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Autor Tema: Geopolitica siglo XXI  (Leído 103693 veces)

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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #300 en: Noviembre 15, 2024, 02:47:20 am »
Análisis, historia, ISRAEL / Ron Unz, bibliografia mitos propaganda

The Total Madness of the State of Israel • 42m ▶
Ron Unz • October 21, 2024 •



A perfect example of this came in the infamous U.S.S. Liberty incident of 1967. While peacefully sailing in international waters, our naval vessel was attacked by the Israelis, whose air and sea forces killed or wounded more than 200 American servicemen, and only by chance failed in their effort to sink the ship with no survivors. This constituted America’s worst naval loss of life since the huge battles of World War II, and surely if any other nation in the world had been responsible, our swift and overwhelming military retaliation would have bombed its major cities to rubble and killed many thousands of its citizens, while perhaps also hunting down and executing all the enemy leaders who had ordered that unprovoked attack.

But instead our government completely covered up that incident at the time it occurred, and the only consequence was that the annual financial tribute we paid to the Jewish State steadily increased in size. Even when the facts finally came out a dozen years later, any outrage was confined to just a small sliver of our population, while the majority who heard the story vaguely assumed that since the media told them “nothing to see here” they should move on and pay no attention. Something that under normal circumstances might have been expected to provoke a major punitive war merely produced a few uncomfortable shrugs.

Israel en la ONU


Otras Fuentes

American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty
Ron Unz • The Unz Review • October 18, 2021 • 11,400 Words

Jacques BAUD (video repaso historico de creación y amenaza nuclear en  1967)

Gerf Schultze-Rhonhof, (2011)

Shlomo Sand (2012)

Amos OZ (1983)

 Seymour Hersh  (1991)


Grayzone - Documental


Israel will eventually pay price for Gaza genocide going on for a year:
« última modificación: Noviembre 15, 2024, 03:19:39 am por saturno »
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #301 en: Noviembre 20, 2024, 02:40:52 am »
Conflicto nuclear, EEUU, Ukrania / Biden Administration

To Prolong The War In Ukraine U.S. Allows ATACMS Use On Russia

Par Moon of Alabama – Le 18 novembre 2024


Nothing has been shown that would provide that there are any North Korean soldiers in Russia. The claim that a division sized contingent of North Korean soldiers is preparing to fight in the Kursk region was made by Ukraine only after a U.S. think-tank had proposed to use it as an item of larger propaganda campaign.
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #302 en: Noviembre 20, 2024, 03:18:06 am »
Guerra nuclear, EEUU, Ucrania / Alocución de Trump del 18-nov-2024

Trump: "Rusia no es la amenaza, Estados Unidos sí lo es". Estamos cerca de una Tercera Guerra Mundial. »

Donald Trump advierte de una amenaza nuclear inminente, critica a las élites corruptas y las políticas de la administración Biden y pide una prioridad nacional para evitar una catástrofe global.

mise à jour le 19/11/24 - Le Média en 4-4-2



El expresidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, pronunció recientemente un discurso histórico en el que acusó a las élites corruptas y a los estrategas neoconservadores de llevar al mundo hacia una guerra nuclear inminente. Según Trump, la actual administración liderada por Joe Biden está jugando peligrosamente con fuego en Ucrania, amenazando con hundir a la humanidad en el Armagedón.

Una amenaza sin precedentes

"Nunca hemos estado más cerca de la Tercera Guerra Mundial", dijo Trump. Señaló los conflictos por poderes en Ucrania y dijo que estos enfrentamientos sólo aumentan los riesgos de una escalada. Según él, se debe dar prioridad a la paz inmediata y no a las políticas agresivas que atribuye a una élite globalista preocupada por sus propios intereses.

Trump insistió en que la verdadera amenaza para Estados Unidos no viene del exterior, sino del interior: “Rusia no es el enemigo. El enemigo es nuestra propia élite corrupta, que está destruyendo a Estados Unidos desde dentro. »
   [eeuu][rusia] Trump acusa y envía un mensaje de paz: la OTAN y los neoconservadores globalistas están presionando para una guerra nuclear. Biden juega con Armageddon en Ucrania.

 “Rusia no es la amenaza, es nuestra propia élite corrupta la que está destruyendo a Estados Unidos. Prioridad: PAZ inmediata,…


 — Camille Moscow --- (@camille_moscow) 18 de noviembre de 2024

Un llamado a la paz y a Estados Unidos primero

En un discurso lleno de referencias a su emblemático eslogan “Estados Unidos primero”, Trump pidió una reforma profunda de las instituciones y el fin inmediato de las “guerras sin fin”. Criticó las devastadoras consecuencias de estos conflictos, no sólo en el extranjero sino también en suelo estadounidense, citando los problemas económicos y sociales que resultan.

