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https://medium.com/the-straight-dope/big-data-predicts-the-when-of-civil-war-and-revolution-411b2cfa3708CitarBig Data predicts the when of civil war and revolution. The superrich are always the why. End Times provides the proof.David WinebergThe Straight DopeIt is fashionable to talk of the 2020s as a time of upset, instability, turmoil, revolution and war, all without any factual basis, just gut feeling. What is really shocking is that science and math show that it is all true. In End Times, Peter Turchin describes how countries come to this point predictably, and how all of it can always be traced to two factors: elite overproduction, and the concomitant immiseration of the 99%. In the regular cycle, the time for overturning everything is now.This is quite possibly the most important book of the decade, and affects absolutely everyone. It explains precisely where we are and where we’re heading, based on thousands of years of the same cycles. Unfortunately for the USA, this knowledge comes too late.To make a long, detailed, involved and complex story short, as the rich grow their families, their children want power and money. They take it from the poor, in low wages, low taxes on capital, removal of rights, reductions in aid, and increases in incarceration and fines (the “wealth pump”). They achieve their goals through a direct line to power, bypassing normal channels. As the poor get poorer and the rich get richer and more numerous, protests begin. They are chaotic, leaderless and without clear goals. They evolve into bloodletting, literal or physical, which ultimately greatly reduces the number of the elite. Basic wages go up as fewer workers survive and are available, and equality reaches a high point.And the cycle begins again.The Chinese have seen this cycle endlessly: “The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.” But Turchin can say this definitively because of a giant database called CrisisDB. It goes back thousands of years, through all kinds of societies and nations. And everywhere he researches, it is the overproduction of elites that strains the system. And causes its demise.It has long been proclaimed that human society, being composed of individual humans, is far too complex for any kind of model to operate consistently and successfully. But the data say that in high level, general sweeps, patterns and waves occur regularly and predictably. The differences make no difference.With war, the generation of the war cries loudly — Never again! The next generation enjoys some level of peace, but by the third generation, all is forgotten. People are emboldened again, and ready for the “glory” of another war.So with politics. Equality reigns for a couple of decades, then distortions begin to appear. Larger numbers of people become fabulously rich, and all their circle want to have their say in power. There aren’t enough positions in government or influence for them, so they become frustrated and embittered. The demands of the rich flood the halls of government. They fund radical candidates, arrange for removals and assassinations, and in general, darken the outlook. Laws begin to dramatically favor the rich at everyone else’s cost.The 99% become outcasts (flyover country, deplorables, welfare queens, poor, homeless). They look back at their parents, who had decent jobs, decent pay and decent households, and wonder how and why all that went away.This is exactly what Donald Trump tapped into, even though he clearly had no desire to change any of it. His actions enriched the richest, and his plans were to further impoverish the poor, but his words were to Make America Great Again. That appeal rang truer than anything today’s 99% had ever heard, and they bought into it, hook, line and sinker. But Trump was never going to be the solution. He would only speed up the process to disaster.Wages had been going down since the 1970s. Unions were shoved out of action. Universities became laughably unaffordable. So did housing. Even life expectancy dropped. Child labor laws are being softened to help suppress minimum wages. This is exactly the configuration of pretty much every civil war and revolution: the rich want their power, and the rest want decent conditions. Something has to give. And it is usually the floor, not the ceiling.That the lot of the 99% has not and will not improve fits totally into Turchin’s research. Unless someone comes to their aid and reduces the glaring inequality, governments will fall, constitutions will be tossed, domestic terrorism will increase, and civil wars will break out. And elites will light the match. In this decade. The Chinese knew it. So did Tsars Alexander II and III. Yet we keep falling into the same trap.Turchin has been working at this a long time. His team has built a remarkable dataset. It extends to the point of revealing that:-When societies are in equilibrium, human height is measurably increased. Americans were the tallest in the world in the 1700s. And before a civil war, people don’t grow nearly as tall; they actually, measurably shrink. It is plain for all to see.-Life expectancy changes as the cycle approaches the chaos stage. He says American life expectancy has never fallen three years in a row since the Great Depression of 1933. But it has just done so. And Covid-19 is far from exceptional. Major epidemics “are often associated” with these periods.-“Nearly half of the millionaires who thrived during the Roaring Twenties were wiped out by the Great Depression and the following decades, when worker wages grew faster than GDP per capita.” It was the greatest leveling ever seen in the USA.