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Facebook Inc.’s ambitious plan to roll out its own cryptocurrency ran into immediate political opposition in Europe, with calls for tighter regulation of the social-media giant.French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said the digital currency known as Libra shouldn’t be seen as a replacement for traditional currencies.“It is out of question’’ that Libra “become a sovereign currency,’’ Le Maire said in an interview on Europe 1 radio. “It can’t and it must not happen.”Read more about Facebook’s cryptocurrency planLe Maire called on the Group of Seven central bank governors, guardians of the global monetary system, to prepare a report on Facebook’s project for their July meeting. His concerns include privacy, money laundering and terrorism finance.Libra was also a talking point at the European Central Bank’s annual symposium in Sintra, Portugal, where Bank of England Governor Mark Carney referenced Libra. "Anything that works in this world will become instantly systemic and will have to be subject to the highest standards off regulation," he said.Carney’s ‘Open Mind’While Carney said "we need to have an open mind" about technology that can facilitate cross-border money transfers, "we will look at it very closely and in a coordinated fashion" at multilateral organizations including the G-7, the International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements and Financial Stability Board.Meanwhile, Markus Ferber, a German member of the European Parliament, said Facebook, with more than 2 billion users, could become a “shadow bank” and that regulators should be on high alert.Facebook is developing Libra, a stablecoin designed to avoid the volatility of Bitcoin and thus be useful for commerce, in partnership with some of the biggest names in payments and technology, such as Visa Inc. and Uber Technologies Inc. The new currency, which will launch as soon as next year, is pegged to a basket of government-backed currencies and securities.While Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, has attracted a lot of attention since its creation a decade ago, it’s still not widely used beyond market speculation. Facebook meanwhile, plans to build a new digital wallet that will exist in its Messenger and WhatsApp services to make it easy for people to send money to friends, family and businesses through the apps."This money will allow this company to assemble even more data, which only increases our determination to regulate the internet giants,” Le Maire said in parliament.— With assistance by Helene Fouquet, and Lucy Meakin
Google reveals plans to build 20,000 Bay Area homesThey'll include at least 5,000 affordable housing units.Kris Holt, @krisholt 2 hours ago in BusinessGoogle says it'll invest in thousands of new homes in the Bay Area over the next decade, in the hopes of helping many of its employees and other residents find an affordable place to live in one of the planet's most expensive regions. CEO Sundar Pichai wrote in a blog post that Google plans to repurpose at least $750 million worth of land it owns for residential housing. Through this, the company hopes to "support the development of at least 15,000 new homes at all income levels in the Bay Area, including housing options for middle and low-income families."Additionally, Google is setting up a $250 million investment fund for developers to build more than 5,000 affordable housing units in the area. It also plans to give $50 million to nonprofits focused on homelessness and displacement."Across the region, one issue stands out as particularly urgent and complex: housing," Pichai wrote. "The lack of new supply, combined with the rising cost of living, has resulted in a severe shortage of affordable housing options for long-time middle and low-income residents."https://twitter.com/sundarpichai/status/1141013265658441729Google aims to work with local authorities to cut through red tape and clear a path for developers to build homes as soon as possible. Pichai says the company has already successfully convinced its home city of Mountain View to change the zoning on some land to allow housing development, and it's working with Sunnyvale and San Jose (where it's expanding) to free up land for homes.The lack of available, affordable housing is a real concern in the Bay Area. Pichai notes that last year, developers built only 3,000 new homes in the South Bay. Google is one of the biggest employers in the region and, naturally, everyone working for it needs a place to live relatively close by.News of the investment arrives a day ahead of a shareholders meeting at Google's parent company Alphabet. Several protests are planned for the meeting, including from those concerned about Google's impact on the San Jose real estate market. The investment also follows Mountain View legislators voting in March to ban people from parking RVs in the city overnight. Thousands of people reportedly live in RVs across the Bay Area because they can't afford to rent or buy a home.
Pues agárrense los machos porque Google ha decidido dar el paso e "himbertir" en el ladrillo...
In Silicon Valley — the home to tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Apple — tree-lined streets are filling with tents, cots, and dilapidated RVs.A photo series by the Associated Press shows what life is like for the area's retail clerks, plumbers, janitors — even teachers — who go to work and sleep where they can.Silicon Valley has the highest median income in the nation. But a worsening wealth gap has caused homelessness to surge. More than 10,000 people were living without shelter across San Jose and Santa Clara Counties on any given night in 2016, though that figure is probably low.
Pues agárrense los machos porque Google ha decidido dar el paso e "himbertir" en el ladrillo...CitarGoogle reveals plans to build 20,000 Bay Area homesThey'll include at least 5,000 affordable housing units.Kris Holt, @krisholt 2 hours ago in BusinessGoogle says it'll invest in thousands of new homes in the Bay Area over the next decade, in the hopes of helping many of its employees and other residents find an affordable place to live in one of the planet's most expensive regions. CEO Sundar Pichai wrote in a blog post that Google plans to repurpose at least $750 million worth of land it owns for residential housing. Through this, the company hopes to "support the development of at least 15,000 new homes at all income levels in the Bay Area, including housing options for middle and low-income families."Additionally, Google is setting up a $250 million investment fund for developers to build more than 5,000 affordable housing units in the area. It also plans to give $50 million to nonprofits focused on homelessness and displacement."Across the region, one issue stands out as particularly urgent and complex: housing," Pichai wrote. "The lack of new supply, combined with the rising cost of living, has resulted in a severe shortage of affordable housing options for long-time middle and low-income residents."https://twitter.com/sundarpichai/status/1141013265658441729Google aims to work with local authorities to cut through red tape and clear a path for developers to build homes as soon as possible. Pichai says the company has already successfully convinced its home city of Mountain View to change the zoning on some land to allow housing development, and it's working with Sunnyvale and San Jose (where it's expanding) to free up land for homes.The lack of available, affordable housing is a real concern in the Bay Area. Pichai notes that last year, developers built only 3,000 new homes in the South Bay. Google is one of the biggest employers in the region and, naturally, everyone working for it needs a place to live relatively close by.News of the investment arrives a day ahead of a shareholders meeting at Google's parent company Alphabet. Several protests are planned for the meeting, including from those concerned about Google's impact on the San Jose real estate market. The investment also follows Mountain View legislators voting in March to ban people from parking RVs in the city overnight. Thousands of people reportedly live in RVs across the Bay Area because they can't afford to rent or buy a home.Saludos.