“Debemos desmantelar a los belicistas, acabar con el poder del Estado profundo y priorizar las necesidades del pueblo estadounidense. » También denunció el enorme gasto destinado a aventuras militares en el extranjero, afirmando que estos recursos deberían reinvertirse en infraestructura y en la economía nacional.
Críticas a la administración Biden

Trump ha decretado que las acciones de la administración Biden en Ucrania están provocando una mayor tensión global. Dice que el enfoque actual no sólo es imprudente, sino que expone a Estados Unidos y sus aliados a consecuencias catastróficas.

También advirtió sobre la desestabilización global y el posible colapso de la civilización si no se toman medidas inmediatas. “Es hora de escuchar la voz de la razón y elegir el camino de la paz”, insistió.

Hacia una nueva visión política

Donald Trump concluyó su discurso llamando a la movilización para restablecer las prioridades nacionales. “Estados Unidos debe volver a ser fuerte centrándose en sí mismo. Debemos restaurar nuestra soberanía, nuestros valores y nuestra prosperidad. »

Al presentar una visión claramente opuesta a las políticas actuales, Trump espera unir a sus seguidores en torno a un mensaje de paz y prioridad nacional, al tiempo que critica los excesos de la élite gobernante a la que considera responsable de la crisis actual.

por Le Média en 4-4-2



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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #303 en: Noviembre 20, 2024, 11:34:10 am »
Opinion, OTAN Rusia/ RT

Biden’s last gamble: Is Washington trying to start World War III?


Biden’s last gamble: Is Washington trying to start World War III?
With the outgoing US president seemingly eager to throw a final tantrum before his time is up, it’s up to Moscow to be the adult in the room
Tarik Cyril Amar

By Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany working at Koç University, Istanbul, on Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe, the history of World War II, the cultural Cold War, and the politics of memory
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #304 en: Noviembre 20, 2024, 11:40:19 am »
Doctrina nuclear, RUSIA /

19 Nov, 2024 11:41

Russia’s new nuclear doctrine (KEY POINTS)


HomeRussia & FSU
President Vladimir Putin has approved changes to the Basic Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Nuclear Deterrence



State policy on Nuclear Deterrence is defensive by nature, it is aimed at maintaining the nuclear forces potential at the level sufficient for nuclear deterrence, and guarantees protection of national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State, and deterrence of a potential adversary from aggression against the Russian Federation and/or its allies. In the event of a military conflict, this Policy provides for the prevention of an escalation of military actions and their termination on conditions that are acceptable for the Russian Federation and/or its allies.

The Russian Federation considers nuclear weapons as a means of deterrence, their use being an extreme and compelled measure, and takes all necessary efforts to reduce nuclear threat and prevent aggravation of interstate relations, that could trigger military conflicts, including nuclear ones.

The Russian Federation ensures nuclear deterrence toward a potential adversary, which is understood to mean any individual states or military coalitions (blocs, alliances) which see the Russian Federation as a potential adversary and possess nuclear arms and/or other weapons of mass destruction or conventional forces with a significant combat capability. Nuclear deterrence is also ensured toward any states which provide the territory, airspace, and/or maritime space under their control as well as resources for preparing and conducting an aggression against the Russian Federation.

An aggression of any single state from a military coalition (bloc, alliance) against the Russian Federation and/or its allies will be regarded as an aggression of the coalition (bloc, alliance) as a whole.


An aggression against the Russian Federation and/or its allies of any non-nuclear state with the participation or support of a nuclear state will be regarded as their joint attack.


The Russian Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear arms and/or other weapons of mass destruction against itself and/or its allies, as well as in the event of an aggression against the Russian Federation and/or the Republic of Belarus as constituents of the Union State using conventional arms, if such an aggression creates a critical threat for their sovereignty and/or territorial integrity.
The decision to use nuclear weapons is taken by the President of the Russian Federation.
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #305 en: Noviembre 20, 2024, 11:56:45 am »
Opiniom, EEUU /  Deep State, Matt Gaetz, Scott Ritter

Nov 16, 2024, Scott Ritter
Why Matt Gaetz Matters



Matt Gaetz is the only person who has the motive and ability to take on the National Security Division’s of the DOJ and FBI and get justice for the American people whose lives have been turned upside down because of their distinctly illegal activities.

In 1998, the FBI promised to “fuck me in the ass” for daring to speak out against bad US policy in Iraq.

Today, some 26 years later, the FBI is still working to carry out that promise.

The FBI terrorizes innocent Americans daily for the “crime” of saying things their political masters object to.

Matt Gaetz was investigated by the FBI regarding the allegations that are the subject of the House Ethics Committee report.