-“In one-sixth of the (global) cases, elite groups were targeted for extermination. The probability of ruler assassination was 40 percent. Bad news for the elites. Even more bad news for everybody was that 75 percent of crises ended in revolutions or civil wars (or both), and in one-fifth of cases, recurrent civil wars dragged on for a century or longer. Sixty percent of exits led to the death of the state –it was conquered by another or simply disintegrated into fragments.”-The “CrisisDB confirms that rise-and-fall cycles in societies with polygamous elites are substantially shorter than such cycles in monogamous societies.” In English — nuclear families produce fewer children, delaying the inevitable competition for power.In other words, the data has a lot more to tell us than we even know to ask. This is a whole new way to look at the world.It happens the same way all over and throughout history. Turchin examines not just the US, as it approaches this low point right now, but also England at several points, France, Russia, the Roman Empire and China, which has the longest record of it.The commonalities occur at every stage. When the cycle is fresh and people are equal, they co-operate. The common good is an important value to them. But as the rich grow in numbers and in wealth, and pull away from the pack, “the sense of national cooperation with which states quickly rot from within” takes over, Turchin says. This is as precise a summation of the US today as I have seen. It is shockingly true. People begin to fear and hate institutions. They want to seal the borders to keep what little is left for themselves.Turchin points out that it is the ruling class that wants open borders. They mean more competition for jobs, so lower wages and more government aid programs they can manage for profit. He cites Bernie Sanders saying open borders is “a Koch idea” and nothing he supports. But the ruling class always gets its way — until the end. It has been decades since voters had any real say in government. Legislators bow to rich donors. Voters only count during elections, not in legislatures. A billionaire has purchased himself a Supreme Court justice. The rot has become glaringly visible.It is the ruling class that scares off equalizing legislation, by say, calling inheritance taxes a death tax, even though it only applies to them and not the 99%. They are also behind denying climate change, calling it a hoax, in order to deflect attention from the ever increasing rates of fossil fuel consumption. In this environment, “money is free speech” Turchin says. Let there be no doubt who is leading everyone down the path to self-destruction. For Turchin, the “wealth pump is one of the most destabilizing social mechanisms known to humanity.” And unfortunately, “it is too late to avert our current crisis.”Elite overproduction has taken many forms. In many cases, it was military. The rich sent their children to the armed forces, to serve as admirals and generals. In religious societies, they became cardinals and high priests. Under royalty, they became governors, given stipends and pensions for life. Today, they are CEOs and kingmakers, buying elections to get pliable officials who will increase their wealth. In China, Turchin says, for two thousand years it was the educated. They had to take difficult civil service exams to get into government. To fail the exam meant a peasant’s life. Today, the Communist Party of China still operates this same way. If the Chinese can’t get into the party and pass the tests, they are doomed to have zero power or respect.And in all these cases, when there are more candidates than positions (Musical Chairs, Turchin calls it), there will be unrest among the elite. And it is the elites who will undermine the system before the 99% get organized. In Turchin’s terms: “The most important driver is intraelite competition and conflict, which is a reliable predictor of the looming crisis.” Today’s clue is rich parents bribing school officials to get their (apparently unworthy) children into top universities.But even that is no guarantee of success, as newly minted lawyers find they begin with a quarter of a million in debt and few prospects to rise to the top in an overstuffed industry.The civil service figures in another way as well. Smaller societies are not subject to the same cycle, because they might not have an administration, “but once you have a million or more subjects, you either acquire a civil service or suffer from such inefficiencies that your polity sooner or later collapses. Or loses in competition with bureaucratic empires.” Overpopulation has essentially eliminated that marker, making it merely an interesting footnote.As I read, my own warped mind kept sliding way out of scope of this book, to ecology. Because just when we’re beginning to understand what needs to be done to save the human race and its ecosphere, civil wars and wartime governments will have no time, no inclination and no money to deal with trivia like climate change. Power itself will be at stake. The 2020s could be the final nail in more than one coffin.In an appendix, Turchin salutes Isaac Asimov, whose 1960s era Foundation trilogy centered around “psycho-history”, the science fiction notion that the whole galaxy operates on a clear cyclical pattern of governance and inevitability (Turchin calls the real thing “cliodynamics”). Would that Asimov were around today to reflect on that as actually true.End Times is a six star book, not because of the writing style, which is friendly but a little flabby, but because Turchin pulls together a vast jigsaw puzzle and changes the face of history with it. It is dramatic. Every page is a revelation. Dots are connected. Questions are answered. Relevance gets established where no real importance had been noted before. It is important because it determines, reveals and reinforces a universal truth: it is the lack of governance over the rich that causes all the cyclicality of society. Instability, turmoil and wars can be seen as failure to control the elites from their corrupting influence in society after society, era after era. That is a significant step in our understanding of history and ourselves.This is a whole new way to see how the human world works. And we should be embarrassed that we didn’t realize it a lot sooner. Because we’re about to pay the price. Again.David Wineberg(End Times, Peter Turchin, June 2023)
