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PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Primavera 2024 por Saturio
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Autor Tema: PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019  (Leído 681236 veces)

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2700 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 19:09:22 pm »
No hay ninguna diferencia entre el anterior jefe del estado, el 3 "persent" y el 1% (o más) en Madrid. Lo han arrasado todo, patriotas ellos. Y lo peor de todo es que los que están por detrás en cuanto huelen poder y dinero quieren hacer lo mismo (Pablito&Irenita).

Me sorprende los que comentáis con inidignación las caceroladas al discurso del "preparado". De verdad, no entendéis porque la gente lo hace?

Como puede salir Felipito a dar un discurso varios días después de que la pandemia halla explotado en nuestro país (recordad como el 1-oct salió raudo y veloz por la tv)?

En el discursdo de la navidad pasada (No hace todavía 3 meses) habló de la rémora de la corrupción... cuando la casa real es una de las partes más corruptas de este país. Joder, que su padre ha estado robando a manos llenas, y su cuñado (y por extensión su hermana, la "sin memória").

Que ejemplo de confinamiento va a dar este señor cuando toda su familia vive en un palacio. Palacio que es más grande que el bloque de vecinos dónde vivo (hay 80 viviendas) y tiene terreno para correr, gimnasio, sauna, etc  ?

Pues claro... la gente está hasta las narices y aburridos. Recuerdo que no soy ni indepe, ni monárquico ni repulicano. Tanto me da, sólo quiero vivir bien y tranquilo.

Por otro lado, lo que diga la Calviño, ni caso. Nada mejor que no ayuden a los inquilinos. El que no pueda pagar, no pagará. El casero se lo tendrá que comer con patatas. Que va a hacer el casero? Si no puede ni salir de casa...

De una u otra forma vamos a caer todos. Muchas muchas empresas no sobreviviran, otros muchos nos iremos a la calle... y esto va para largo. Lo único, esperemos que esta vez, esta crisisi, se lleve parte de la economía improductiva por delante.

Muchas gracias

Pero vamos a ver, ¿qué pretendéis los de la cacerolada? ¿Que un Presidente de la República viva en un chamizo? ¿Pero tenéis la cabeza en el culo?

¿Eso mismo no se lo aplicáis al Marqués de Galapagar, ese infame, que se llenó las pelotas de decirle a la chusma que él no, que él era diferente, y se iba a quedar en el barrio, y que no comprendía a esos políticos que se iban a vivir a urbanizaciones de lujo...?


¡ES QUE ME CAGO VIVO! ¡Y encima lo defienden!

En fin. Lo dejo aquí, que de donde hay, no se puede sacar, y le hago un homenaje a mi padre, en su día: Donde no hay mata, no hay patata.

rain dog, con todo respeto, no pretendo que un presidente de la república viva en una chabola. Tambien me parece mal, muy mal que el sueldo de todo un presidente del gobierno sea 80 mil euros. Respecto a Iglesias, de acuerdo en todo, nada que objetar.

Pero, que el rey emérito ha estado robando a su país como un desalmado. El régimen que él ha sustentado es corrupto en toda su extensión. Pero lo más grave es la falta de visión (o que son unos déspotas); Con el escandalazo del padre, va y se pone a dar un discurso a la nación como el de navidad (porque no ha aportado nada nuevo).
Coño, si se hubiera quedado callado no habría habido cacerolada.

En su situación, o reniega públicamente del padre, de su hermana y su cuñado (cosa que imagino no puede), o se calla y deja pasar la tormenta. No te puedes poner a dar arengas a la tropa cuando estás de mierda hasta el culo.

El problema que tenemos en este país es que somos muy poco críticos mientras las cosas van bien (criticar criticamos mucho, pero somos muy inmovilistas) y cuando vienen mal dadas, explotamos y arrasamos con lo que halla por delante. También he leído mucha gente crítica con Sanchez y su gobierno por tomar las medidas tarde, y a medias. De momento a Sánchez no se está poniendo medallas, y al menos, en el último parloteo estaba blanco, jodido por la situación (o lo aparentaba).
El preparado tiene el mismo tono y la misma cara en el discurso de navidad, que en la mayor catastrofe conocida recientemente.

