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¿Cómo consiguió Hamás un M4 con óptica ACOG?https://twitter.com/HarrisonKrank/status/1712868379021771223
Un eclipse de la conciencia Cualquier persona que no haya perdido el 'oremus' sabe que lanzar en represalia a un ataque terrorista miles de bombas sobre un territorio donde se hacinan dos millones de personas sin posibilidad de escapatoria es una bestialidad desorbitada. En España, sin ir más lejos, hemos padecido ataques terroristas crudelísimos; y nadie reclamó bombardear desiertos remotos, mucho menos las provincias vascas, porque, aun en la ofuscación del dolor, aflora en las conciencias la convicción de que los crímenes no pueden ser respondidos indiscriminadamente, haciendo pagar a justos por pecadores. Sobrecoge comprobar que esta convicción se ha desmoronado en la conciencia de nuestra época, que contempla con naturalidad –y hasta jalea– los bombardeos indiscriminados sobre Gaza; y que, en el colmo de la hemiplejia moral, señala como 'antisemitas' (como si los palestinos no fueran también un pueblo semita) a quienes se atreven a denunciarlos. Este pavoroso eclipse de la conciencia parece afligir de manera todavía más desquiciada a las gentes de derechas, convencidas de que Israel actúa como una suerte de 'katejon' frente a la barbarie musulmana. Especialmente lastimosa resulta esta actitud en muchos sedicentes católicos, que ni siquiera atienden las lágrimas angustiadas de los cristianos palestinos.¿Cómo explicar este eclipse de la conciencia? Señalaba Donoso sagazmente que las escuelas liberales son siempre inferiores a las socialistas porque son «antiteológicas y escépticas»; de tal modo que, situadas ante la cuestión del bien y del mal, «ignoran el arte de plantearla y el modo de resolverla», ocupándose sólo de solucionar «males particulares». De este modo, particularizando el mal, «lo descubren sólo en ciertas formas políticas», que inevitablemente serán aquellas que preconizan las escuelas socialistas. Y si las escuelas socialistas defienden a los palestinos (aunque, desde luego, casi todas con la boca chica), inmediatamente resolverán que los palestinos encarnan el mal. Y «señalando el mal allí donde no está y el remedio allí donde no se encuentra –concluye Donoso–, la escuela liberal ha puesto la cuestión fuera de su verdadero punto de vista, con lo cual ha introducido la confusión y el desorden en las regiones intelectuales».Y en las gentes de derechas ha ocurrido algo más que ni siquiera la clarividencia de Donoso acertó a profetizar. A medida que fueron desprendiéndose de la fe cristiana (o rutinizándola hasta convertirla en una cáscara huera), las derechas dieron en profesar otro 'mesianismo' muy diverso al que profesaron sus ancestros. Así empezaron a ver en el pueblo judío una suerte de 'mesías colectivo' que, por haber derramado su sangre en mil persecuciones, estaba oscuramente legitimado para cobrarse esa deuda en la sangre de otros pueblos, convertidos en instrumentos de una justa expiación. Pero todo esto es pensamiento mágico, propio de escuelas sin teología que nos conducen hasta el barranco.Juan Manuel de PradaCitar
13,908,310 views Oct 17, 2023 #benshapiro #piersmorgan #hamasattackWARNING: This video contains strong languagePiers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef and later on by co-founder of the Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing, for a heated and emotive debate on the historical treatment of Palestine during their conflict with Israel and whether Israel's decision to bomb Gaza in an attempt to get rid of Hamas is justified and proportionate after the attacks on October 7th.Bassem condemns the terrorist organisation Hamas and tries to explain that people have been desensitised to accept that civilians dying is an inevitability of war. Piers then suggests he doesn't know what the "proportionate response" to a terrorist attack of Hamas's scale would be. Bassem responds by referencing a graph that shows the total amount of deaths in the conflict prior to the attacks and questions the Palestinian killings in the West Bank, which has never been occupied by Hamas fighters.Bassem then mocks Ben Shapiro for his public stance on Israel defending themselves, questioning how an occupier can be defending themselves. Shapiro's friend and colleague Jeremy is then invited by Piers to debate Bassem's criticisms.
6 hours agoIt is very unfortunate that a person is forced to ridicule his sadness and tragedy just to show the truth to the world.
Q: Thanks. Just to follow up on Brian’s question. I know the contours of a congressional package is still taking shape. But can you provide us anything on a timeline or give us a sense of how quickly the U.S. will exhaust what it can provide to Israel before congressional action is needed?MR. KIRBY: We have existing authorities and appropriations to support Israel in the near term. And I got asked last time, you know, what is “near term,” or what’s “a bit” mean? I — I can’t give you a date certain on the calendar, because a lot of it’s going to depend on their expenditure rate and what the replenishment ability is — or what the need is and what our ability to do it is. But in the near term, we’ve — we’ve got appropriations and authorities for both Ukraine and for Israel. But you don’t want to be trying to bake in long-term support when you’re at the end of the rope. And in Ukraine — on the Ukraine funding, we’re — we’re coming near to the end of the rope. I mean, today we announced $200 million, and we’ll keep that aid going as long as we can, but it’s — it’s not going to be indefinite. So, are we moving with a sense of alacrity? Absolutely. I couldn’t give you a date certain on the calendar.