Y en paralelo al cachondeíto monetario-fiscal, tenemos el Bitcoin de nuevo a 9.000 USD y Facebook & cía anuncian su propia moneda: Libra -- porque no había otro nombre disponible para una moneda.Facebook announces Libra cryptocurrency- Facebook has finally revealed the details of its cryptocurrency, Libra, which will let you buy things or send money to people with nearly zero fees. You’ll pseudonymously buy or cash out your Libra online or at local exchange points like grocery stores, and spend it using interoperable third-party wallet apps or Facebook’s own Calibra wallet that will be built into WhatsApp, Messenger and its own app. Today Facebook released its white paper explaining Libra and its testnet for working out the kinks of its blockchain system before a public launch in the first half of 2020.- Facebook won’t fully control Libra, but instead get just a single vote in its governance like other founding members of the Libra Association, including Visa, Uber and Andreessen Horowitz, which have invested at least $10 million each into the project’s operations. The association will promote the open-sourced Libra Blockchain and developer platform with its own Move programming language, plus sign up businesses to accept Libra for payment and even give customers discounts or rewards.https://techcrunch.com/2019/06/18/facebook-libra/White Paper: https://libra.org/en-US/white-paper/
Ciudad Pegaso es una colonia del barrio de Rejas del distrito de San Blas-Canillejas, en Madrid, que se inauguró en 1956 con el objetivo de facilitar viviendas a los trabajadores de la empresa estatal ENASA. Se encuentra en el punto kilométrico 10 de la autovía A-2, en su confluencia con el final de la calle de Alcalá. El barrio toma el nombre de la marca de camión más conocida de los que fabricaba ENASA: Pegaso. Las viviendas las alquilaba la empresa a sus empleados por un precio casi simbólico; años después, fueron vendidas a los inquilinos. Desde el principio contó con una serie de servicios poco usuales en la España de los años 50: colegio con amplias instalaciones deportivas, piscinas, cine, locales de uso social, consultorio médico, iglesia y zonas verdes en torno a los edificios. La categoría de las viviendas variaba según el tipo de empleados a quien estaban destinadas. Básicamente eran de tres tipos: viviendas en edificios en altura, de tres o cuatro habitaciones, destinadas a la mayor parte de los trabajadores. Un segundo tipo, mucho menos numeroso, lo constituían viviendas agrupadas de cuatro en cuatro, casi unifamiliares, con un amplio jardín, estaban destinadas a técnicos cualificados, peritos y cargos medios de la empresa. El tercer tipo lo constituían diez grandes chalés, de más de 300 m² y un gran jardín, destinadas a ingenieros y directivos de ENASA. Si bien Ciudad Pegaso dejó de tener relación con ENASA cuando las viviendas pasaron a ser propiedad de los antiguos inquilinos, la morfología del barrio sigue siendo la misma que cuando se construyó, tanto en el plano como en los edificios que la componen. Una de sus curiosidades, es que todo el barrio lo forman sus calles numeradas. Así, podemos encontrar calles y avenidas que van desde la calle uno, a la calle once, excepto una plaza situada a la entrada del barrio, denominada Plaza de San Cristóbal.
- Hola ciudadano, ¿cuáles son tus expectativas de inflación a largo plazo en Europa?- Pues son éstas bla, bla, bla.- ¿Y si te cuento, ciudadano, que el BCE va a poner los tipos de interés en negativo?- Madre mía, retiro lo dicho, mis expectativas son mucho más deflacionarias ahora que sé eso, si hacen esas burradas es que la cosa es más deflacionaria de lo que pensaba hace cinco minutos...¿O no? Edito: ¿no está el BCE alimentando una espiral deflacionaria?
Trump se encara con Draghi e inicia la 'guerra de la política monetaria'"No estamos resignados a tener una baja inflación", dijo Draghi en declaraciones recogidas por Efe, y subrayó que el BCE "sigue comprometido" con sus objetivos. Su discurso en Sintra será posiblemente uno de los últimos antes de que finalice su mandato en octubre después de ochos años al frente de la institución.La intervención del italiano provocó subidas en todas las Bolsas europeas y neutralizó la revalorización del euro frente al dólar. Y también la ira, vía Twitter, del presidente de Estados Unidos."Mario Draghi acaba de anunciar que podrían llegar más estímulos, lo que inmediatamente ha dejado caer al euro frente al dólar, lo que hace que sea más fácil para ellos competir contra Estados Unidos. Han estado haciendo esto durante años, junto con China y otros", publicó Donald Trump en la red social.
Bruselas advierte de la urgencia de acabar con la desigualdad: "Esto al final explota"