Joder, que son Borbones, que llevan toda nuestra puta história jodiéndonos. Lo triste es que ellos no hallan aprendido nada de su história.
« última modificación: Marzo 19, 2020, 19:13:09 pm por senslev »
Banalidad del mal es un concepto acuñado por la filósofa alemana H. Arendt para describir cómo un sistema de poder político puede trivializar el exterminio de seres humanos cuando se realiza como un procedimiento burocrático ejecutado por funcionarios incapaces de pensar en las consecuencias éticas.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2701 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 19:18:57 pm »
¿Creéis que va a haber desabastecimiento?  Si se para la cadena, la gente  no va al trabajo, etc...¿ Se terminará la comida? En el mercadona falta ya de todo, solo hay lo imprescindible...

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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2702 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 19:21:00 pm »
No lo creo.
Vaya por la mañana.

Era lo último que iba quedando de un pasado cuyo aniquilamiento no se consumaba, porque seguía aniquilándose indefinidamente, consumiéndose dentro de sí mismo, acabándose a cada minuto pero sin acabar de acabarse jamás.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2703 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 19:40:32 pm »
escribir "halla" siempre me ha parecido un descriptor de procedencia geografia: "la millor terreta del mon", "el levante fiiiliz"

a lo mojo tambien se da en otras partes
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
por los dioses, la deuda y el jurgolesteban, al reclutamiento y la favela


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2704 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 19:52:26 pm »

Lo que ha dicho Calviño es teatro. La mayoría de la gente es débil y cobarde y necesita que el pastor les diga que todo va a mantenerse. Aunque sea con detalles aparentemente intrascendentes como seguir cuidando el Telediario de la televisión pública, o que siga existiendo la tienda del triángulo verde, un sitio donde se pueda comprar de todo sin complicarse mucho la vida.

A mí lo que dijo esta me ha recordado al "Todas las Comunidades estarán por encima de la media" de PetaZeta; y le doy el mismo valor.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2705 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 20:23:28 pm »
Banalidad del mal es un concepto acuñado por la filósofa alemana H. Arendt para describir cómo un sistema de poder político puede trivializar el exterminio de seres humanos cuando se realiza como un procedimiento burocrático ejecutado por funcionarios incapaces de pensar en las consecuencias éticas.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2706 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 20:46:57 pm »

Trump says he would support government taking stake in certain companies

 U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday opened the door to a sweeping shift in the government’s relation to private industry as the coronavirus outbreak upends the nation’s economy, saying he would back the government taking stakes in certain companies.

Asked if he would support the federal government moving to take an equity stake in some companies, Trump said: “I do. I really do.”

Trump, speaking at a news conference at the White House, added: “We will be helping the airline industry. We will be helping the cruise ship industry. We probably will be helping the hotel industry.”
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2707 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 20:52:00 pm »


The coronavirus crisis shows we need an entirely new economic system

It will be impossible for capitalism to return to normal: we need an economy that has people’s wellbeing and public health as its priority.

“We will do whatever it takes,” says the Chancellor. Unfortunately, Rishi Sunak does not have what it's going to take – or at least, not yet. Because the Covid-19 crisis is going to collapse growth – both here and across the globe – in an entirely different way from anything we’ve experienced.

And what Sunak is going to need is an anti-capitalist imagination. In response to this crisis the government has to do nothing less than take command of the economy. But it doesn’t know how to. It’s not just a question of lacking education and experience in crisis management; it’s a question of ideology.

Let's summarise the measures taken by the Treasury and the Bank of England so far. In the Budget (11 March), Sunak pledged £12bn to tackle the “temporary disruption” of the virus, mainly using cuts to business rates, cash grants to small firms and a £2bn scheme to provide better access to sick pay. At the same time, the Bank slashed interest rates to 0.25 per cent (from 0.75 per cent) and authorised commercial banks to use £190bn of money they had been forced to hold as reserves for lending to businesses.

On 17 March, after two weeks of dither and delay, the Treasury went much further. It will underwrite £330bn of soft loans to large companies, a move designed to take pressure off the banking system, which in turn will offer billions in soft loans to small companies.

But there was no move to increase sick pay, nothing to help people who can’t pay the rent, and nothing significant for the tens of thousands of workers in pubs, restaurants and the entertainment industry who are being laid off. Sunak hinted at more major “fiscal action” to keep people in work, adding that he didn’t want to try to invent something new, because we need to use the existing mechanisms to move swiftly.

And that’s the problem. The existing mechanisms won’t work because this is not a normal crisis. Sunak, like chancellor Alistair Darling in 2008, keeps saying “the economy will bounce back” because it’s fundamentally sound. And that’s how most people think of the shocks we’ve experienced in our lifetime. To the ordinary person it appears as if there is a “real economy” of supermarkets, coffee bars, hospitals and universities – and above that a barely tangible financial economy dedicated to handling risks and generating large rewards for the rich, which occasionally goes wrong.

