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America Failing To Prepare Gen Z To Enter the Workforce Due To 'Glaring' Gap in Tech SkillsPosted by msmash on Thursday February 02, 2023 @01:01PM from the closer-look dept.Computer classes for Gen Z aren't cutting it anymore. From a report:CitarMore than a third (37%) of Gen Zers feel their school education didn't prepare them with the digital skills they need to propel their career, according to Dell Technologies' international survey of more than 15,000 adults ages 18 to 26 across 15 countries. A majority (56%) of this generation added that they had very basic to no digital skills education. It's all led to some warranted skepticism regarding the future of work: Many Gen Zers are unsure what the digital economy will look like, and 33% have little to no confidence that the government's investments in a digital future will be successful in 10 years. Forty-four percent think that schools and businesses should work together to address the digital skills gap. The findings back up past research that found nearly half of the Class of 2022 felt the top skill they were underprepared for was technical skills.
More than a third (37%) of Gen Zers feel their school education didn't prepare them with the digital skills they need to propel their career, according to Dell Technologies' international survey of more than 15,000 adults ages 18 to 26 across 15 countries. A majority (56%) of this generation added that they had very basic to no digital skills education. It's all led to some warranted skepticism regarding the future of work: Many Gen Zers are unsure what the digital economy will look like, and 33% have little to no confidence that the government's investments in a digital future will be successful in 10 years. Forty-four percent think that schools and businesses should work together to address the digital skills gap. The findings back up past research that found nearly half of the Class of 2022 felt the top skill they were underprepared for was technical skills.
Este es el plan de pensiones de Wyoming: 20 inmuebles y solo 135.000 euros en hipotecashttps://www.vanitatis.elconfidencial.com/noticias/2017-02-02/este-es-el-plan-de-pensiones-de-gran-wyoming-18-pisos-dos-terrenos-y-solo-135-000-euros-en-hipotecas_1323591/El resto de sus propiedades siguen la misma tipología: 17 pisos de menos de 100 metros cuadrados en el centro de Madrid pagados al contado y solo se salva un terreno, también sin cargas, en la zona de Los Negrales, en Alpedrete, de 306 metros cuadrados. Monzón ha decidido jugárselo todo al ladrillo y lo ha hecho con inmuebles muy bien situados en el corazón de Madrid, sin zonas comunes, comunidades muy bajas y relativamente sencillos de alquilar.
El propietariado ya se está empezando a organizar, y lo hace por medio de uno de sus obispos.Hace un rato, mientras cenaba, he visto al Wayoming - o como se escriba - desde su púlpito diario pidiendo sin ningún pudor ni vergüenza el rescate a los hipotecados. Y lo ha dicho por boca de un "ejperto economista" - un cantamañanas muerto de hambre que se vende al primero que pasa por su lado con un poco de dinero - diciendo que el rescate tiene que salir de la cuenta de resultados de la banca; chúpate esa...con dos c*j*n*s y un palito!!!. Se ve que no hay pelotas a decir públicamente que lo paguemos los contribuyentes, porque rescatar con nuestro dinero a inversores en hactivos inmobiliarios que está en máximos históricos, y al que la mayoría de la población no puede acceder, es difícil de vender. Y a pesar de la caradura y la desvergüenza que gasta esta gente, no se han atrevido ni a nombrarlo. Algo vamos ganando. Entiendo que el Wayoming - o como se escriba - esté cagao de que los inversores en hactivos inmobiliarios al borde del embargo empiecen a desapalancarse de forma desordenada y saturen el mercao de pisos baratos, y bajen el precio de la vivienda, y los pobres puedan comprar un piso sin tener que alquilarle a él uno de sus pisos en su Mierdrid.CitarEste es el plan de pensiones de Wyoming: 20 inmuebles y solo 135.000 euros en hipotecashttps://www.vanitatis.elconfidencial.com/noticias/2017-02-02/este-es-el-plan-de-pensiones-de-gran-wyoming-18-pisos-dos-terrenos-y-solo-135-000-euros-en-hipotecas_1323591/El resto de sus propiedades siguen la misma tipología: 17 pisos de menos de 100 metros cuadrados en el centro de Madrid pagados al contado y solo se salva un terreno, también sin cargas, en la zona de Los Negrales, en Alpedrete, de 306 metros cuadrados. Monzón ha decidido jugárselo todo al ladrillo y lo ha hecho con inmuebles muy bien situados en el corazón de Madrid, sin zonas comunes, comunidades muy bajas y relativamente sencillos de alquilar.
Nativos digitales...CitarAmerica Failing To Prepare Gen Z To Enter the Workforce Due To 'Glaring' Gap in Tech SkillsPosted by msmash on Thursday February 02, 2023 @01:01PM from the closer-look dept.Computer classes for Gen Z aren't cutting it anymore. From a report:CitarMore than a third (37%) of Gen Zers feel their school education didn't prepare them with the digital skills they need to propel their career, according to Dell Technologies' international survey of more than 15,000 adults ages 18 to 26 across 15 countries. A majority (56%) of this generation added that they had very basic to no digital skills education. It's all led to some warranted skepticism regarding the future of work: Many Gen Zers are unsure what the digital economy will look like, and 33% have little to no confidence that the government's investments in a digital future will be successful in 10 years. Forty-four percent think that schools and businesses should work together to address the digital skills gap. The findings back up past research that found nearly half of the Class of 2022 felt the top skill they were underprepared for was technical skills.Saludos.
Looser Financial Conditions Pose Conundrum for Central Banks(...) Policymakers must continue to be resoluteCentral banks should communicate the likely need to keep interest rates higher for longer until there is evidence that inflation—including wages and prices of services—has sustainably returned to the target.Policymakers will likely face pressure to ease policy as unemployment rises and inflation keeps falling. These challenges could be particularly acute for emerging market economies.To be sure, this is an unusual period in which many special factors are affecting inflation, and it is possible that inflation comes down more quickly than policymakers envision.However, loosening prematurely could risk a sharp resurgence in inflation once activity rebounds, leaving countries susceptible to further shocks which could de-anchor inflation expectations. Hence, it is critical for policymakers to remain resolute and focus on bringing inflation back to target without delay.
Cita de: Cadavre Exquis en Febrero 02, 2023, 23:07:16 pmNativos digitales...CitarAmerica Failing To Prepare Gen Z To Enter the Workforce Due To 'Glaring' Gap in Tech SkillsPosted by msmash on Thursday February 02, 2023 @01:01PM from the closer-look dept.Computer classes for Gen Z aren't cutting it anymore. From a report:CitarMore than a third (37%) of Gen Zers feel their school education didn't prepare them with the digital skills they need to propel their career, according to Dell Technologies' international survey of more than 15,000 adults ages 18 to 26 across 15 countries. A majority (56%) of this generation added that they had very basic to no digital skills education. It's all led to some warranted skepticism regarding the future of work: Many Gen Zers are unsure what the digital economy will look like, and 33% have little to no confidence that the government's investments in a digital future will be successful in 10 years. Forty-four percent think that schools and businesses should work together to address the digital skills gap. The findings back up past research that found nearly half of the Class of 2022 felt the top skill they were underprepared for was technical skills.Saludos.El efecto Dunning-Kruger en pleno funcionamiento.Los que decían eso de los "nativos digitales" eran precisamente los que no tenían ni idea del tema (cosa que también pasa con todo el "futurismo" hoy día, lleno de vendemotos que hablan de lo que no saben). Los mismos que siguen llamándolas "nuevas tecnologías" a pesar de llevar en uso más de 50 años.