Big Data predicts the when of civil war and revolution. The superrich are always the why. End Times provides the proof.David WinebergThe Straight DopeIt is fashionable to talk of the 2020s as a time of upset, instability, turmoil, revolution and war, all without any factual basis, just gut feeling. What is really shocking is that science and math show that it is all true. In End Times, Peter Turchin describes how countries come to this point predictably, and how all of it can always be traced to two factors: elite overproduction, and the concomitant immiseration of the 99%. In the regular cycle, the time for overturning everything is now.This is quite possibly the most important book of the decade, and affects absolutely everyone. It explains precisely where we are and where we’re heading, based on thousands of years of the same cycles. Unfortunately for the USA, this knowledge comes too late.To make a long, detailed, involved and complex story short, as the rich grow their families, their children want power and money. They take it from the poor, in low wages, low taxes on capital, removal of rights, reductions in aid, and increases in incarceration and fines (the “wealth pump”). They achieve their goals through a direct line to power, bypassing normal channels. As the poor get poorer and the rich get richer and more numerous, protests begin. They are chaotic, leaderless and without clear goals. They evolve into bloodletting, literal or physical, which ultimately greatly reduces the number of the elite. Basic wages go up as fewer workers survive and are available, and equality reaches a high point.And the cycle begins again.The Chinese have seen this cycle endlessly: “The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.” But Turchin can say this definitively because of a giant database called CrisisDB. It goes back thousands of years, through all kinds of societies and nations. And everywhere he researches, it is the overproduction of elites that strains the system. And causes its demise.It has long been proclaimed that human society, being composed of individual humans, is far too complex for any kind of model to operate consistently and successfully. But the data say that in high level, general sweeps, patterns and waves occur regularly and predictably. The differences make no difference.With war, the generation of the war cries loudly — Never again! The next generation enjoys some level of peace, but by the third generation, all is forgotten. People are emboldened again, and ready for the “glory” of another war.So with politics. Equality reigns for a couple of decades, then distortions begin to appear. Larger numbers of people become fabulously rich, and all their circle want to have their say in power. There aren’t enough positions in government or influence for them, so they become frustrated and embittered. The demands of the rich flood the halls of government. They fund radical candidates, arrange for removals and assassinations, and in general, darken the outlook. Laws begin to dramatically favor the rich at everyone else’s cost.The 99% become outcasts (flyover country, deplorables, welfare queens, poor, homeless). They look back at their parents, who had decent jobs, decent pay and decent households, and wonder how and why all that went away.This is exactly what Donald Trump tapped into, even though he clearly had no desire to change any of it. His actions enriched the richest, and his plans were to further impoverish the poor, but his words were to Make America Great Again. That appeal rang truer than anything today’s 99% had ever heard, and they bought into it, hook, line and sinker. But Trump was never going to be the solution. He would only speed up the process to disaster.Wages had been going down since the 1970s. Unions were shoved out of action. Universities became laughably unaffordable. So did housing. Even life expectancy dropped. Child labor laws are being softened to help suppress minimum wages. This is exactly the configuration of pretty much every civil war and revolution: the rich want their power, and the rest want decent conditions. Something has to give. And it is usually the floor, not the ceiling.That the lot of the 99% has not and will not improve fits totally into Turchin’s research. Unless someone comes to their aid and reduces the glaring inequality, governments will fall, constitutions will be tossed, domestic terrorism will increase, and civil wars will break out. And elites will light the match. In this decade. The Chinese knew it. So did Tsars Alexander II and III. Yet we keep falling into the same trap.Turchin has been working at this a long time. His team has built a remarkable dataset. It extends to the point of revealing that:-When societies are in equilibrium, human height is measurably increased. Americans were the tallest in the world in the 1700s. And before a civil war, people don’t grow nearly as tall; they actually, measurably shrink. It is plain for all to see.