The FBI did not press charges.

Matt Gaetz has promised to hold the FBI and Department of Justice to account for the crimes they have committed against him.

For the crimes they have committed against President Trump.

For the crimes that they have committed against the American people.

For the crimes they have committed against me.

You see, it is personal.

Not just for those who have been directly caught up in the abuses committed by the FBI and DOJ.

But for all Americans.

The FBI and DOJ, as they are currently organized and operated, are an insult to us all.

They are an affront to the Constitution.

Matt Gaetz wants to hold them to account.

And we should do everything possible to give him the chance to do just that by supporting his nomination as Attorney General.

We are in the midst of the Trump Revolution, and Matt Gaetz is as revolutionary as they come.
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #306 en: Noviembre 21, 2024, 02:23:36 am »
Ensayo, EEUU, RUSIA / War of messianisms, bibliografia, Eurasia, Monismo, mesianismo ortodoxo

The End of History or a War of American and Russian Messianisms
Gordonhahn October 8, 2024



Apunte ;
Largo, pero merece la pena-

Es algo confuso para un Occidental, y escribe para lectores familiarizados con la cultura rusa (apuntes, alusiones), pero hace un repaso de referencias intelectuales, desde el s-XI, pasando por Dostoievsky hasta Dougine,  entre muchos-

Lo traigo porque su comparación (diferenciación) con el mesianismo americano es como una Piedra de Roseta para hacer saltos analógicos, poner orden en conceptos u orientarse en el trasfondo mitologico de los eslavos/eurasiáticos y su potencial mesiánico,

« última modificación: Noviembre 21, 2024, 02:33:09 am por saturno »
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #307 en: Noviembre 28, 2024, 14:22:10 pm »
Opinion, Rusia, OTAN / Oreshnik, Disuasión, Nuclear, Estratégica

How The New Russian Missiles Are Changing The Game

November 27, 2024



PS; me Parece que la ciencia del plasma es la aplicación de las teorias del profesor PETIT- El mismo las explica-


=== edit 241129
Kinetic impact from "Oreshnik" and its temperature are comparable to the temperature on the surface of the sun - Putin


Referencias; Mike Adams, Theodore Postol, Scott Ritter et Brian Berletic



Le chercheur américain Mike Adams : Jusqu'à présent, presque personne en Occident ne comprend ce qu'est le système d'armes Oreshnik, que la Russie vient de démontrer. Chapeau bas à Theodore Postol, Scott Ritter et Brian Berletic, les trois seules personnes que j'ai trouvées qui comprennent cela. J'ai calculé l'énergie cinétique des sous-munitions (en utilisant des estimations de masse) et examiné ce que l'on sait actuellement sur ces armes. Ma conclusion ? L'OTAN est finie.
« última modificación: Noviembre 29, 2024, 17:52:25 pm por saturno »
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #308 en: Noviembre 30, 2024, 02:46:29 am »
OpInion, geopolitica / Whitney,

Why the United States Will Lose a War with Russia

Mike Whitney • November 27, 2024 • 2,700 Words •


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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #309 en: Diciembre 01, 2024, 14:53:46 pm »
Analisis, Siria, Idlib/ geopolitica, orden mundial, HTS, Murad Sadygzade

Who is behind the new Syria war flare-up?

29 Nov, 2024 20:43 -- RT World News


Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)

Why has the conflict gained new momentum?

Before the current crisis, the Idlib province had remained the last major stronghold of armed opposition to Assad’s government throughout the Syrian conflict. The region became a focal point of overlapping interests among various local and international powers, creating a volatile and tense environment.

In 2017, as part of the Astana peace process, Russia, Türkiye, and Iran agreed to establish de-escalation zones, with Idlib designated as one of them. The purpose of these agreements was to reduce the intensity of hostilities and create conditions for a political resolution. However, the ceasefire was repeatedly violated, and military operations persisted, escalating the conflict. The growing influence of radical Islamist groups, such as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), complicated dialogue between the parties, as many of these organizations were excluded from negotiations and classified as terrorist groups.

Siria-Idlib -- Eje geográfico de salida de Mat-Primas
Grupos a sueldo (HTS, oponentes, agentes MI6 y CIA)
Turquia  -- Refugiados, conflicto Kurdos, Irán
Israel -- Palestina, Libano
UK-EEUU  -- 2do frente para Ucrania

(--- Final)

The war in Idlib: A harbinger of potential global catastrophe

The escalation in Syria’s Idlib province transcends the bounds of a localized conflict, serving as a stark warning of global instability. The northwest of the country has become a battlefield where the interests of global powers converge, and the intensifying violence reflects the deep fractures in the current world order. The involvement of numerous external players pursuing their own agendas has turned the region into a microcosm of geopolitical contradictions, potentially foreshadowing a broader global crisis.