During the 2008 crisis it appeared as if this financial “roof” collapsed onto the building that was supporting it, but the building – though it suffered damage – remained stable and the roof was rebuilt. The problem is, by the same analogy, this time it’s not the roof collapsing, it’s the foundations.

Capitalism, like all previous economic systems, is built on people’s work. We are compelled to get out of bed, cram ourselves into public transport, obey the instructions of managers and the discipline of the clock. And when it’s over, even as we huddle together in the pub, or play five-a-side or go out to dinner, we’re still generating returns to capital invested by someone else.

Suddenly, this entire mechanism of compulsion, reward and exploitation has been disrupted by an epidemiological truth: to avoid mass death, to the tune of between a quarter and half a million, we must not go to work, or use public transport, or go to pubs, gyms, theatres or restaurants.

And though the epidemic will be temporary, the resulting disruptions will not. Because the finance system is not actually a “roof”: it has, in the space of 40 years, become the supporting structure of capitalism itself.

Every aspect of human life, in a developed society like our, is “securitised”. That is: my gym membership fees, the takings at my local pub, the profits of Starbucks, the bus and tube fares I pay – all are wrapped up into financial instruments into which a complex network of banks, hedge funds, insurance firms and pension funds invest in order to generate profits.

If the gym membership is cancelled, if Starbucks makes a loss, if the pub closes and, above all, if the worker does not go to work, the entire financial system will come under strain – and in ways we cannot predict because more than half of it exists in the so-called “shadow banking system”, a barely regulated and opaque network that has amassed $52trn in assets since the 2008 crisis. These “assets” are in fact just the expected profits made by all the restaurant chains, insurance companies, airlines etc – which are about to go bust.

Set against the risks, the £330bn of soft loans and £190bn of bank capital does not look big enough. If, as expected, the Treasury tries to deal with job losses through expanding access to unemployment benefit, and increasing it, that won’t do either.

What we need is a bazooka: and to understand the required size of it, we need to first recognise that all the rules we were previously working to are null and void. The Office for Budget Responsibility’s GDP growth forecast of 1.1 per cent this year and 1.8 per cent next year is toast. The idea that borrowing will peak at £66.7bn is also now nonsense. Instead of falling by five points from 80.6 per cent of GDP, government debt will most likely rise, while GDP itself slumps.

And the problem is that the existing economy was not “sound”: growth since 2008 has been fuelled by borrowing – by companies, households and states – and by the creation of $20trn of free money by central banks.

What we need, both in the physical fight to stop the virus and the economic fight to stop financial contagion, is the very thing successive governments have destroyed and disavowed: a plan. Keir Starmer suggests the fight against the virus should be actively co-ordinated by the Civil Contingencies Secretariat. Do you know what that is? Nope, because it’s become a dormant function of government in the free-market era, when all problems were assumed to be controllable by market mechanisms, or through government tweaks. But Starmer is right: we need to activate the functions of the state, just as other countries have done, where necessary ordering – not requesting – behavioural change.

With the vitally needed ventilators, for example, the government should simply revoke the intellectual property rights of the manufacturers, make the blueprints open source, and require what’s left of our light manufacturing industry to make the things, just as in wartime.

When it comes to the economic rescue package, doing “whatever it takes” means borrowing what it takes and, if necessary, the Bank of England printing money to buy up the debts of the government, banks, households and corporations.

This would leave the national debt at more than 100 per cent of GDP and the monetisation of this debt by the Bank would, traditionally, risk triggering a run on sterling and capital outflows. If this happens, then, as in wartime, there is another traditional remedy – capital controls.

Like it or not, we are going to end up with a heavily state-backed economy, with the government directing the private sector and ensuring everyone has enough to live on: the sooner we accept that, and a generation of neoliberal-trained politicians learns how to perform this role, the better.

The social price for what we will have to endure must be twofold: the actions taken have to be universal and they have to redistribute wealth and power downwards, not upwards. When a Covid-19 vaccine is discovered, it should be open source and produced generically, with the elderly, the pregnant women and other high-risk groups first in line, and the private clinics of Harley Street in the same queue as the rest of us.

After this is over, it will be impossible for capitalism to return to normal. Because this is not some “exogenous shock” – like an asteroid hitting an otherwise blameless planet. Wave after wave of zoonotic viruses have been produced during the breakneck and poverty-stricken urbanisation of the Global South, and by the deforestation and destruction of habitats.

