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Cita de: Negrule en Agosto 15, 2022, 10:44:43 amBuenos días, Cadavre mira a ver si puedes hacer tu magia, me juego todo a que dice que el mercado inmobiliario español está sanísimo.El español que vigila las burbujas inmobiliarias en la Fed estadounidenseEnrique Martínez García es economista sénior del banco central de EE UU y trabaja desde hace más de una década con las estadísticas de precio de vivienda: “Me preocupa muchísimo Alemania”, asegurahttps://elpais.com/economia/2022-08-15/el-espanol-que-vigila-las-burbujas-inmobiliarias-en-la-fed-estadounidense.htmlSaludos.
Buenos días, Cadavre mira a ver si puedes hacer tu magia, me juego todo a que dice que el mercado inmobiliario español está sanísimo.El español que vigila las burbujas inmobiliarias en la Fed estadounidenseEnrique Martínez García es economista sénior del banco central de EE UU y trabaja desde hace más de una década con las estadísticas de precio de vivienda: “Me preocupa muchísimo Alemania”, asegurahttps://elpais.com/economia/2022-08-15/el-espanol-que-vigila-las-burbujas-inmobiliarias-en-la-fed-estadounidense.html
Homebuilders say U.S. is in a ‘housing recession’ as sentiment turns negativeThe National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index dropped 6 points in August to 49. Anything below 50 is considered negative.This marks the eighth straight decline in the index.“Tighter monetary policy from the Federal Reserve and persistently elevated construction costs have brought on a housing recession,” said NAHB Chief Economist Robert Dietz.
Builder Confidence Falls for Eighth Consecutive MonthBuilder confidence fell for the eighth straight month in August as elevated interest rates, ongoing supply chain problems and high home prices continue to exacerbate housing affordability challenges. In another sign that a declining housing market has failed to bottom out, builder confidence in the market for newly built single-family homes fell six points in August to 49, marking the first time since May 2020 that the index fell below the key break-even measure of 50, according to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI).
Hong Kong Watchdog Investigates Evergrande Over Deal AuditsHong Kong’s Financial Reporting Council is stepping up its investigation of audits at China Evergrande Group, the second review of the embattled developer’s books in nine months.The watchdog is looking into Evergrande’s accounts and the audits of some transactions at the company and its subsidiary Evergrande Property Services Group Ltd., according to a statement Monday. The inspections add to the challenges facing the Shenzhen-based company at the center of China’s real estate crisis. The world’s most-indebted developer defaulted in December and fell short of delivering a promised restructuring plan last month, fueling concerns about its ability to repay investors and complete housing projects sold to homeowners. The auditing regulator is expanding the scope of its inspections for Evergrande’s financial statements for 2020 and the first half of 2021, and is expanding an investigation of an audit carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The FRC identified questions about the classification of restricted bank deposits and other loans, the measurement of pledge guarantees given and the disclosure of related-party transactions in the accounts, and related questions about the audits,” according to the statement. Evergrande has been investigating how 13.4 billion yuan ($1.98 billion) of its deposits were used as security for third parties to obtain bank loans, which some borrowers then failed to pay back. The pledge guarantees threatened to wipe out most of the cash holdings at its property-services unit.That probe sparked departures of several senior executives. Evergrande’s former Chief Executive Officer Xia Haijun, former Chief Financial Officer Pan Darong and another former executive were forced to resign as a result of information about their involvement in arranging the pledges obtained from the preliminary investigation.Evergrande, whose founder Hui Ka Yan stepped down as chairman of the onshore real estate unit last year, is embroiled in a broader real estate crisis following a regulatory crackdown on excessive borrowing.
How China's Slow Economic Growth Is Affecting the World(...) From a US perspective, China's slowing economy is likely to continue relieving Washington's inflationary pressure by contributing to a further decline in international energy and food prices and it is also likely to restrict America's export prospects by contributing to a further slowing in the global economy, according to New York Post.
‘No one immune’ amid China property turmoil, JPMorgan saysChinese developers may report a 30% year-on-year decline in first-half earnings due this month, which will likely weigh on sentiment, according to JPMorgan Chase & Co analysts.“No one is immune” amid the industry turmoil and investors’ concerns about the liquidity of most private developers are set to linger, analysts including Karl Chan wrote in a note Sunday, as they downgraded developers including CIFI Holdings Group Co and KWG Group Holdings Ltd.At least US$90 billion has been wiped out in China’s real-estate stocks and dollar bonds this year, and a bursting housing bubble and an intensifying debt crisis threaten to inflict even more pain. Pessimism has deepened after Beijing signaled that homeowners, not builders, will be the priority in the authorities’ efforts to stabilize China’s slumping housing market.Most developers’ shares tracked a decline in the broader market on Monday. A Bloomberg Intelligence gauge of builders fell as much as 0.7% to head for its first decline in three days.Chinese high-yield dollar bonds, which are dominated by issuance from property developers, gained about 0.5-1 cent on the dollar Monday, according to credit traders.China’s home prices fell 0.1% in July, down for an 11th month, underscoring how government relief efforts have so far failed to curb the nation’s spiraling real estate crisis.The banking regulator said Friday that it will meet developers’ “reasonable financing demands effectively” and support their mergers and acquisitions and restructuring of property development projectsHowever, the analysts said until there are stronger policy responses and proof of a recovery in sales, the sector’s shares are likely to remain lacklustre. The brokerage doesn’t expect companies that are still suspended from trading — including China Evergrande Group and Shimao Group Holdings Ltd — to release first-half results, and there’s also a risk of non-publication for others.To be sure, there might be a potential short-term rebound in September due to an improvement in month-on-month sales during a traditional peak season, and speculation about strong policy support from the central government after a key party meeting, the analysts wrote.
Labor Shortage Is Vexing Challenge for U.S. EconomySupply of available workers is headed in wrong direction as Federal Reserve strives to cool labor market and bring down high inflation
Resulta que ahora, según ellos –ese ellos incluye a muchas ellas– y gracias a su esfuerzo acumulativo de décadas psicopedagógicas, nos hemos convertido en un país de maravillosos genios. Los alumnos que dejan el bachillerato lo hacen ya con una nota media de 8 en toda España. Nadie suspende, el notable es fácil de alcanzar y el sobresaliente se ha hecho tan común que apenas llama la atención. Uno de cada cuatro chicos deja el cole con esa media. Sólo tres de cada cien acaban con una nota de 5 o 6 puntos: la mayor parte de los que se presentan a EBAU, antes Selectividad, llega con una media de notable o sobresaliente. En Andalucía, por ejemplo, noventa y nueve de cada cien alumnos; lo que convierte a los jóvenes andaluces –y también a los murcianos, asturianos, canarios y aragoneses– en los más brillantes de Europa, o casi.
No puedo leerlo... (por ser muy bueno, dicen.)Pero con la foto... y no sé qué de unas parihuelas...Shorts carried out on stretchers as FOMO kicks inhttps://www.zerohedge.com/the-market-ear/shortsoutby The Market Ear