The resurgence of long-standing conflicts, such as Israel’s military actions in Gaza and Lebanon, amplifies tensions on the international stage. These seemingly dormant or controlled confrontations are reigniting with renewed intensity, posing threats to regional and global stability. The revival of these underscores the inability of existing mechanisms to effectively prevent escalation and address the underlying causes of discord.

Global tensions are nearing a critical tipping point, as many “frozen” conflicts begin to “bleed.” The old world order, built on principles and institutions shaped during the last century, is proving inadequate to meet the challenges of globalization, technological progress, and shifting power dynamics. International organizations and agreements frequently falter in the face of contemporary threats, whether terrorism, cybersecurity, or hybrid warfare.

Constructing a new world order requires a rethinking of existing structures and, perhaps, dismantling outdated approaches. This transition is inherently fraught with conflict, as the shift from the old to the new is rarely smooth. Competing powers and blocs are striving to safeguard their interests, heightening the risk of confrontation unless a common understanding and mutual trust can be established.

The situation in Idlib epitomizes this painful transitional phase. It highlights how regional conflicts can escalate into global crises if left unresolved. The interplay of external forces in Syria mirrors broader trends of rivalry and mistrust among major powers, further increasing the likelihood of a large-scale conflict.

In conclusion, the escalation in Idlib and other global hotspots serves as a warning that the world is on the brink of profound change. To avoid sliding into a global conflict, the international community must work collaboratively to establish a new, more resilient world order capable of addressing modern challenges. This requires dialogue, compromise, and a willingness to overcome old divisions for the sake of a shared future.


Murad Sadygzade

Murad Sadygzade is the President of the Middle East Studies' Center in Moscow, a research institution dedicated to understanding the complexities of the Middle East.

He is a visiting Lecturer at HSE University, RANEPA, and MGIMO University (Odintsovo), ensuring future generations are informed about the region. Engaging in high-level discussions as an expert of prominent organizations like the Russian International Affairs Council, Valdai Discussion Club, and various analytical centers across the Middle East.

He provides valuable insights and guidance to both public and private organizations navigating the intricacies of the Middle East and offers his expert commentary on current events in the region through both Russian and Middle Eastern media platforms.

Follow Murad’s insights on his Telegram channel.
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Re:Geopolitica siglo XXI
« Respuesta #310 en: Diciembre 01, 2024, 15:13:04 pm »
Opinion, EEUU / Reaccion thermidoriana, Woke, Ley y lawfare, James Howard Kunstler

The Great 'Splainin' Cometh

James Howard Kunstler
Nov 15, 2024

The meltdown has gotten so heavy liberal bureaucrats are ready to form antigovernment militias and fretting about black helicopters —Max Blumenthal


Rachel Levine & Wikipedia RU-ES WikiES

In July 27, 1794, the non-insane members of the Convention, or national legislative body in Paris, suddenly turned on the rabid Jacobin leader Maximillian Robespierre and overthrew his ruling tyrannical bunch — who had killed 40,000 of their fellow countrymen in the paranoid orgy known as The Reign of Terror. The next day, Robespierre rode the tumbrel to his own appointment with “the national razor” and the Thermidorian Reaction was on!

     By the way, in one of their many acts disordering French society, the Jacobins had changed the calendar, renamed all the months, and changed the weeks from seven to ten days (to eliminate Sundays as a holy day of rest in their anti-church crusade). Thus, Thermidor, the month of mid-summer. This was but a small part of their proto-communist agenda, but you see in it the flavor of their radical extremism.

     The Woke Democrats of recent times were our Jacobins, and the election of November 5, 2024, marks the kick-off of America’s Thermidorian Reaction. The crazies have been overthrown and our country awaits a restoration of norms in culture and law. No more sexualizing of children, no more flood of criminal mutts across the US border, no more furtive censorship of public speech, no more creative lawfare, no more women on the battlefield, no more “anti-racist” racism in the workplace, no more intel takeover of everyone’s private life. . . you get the picture.


There’s every reason to believe that the ‘splainin’ can take place in correct proceedings according to law: hearings, grand juries, courts. We do have actual laws against racketeering, abuse of power, election fraud, bribery, malicious prosecution, sedition, treason, and conspiracy to commit all those crimes. Pay attention: all that is distinct from lawfare, which is making-up crimes, faking crimes, and faking procedure. You are going to see a demonstration of how law differs from lawfare. It ought to have a salutary effect on our national esprit. And that should motivate us to get on with the job of repairing the damage done to our country.

« última modificación: Diciembre 01, 2024, 15:39:40 pm por saturno »
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