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Cita de: uno en Mayo 30, 2020, 16:36:13 pmMe da que con esto del "Ingreso Mínimo Vital" los demandantes de empleo se van a disparar, ya que uno de los requisitos es estar inscrito como "demandante de empleo", tengo varios a mi alrededor que hacía años, incluso quinquenios que no estaban como tal.Edito: No lo estaban porqué vivian de la economía sumergidaSe disparará el paro por tanto
Me da que con esto del "Ingreso Mínimo Vital" los demandantes de empleo se van a disparar, ya que uno de los requisitos es estar inscrito como "demandante de empleo", tengo varios a mi alrededor que hacía años, incluso quinquenios que no estaban como tal.Edito: No lo estaban porqué vivian de la economía sumergida
A Macro Perspective of the Coronavirus RecessionThe coronavirus pandemic affects the world economy in unprecedented ways when compared to previous recessions. When compared with other major setbacks in human history, only WWII, so far, had greater economic consequences than this virus has.In the United States, a forecast run by Deutsche Bank’s economists sees the US GDP shrinking by 10% in 2020 and remaining flat for 2021. What is stunning is that during the course of 2020, the budget deficit is expected to show a whopping 25% of GDP. And, by 2030, the debt-to-GDP ratio could rise to 175% – double the last year’s figure.All these numbers are meant to show the impact and the challenges the coronavirus poses to economies around the world. Forget about high-interest rates anytime soon in the future – the numbers presented earlier reflect a perpetual low-interest rates environment relative to growth.In other words, the coronavirus shock may be more than just an exogenous one. After an exogenous shock, the economies quickly come back on track. This time, it feels like the virus will change the very economic concepts societies lived by up to this point.
Cita de: Yupi_Punto en Mayo 30, 2020, 17:01:56 pmCita de: uno en Mayo 30, 2020, 16:36:13 pmMe da que con esto del "Ingreso Mínimo Vital" los demandantes de empleo se van a disparar, ya que uno de los requisitos es estar inscrito como "demandante de empleo", tengo varios a mi alrededor que hacía años, incluso quinquenios que no estaban como tal.Edito: No lo estaban porqué vivian de la economía sumergidaSe disparará el paro por tanto¿Se reducirá la economía sumergida?
Cojan la bolsita de papel para el vómito y pasen.El piso turístico "genera puestos de trabajo", "las familias tienen el derecho de que exista y usarlo" y "debe recibir todas las ayudas económicas que se pueda" y todo el "apoyo sin complejos".[...]“Ha de haber un apoyo sin complejos al piso turístico”El presidente de la Associació d’Apartaments Turístics de Barcelona (Apartur) defiende la importancia del turismo para salir de la crisis[...]¿Qué necesitan de la administración?En lo que respecta a ayudas económicas, todas las que se pueda. Facilidad de crédito, que no todo se tenga que hacer a través de los ICO actuales. Cuando a un banquero le hablas de turismo sale corriendo. Rebajas fiscales: no tiene sentido si este verano nos viene un turista al que tengamos que cobrar 2,50 euros de tasa por persona y noche. Es desventaja con el resto de España. Las empresas turísticas, además, tenemos que hacer la declaración de la tasa en octubre: que se traslade al año siguiente, a dentro de dos.[...]https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20200529/481440212995/turismo-apartur-entrevista-desescalada-espana.html
Recovery plan heralds more integrated EU, say analystsThe EU economic recovery plan launched on Wednesday heralds a more integrated union, in which Member States will move closer together in policy, analysts told the Cyprus Mail on Thursday.“The EU is entering a new phase, in which the role of the Commission in making decisions will become much more important,” comments Judy Dempsey, an analyst with the Washington, DC-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.“There is no need for Treaty amendment to make this change. The Member States will simply pull together, because it’s important to overcome this crisis. You can see this in the joint action of Merkel and Macron to propose a recovery fund – Merkel clearly felt that unity was more important than supporting previous German policy of opposing such funding.”“A week ago I could see only negative consequences for the EU from CV-19,” says Charles Grant, director for the Centre for European Reform.“But recent news from Merkel and Macron has cheered me up, they are taking significant steps towards reforming the eurozone so that it can survive future challenges.”The proposal goes beyond the Macron/Merkel proposals of May 19. In a nutshell, the European Commission proposes to raise €750 billion from the financial markets to be repaid between 2028 and 2058, i.e. bonds with long term maturity. The Commission will offer then ‘back to back’ loans to Member States as well as forgivable grants.“This is possible thanks to the very high credit rating of the EU and the offer of very favourable conditions,” explains Jorge Nunez, an analyst with the Centre for European Policy Studies.Nunez shares the view that this means greater integration. “What is being proposed may be the start of an EU budget deficits approach to handle needs, a step to a mature governmental structure run with under constant debt and held together by the trust of the markets in the solvability of the EU budget. Let us not be naïve, this one-off change is already a de-facto move to the necessary structures for a functioning monetary union with a single market. This change is a first important step to make the EU more functional and resilient.”What’s more, analysts expect the plan to succeed.“The economic plan proposed by the Commission is viable from an economic point of view. The EU can borrow the necessary amount and it represents a first attempt to create countercyclical fiscal policy at the EU level. Great progress. It will strengthen the recovery efforts and more importantly it will avoid asymmetries between European economies. Both of these are very important for the future months,” says Professor Antonio Fatas at the INSEAD School of Management in Fontainebleau, France.Fatas also thinks the plan will be ratified by all 27 Member States.“Will it pass? I think it will even if there are cosmetic changes. The Commission must have a sense that there is enough support for it before proposing it, plus there is clear political support in Germany. Some smaller northern countries seem unconvinced, but the momentum seems too strong for it not to pass,” he adds.
[...]Buen punto. Espero que en el debate se acepten ...
Cita de: lurkertai en Mayo 30, 2020, 16:30:30 pm[...]Buen punto. Espero que en el debate se acepten ...Aceptarse, se aceptan (los argumentos,) pero como "prueba", ni de broma. Por poner algo:Así se miden (y se trampean) las audiencias de radio y televisiónhttps://lacabezallena.com/cine-television/audiencias/
"No regalaremos a Nissan que se marche de manera fácil y rápida", ha subrayado la consellera, que ha añadido que no quiere dar esperanzas a los trabajadores sobre una posible nacionalización porque es algo que aún no se ha planteado con el Gobierno.Chacón ha sostenido que presionarán al máximo para revertir la decisión de la automovilística nipona y trabajarán para buscar un futuro para sus trabajadores: "Ahora nos toca demostrar a Nissan que su decisión es equivocada".