!!! March 2013 and the banks closed for what is it 13 days with no provision for transfers of cash between accounts online.Thank god we are ok but IT IS OUR CASH!!!! tHEY cannot DO THIS TO US ,BUT THEY ARE! cAMPBELL.TigerlilyI can't get to any money as need to do a transfer....obviously not possible at the mo... Being a stay home mum with 3 children, it is not easy at the moment, yesterday I borrowed some money so I could buy some pampers.... Today I went to Lidl to buy some basics...walking past the chocolate and cookies (I'm a bit of a sucker for these items) I had to walk past....I went to pick up a packet of cookies, 1.25 euro...not expensive you might say, and no it's not, but when you don't have that 1.25 to spend you take extra care. I've talked to my older children (9 and 6) and have had to explain to them that we have to be extra careful with our money at the moment,...do they understand? No....as 5 minutes later, they are asking...Mummy, can I have....? But we will get through it all, I have to stay positive for my family.... There are people worse off than this...
http://rt.com/news/cyprus-bailout-tax-troika-730/Cyprus and Troika agree to 20% tax on deposits over 100,000 euros at Bank of CyprusCyprus and the Troika have agreed to a 20 per cent tax on deposits over 100,000 euros at the Bank of Cyprus and 4 per cent on deposits held at other banks.A senior Cypriot official said told Reuters that a plan to tap nationalized pension funds would not be part of a plan to raise billions of euros in return for a bailout from the European Union.
"Thriller" de rescate ChipreLa situación es crítica para la economía chipriota como lo es ahora "inminente" la quiebra desordenada, si no se encuentra en el memorando de acuerdo y el acuerdo de préstamo en el Eurogrupo extraordinario, que comienza en Bruselas, después de levantarse la sesión, a las 9 pm (tiempo) de 7 pm que fue planeado originalmente. En el primer presidente de los contactos con N.Anastasiadi Rompuy Presidente del Consejo Europeo, Presidente de la Comisión Europea Barroso y jefe del FMI, Christine Lagarde, antes del comienzo del Eurogrupo, parece que no había duda de que llevará a cabo el Banco de Chipre 9000 millones euro tomó el Pueblo de la ELA. Esto de acuerdo a la información enviada desde Bruselas el presidente Anastasiadis los dirigentes de los partidos políticos que están en el Palacio Presidencial.Mientras tanto, el Banco Popular y todos los bancos locales en Chipre han impuesto nuevo límite de retiro del cajero automático, 100 euros al día, dijo un funcionario del gobierno de la tarde. La tragedia de la situación refleja un estado de cuenta en las primeras horas, los chipriotas portavoz del gobierno Stylianides Christos, quien destacó que "las negociaciones están en una etapa muy delicada. La situación es muy difícil y márgenes muy ajustados ". El obstáculo insuperable hasta la medianoche, cuando salió del palacio presidencial de Nicosia, la delegación de la troika, el acuerdo fue la exigencia del FMI de ser absorbida por Bank of Cyprus "bueno" del Banco Popular, como lo demuestra el plan de reorganización banco.Según fuentes fidedignas, el Banco y el gobierno se negó a aceptar esta solicitud y, en particular, la troika del FMI. El equipo chipriota considera de una manera tan injusta, porque el Banco de Chipre tendrá que asumir el préstamo de aproximadamente 9 millones de dólares, que fue aprobado por el Fondo de Liquidez Bancaria Popular (ELA) del Banco Central Europeo.Con base en lo discutido hasta ayer por la tarde cuando el representante del FMI Delia Verkouleskou planteó la cuestión de que el Banco de Chipre, el acuerdo prevé la recapitalización del Banco de Chipre, con un recorte de alrededor del 20% para los depósitos de 100 miles de euros. Todos los depósitos de todos los bancos estarán garantizados por depositante y no por cuenta. También se impondrá un impuesto de solidaridad en todos los depósitos de más de 100 mil en todos los bancos de Chipre para garantizar que los fondos de previsión y otras cuentas sensibles, atrapados por el porcentaje Demócrata no será superior al 4%.Banco agente dijo que el ANA es un banco (Personas), que es "clínicamente muerto" y un (BOC), que "es el ventilador." De acuerdo con el mismo agente debe ser salvado por el Banco de Chipre y salvar nuestra economía. Según la información, el FMI y Berlín buscan la liquidación de los grandes bancos en el pueblo y Chipre. La actitud del FMI podría ser mitigado, y los otros dos miembros de la troika, la Comisión Europea y del Banco Central Europeo parece estar satisfecho por las posiciones de Nicosia.Europeo agente, quien participa en diapragmatefeseis dijo que la troika había advertido al Gobierno de Chipre a partir de noviembre de 2011, que llegaría a las cosas sin una acción rápida. Probadas, afirmó que no se tomaron medidas en la dirección correcta.Moskovisi: Debe hacerse con la "economía de casino" de ChipreEl ministro de Finanzas francés Pierre Moskovisi dijo hoy que hay que encontrar los medios para terminar en Chipre, con lo que se llama "economía de casino". "Esta es una economía-casino estaba al borde de la quiebra y debe y tiene que hacer algo, porque de lo contrario serás tú, yo también, vamos a quién va a pagar la factura", dijo Moskovisi hablando en Canal + TV red y en referencia a los contribuyentes europeos.