The fact that these viruses then hit societies with poor public health systems, insanitary and crowded housing, elites that do not care, and populations suffering massively from “co-morbidities” such as asthma, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes is, likewise, not an accident. It is a product of a social system called capitalism.

It’s one thing to bail out the airlines – and we should do so through part-nationalisation. But when it’s over, who do you think will buy airline shares, unless a massive change is effected in public health standards, both here and across the world?

After the Black Death wiped out a third of Europe’s population in the 14th century, the economic system of feudalism was doomed. Samuel Kline Cohnm in his account of the revolts that followed (Lust For Liberty) describes a move from “utter despondency and fear to a new confidence on the part of peasants, artisans and workers that they too could change the world, fundamentally altering the social and political conditions of their lives”.

We won’t face physical catastrophe on the magnitude of the 1340s – but our complex and financialised economy is quite capable of inflicting economic catastrophe on us. In response, we need a new economic system, which has people’s wellbeing and public health as its main priority, and stabilises our relationship with the planet. The task of the left is to imagine it, and then make it happen.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2708 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 20:53:31 pm »

Italy’s PM urges Brussels to unleash €500bn rescue fund

Conte warns monetary policy alone is insufficient to combat ‘global shock that has no precedents’
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2709 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 20:54:24 pm »
¿Nacionalizar aunque sea en parte?


Trump says he would support government taking stake in certain companies

 U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday opened the door to a sweeping shift in the government’s relation to private industry as the coronavirus outbreak upends the nation’s economy, saying he would back the government taking stakes in certain companies.

Asked if he would support the federal government moving to take an equity stake in some companies, Trump said: “I do. I really do.”

Trump, speaking at a news conference at the White House, added: “We will be helping the airline industry. We will be helping the cruise ship industry. We probably will be helping the hotel industry.”
Banalidad del mal es un concepto acuñado por la filósofa alemana H. Arendt para describir cómo un sistema de poder político puede trivializar el exterminio de seres humanos cuando se realiza como un procedimiento burocrático ejecutado por funcionarios incapaces de pensar en las consecuencias éticas.


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2710 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 20:58:53 pm »
escribir "halla" siempre me ha parecido un descriptor de procedencia geografia: "la millor terreta del mon", "el levante fiiiliz"

a lo mojo tambien se da en otras partes
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

El "halla" ha sido culpa del autocorrector del móvil y de enviar el mensaje sin revisarlo, creo que a más de uno os habrá pasado, los autocorrectores juegan malas pasadas.

Ademá no soi del levante soi del sú.  :rofl: :rofl:


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2711 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 21:05:00 pm »
Cuñaismo alemán

Acabo de hablar con mi cuñada (directiva de una socimi en Alemania). La empresa es un heavyweight con casi 500k viviendas y consciente de lo que les avecina con la crisis coronómica.
De cara al exterior se ha tomado la primera medida. Hoy se ha publicado en su web (seguirá un Briefing directo a todos sus clientes) el siguiente mensaje: Los inquilinos que tengan dificultades para pagar el alquiler envíen a ... mensaje con clave: “dificultad alquiler”. Rogamos tengan paciencia en el caso de que tardemos en contestarles

La medida interna ha sido comunicada a los directivos por videoconferencia, y es no actuar ante impagos . Esta orden viene desde arriba.

Saquen sus propias conclusiones.

« última modificación: Marzo 19, 2020, 21:08:03 pm por Vipamo »


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2712 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 21:32:28 pm »

World Feared China Over Coronavirus. Now the Tables Are Turned.

“People in Western countries said China’s response was too authoritarian, didn’t respect people’s democracy and freedom enough,” said Yin Choi Lam, a Vietnamese-Chinese restaurant owner in Melbourne, Australia. “Now compare it to places like Italy, where the death rate is so high, or America, where no one knows how many people are sick. Would you rather have freedom or keep your life?”
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2713 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 21:40:21 pm »
Ademá no soi del levante soi del sú.  :rofl: :rofl:
no era por Ud, era por Raf909
por los dioses, la deuda y el jurgolesteban, al reclutamiento y la favela


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Re:PPCC: Pisitófilos Creditófagos. Invierno 2019
« Respuesta #2714 en: Marzo 19, 2020, 21:45:39 pm »

Trump accuses media of 'siding with China' while claiming administration was 'very prepared' for coronavirus crisis

When asked why the United States was not prepared with more testing as the novel coronavirus began to spread, Trump claimed "we were very prepared" and "the only thing we weren't prepared for was the media. The media has not treated it fairly."
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”— Viktor E. Frankl


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