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The Fed and its counterparts overseas at the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan have spent the last few years applying every policy they can think of to get inflation to rise up to their 2 percent target, with limited success. In a world awash in supply of workers, oil and more, financial markets show little sign that investors think that will change anytime soon. Current Treasury bond prices predict annual inflation in the United States of only 1.7 percent a year over the next three decades.
Sí.Solo hay una cosa que no estoy de acuerdo (jeje):CitarThe Fed and its counterparts overseas at the European Central Bank and Bank of Japan have spent the last few years applying every policy they can think of to get inflation to rise up to their 2 percent target, with limited success. In a world awash in supply of workers, oil and more, financial markets show little sign that investors think that will change anytime soon. Current Treasury bond prices predict annual inflation in the United States of only 1.7 percent a year over the next three decades.Falso. No están haciendo "every policy they can think of" para aumentar la inflación.Aumentar la inflación, si es que de verdad quisieran (que no quieren en realidad, estoy de acuerdo con PPCC en esto), sería tan fácil como bombear M0 a las cuentas bancarias de todo Fulano y Mengano (QE para la gente).Lo cual yo no lo defiendo, no creo que haga ninguna falta ni que vaya a mejorar nada. La deflación suavona es lo natural del mundo en que vivimos, con sobreoferta de casi todo. Solo digo que es ridículo, y que no está sirviendo más que de excusa justificadora de políticas algo malandrinas, como el BoJ comprando bolsa japonesa y otras guarrindongadas "que hay que subir la inflación"
20151201 41,90 1,0570 37,40 1,0000 0,00 6,7632 9,40 130,2300 11,30 0,7020 0,9321 9,26 0 41,90 1,2455 37,40 1,0000 0,00 7,6485 9,40 147,8200 11,30 0,7955 0,8531 USD EUR CNY JPY GBP 20151201 41,73 1,0570 30,93 1,0000 10,92 6,7632 8,33 130,2300 8,09 0,7020 0,8361 9,89 0 41,73 1,2455 30,93 1,0000 10,92 7,6485 8,33 147,8200 8,09 0,7955 0,7609