Buen video de una entrevista (~ media hora) al profesor Mearsheimer acerca de los sucedido en Israel: Origins of Hamas/Israeli War w/ John J. MearsheimerTambién hace un comentario interesante sobre Ucrania en base a unas recientes declaraciones de La Casa Blanca:CitarQ: Thanks. Just to follow up on Brian’s question. I know the contours of a congressional package is still taking shape. But can you provide us anything on a timeline or give us a sense of how quickly the U.S. will exhaust what it can provide to Israel before congressional action is needed?MR. KIRBY: We have existing authorities and appropriations to support Israel in the near term. And I got asked last time, you know, what is “near term,” or what’s “a bit” mean? I — I can’t give you a date certain on the calendar, because a lot of it’s going to depend on their expenditure rate and what the replenishment ability is — or what the need is and what our ability to do it is. But in the near term, we’ve — we’ve got appropriations and authorities for both Ukraine and for Israel. But you don’t want to be trying to bake in long-term support when you’re at the end of the rope. And in Ukraine — on the Ukraine funding, we’re — we’re coming near to the end of the rope. I mean, today we announced $200 million, and we’ll keep that aid going as long as we can, but it’s — it’s not going to be indefinite. So, are we moving with a sense of alacrity? Absolutely. I couldn’t give you a date certain on the calendar.El profesor entiende que esto significa que Ucrania está "toasted" y lo mejor que puede hacer es sentarse a negociar, antes de que se le agote el dinero y se vea forzada a ello.
Cita de: Lem en Octubre 20, 2023, 11:06:25 amBuen video de una entrevista (~ media hora) al profesor Mearsheimer acerca de los sucedido en Israel: Origins of Hamas/Israeli War w/ John J. MearsheimerTambién hace un comentario interesante sobre Ucrania en base a unas recientes declaraciones de La Casa Blanca:CitarQ: Thanks. Just to follow up on Brian’s question. I know the contours of a congressional package is still taking shape. But can you provide us anything on a timeline or give us a sense of how quickly the U.S. will exhaust what it can provide to Israel before congressional action is needed?MR. KIRBY: We have existing authorities and appropriations to support Israel in the near term. And I got asked last time, you know, what is “near term,” or what’s “a bit” mean? I — I can’t give you a date certain on the calendar, because a lot of it’s going to depend on their expenditure rate and what the replenishment ability is — or what the need is and what our ability to do it is. But in the near term, we’ve — we’ve got appropriations and authorities for both Ukraine and for Israel. But you don’t want to be trying to bake in long-term support when you’re at the end of the rope. And in Ukraine — on the Ukraine funding, we’re — we’re coming near to the end of the rope. I mean, today we announced $200 million, and we’ll keep that aid going as long as we can, but it’s — it’s not going to be indefinite. So, are we moving with a sense of alacrity? Absolutely. I couldn’t give you a date certain on the calendar.El profesor entiende que esto significa que Ucrania está "toasted" y lo mejor que puede hacer es sentarse a negociar, antes de que se le agote el dinero y se vea forzada a ello.Lo de Napoleón: "Mañana atacamos por la izquierda..." y luego, al día siguiente, (tiras un dado y) haces lo que corresponda. -----[ Veo mas toasted a Putin & Co. ]
Benny Morris (Hebrew: בני מוריס; born 8 December 1948)[1] is an Israeli historian. He was a professor of history in the Middle East Studies department of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in the city of Beersheba, Israel. He is a member of the group of Israeli historians known as the "New Historians", a term Morris coined to describe himself and historians Avi Shlaim, Ilan Pappé and Simha Flapan.[2]Morris's work on the Arab–Israeli conflict and especially the Israeli–Palestinian conflict has won praise and criticism from both sides of the political divide.[3] Regarding himself as a Zionist,[4] he writes, "I embarked upon the research not out of ideological commitment or political interest. I simply wanted to know what happened."[5]
El dinero lo pone Europa... comprándole armas a EE.UU.Ucrania es (de facto) Europa.
Cita de: sudden and sharp en Octubre 20, 2023, 12:43:40 pmEl dinero lo pone Europa... comprándole armas a EE.UU.Ucrania es (de facto) Europa.Bueno aunque eso es cierto no es una cosa totalmente triangular. De alguna manera USA está anticipando el dinero porque nosotros tardaremos en gastarlo. Por otro lado no todos los programas de rearme son una transferencia a Estados Unidos.Evientemente allí va a parar la pasta de los F-35 y del sistema Patriot (por poner ejemplos del caso español) pero hay otros proyectos que no son made in USA.
An Israeli politician issued a series of furious threats against Russia during an appearance on a Russian state-controlled TV network Thursday, vowing to retaliate against Moscow’s actions during the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Amir Weitmann, the founder and chairman of the libertarian caucus in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, said “Russia will pay the price” after Israel defeats Hamas. “Russia will pay the price?” British RT host Rory Suchet asked incredulously. “Russia is supporting the enemies of Israel,” Weitmann raged. “Russia is supporting Nazi people who want to commit genocide on us.” He went on to add: “We’re not forgetting what you are doing. We’re not forgetting. We will come. We will make sure that Ukraine wins. We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done.” In a televised address Thursday night, President Joe Biden linked Hamas and Russia, saying they “both want to annihilate a neighboring democracy.”