-Life expectancy changes as the cycle approaches the chaos stage. He says American life expectancy has never fallen three years in a row since the Great Depression of 1933. But it has just done so. And Covid-19 is far from exceptional. Major epidemics “are often associated” with these periods.-“Nearly half of the millionaires who thrived during the Roaring Twenties were wiped out by the Great Depression and the following decades, when worker wages grew faster than GDP per capita.” It was the greatest leveling ever seen in the USA.-“In one-sixth of the (global) cases, elite groups were targeted for extermination. The probability of ruler assassination was 40 percent. Bad news for the elites. Even more bad news for everybody was that 75 percent of crises ended in revolutions or civil wars (or both), and in one-fifth of cases, recurrent civil wars dragged on for a century or longer. Sixty percent of exits led to the death of the state –it was conquered by another or simply disintegrated into fragments.”-The “CrisisDB confirms that rise-and-fall cycles in societies with polygamous elites are substantially shorter than such cycles in monogamous societies.” In English — nuclear families produce fewer children, delaying the inevitable competition for power.In other words, the data has a lot more to tell us than we even know to ask. This is a whole new way to look at the world.It happens the same way all over and throughout history. Turchin examines not just the US, as it approaches this low point right now, but also England at several points, France, Russia, the Roman Empire and China, which has the longest record of it.The commonalities occur at every stage. When the cycle is fresh and people are equal, they co-operate. The common good is an important value to them. But as the rich grow in numbers and in wealth, and pull away from the pack, “the sense of national cooperation with which states quickly rot from within” takes over, Turchin says. This is as precise a summation of the US today as I have seen. It is shockingly true. People begin to fear and hate institutions. They want to seal the borders to keep what little is left for themselves.Turchin points out that it is the ruling class that wants open borders. They mean more competition for jobs, so lower wages and more government aid programs they can manage for profit. He cites Bernie Sanders saying open borders is “a Koch idea” and nothing he supports. But the ruling class always gets its way — until the end. It has been decades since voters had any real say in government. Legislators bow to rich donors. Voters only count during elections, not in legislatures. A billionaire has purchased himself a Supreme Court justice. The rot has become glaringly visible.It is the ruling class that scares off equalizing legislation, by say, calling inheritance taxes a death tax, even though it only applies to them and not the 99%. They are also behind denying climate change, calling it a hoax, in order to deflect attention from the ever increasing rates of fossil fuel consumption. In this environment, “money is free speech” Turchin says. Let there be no doubt who is leading everyone down the path to self-destruction. For Turchin, the “wealth pump is one of the most destabilizing social mechanisms known to humanity.” And unfortunately, “it is too late to avert our current crisis.”Elite overproduction has taken many forms. In many cases, it was military. The rich sent their children to the armed forces, to serve as admirals and generals. In religious societies, they became cardinals and high priests. Under royalty, they became governors, given stipends and pensions for life. Today, they are CEOs and kingmakers, buying elections to get pliable officials who will increase their wealth. In China, Turchin says, for two thousand years it was the educated. They had to take difficult civil service exams to get into government. To fail the exam meant a peasant’s life. Today, the Communist Party of China still operates this same way. If the Chinese can’t get into the party and pass the tests, they are doomed to have zero power or respect.And in all these cases, when there are more candidates than positions (Musical Chairs, Turchin calls it), there will be unrest among the elite. And it is the elites who will undermine the system before the 99% get organized. In Turchin’s terms: “The most important driver is intraelite competition and conflict, which is a reliable predictor of the looming crisis.” Today’s clue is rich parents bribing school officials to get their (apparently unworthy) children into top universities.But even that is no guarantee of success, as newly minted lawyers find they begin with a quarter of a million in debt and few prospects to rise to the top in an overstuffed industry.The civil service figures in another way as well. Smaller societies are not subject to the same cycle, because they might not have an administration, “but once you have a million or more subjects, you either acquire a civil service or suffer from such inefficiencies that your polity sooner or later collapses. Or loses in competition with bureaucratic empires.” Overpopulation has essentially eliminated that marker, making it merely an interesting footnote.As I read, my own warped mind kept sliding way out of scope of this book, to ecology. Because just when we’re beginning to understand what needs to be done to save the human race and its ecosphere, civil wars and wartime governments will have no time, no inclination and no money to deal with trivia like climate change. Power itself will be at stake. The 2020s could be the final nail in more than one coffin.In an appendix, Turchin salutes Isaac Asimov, whose 1960s era Foundation trilogy centered around “psycho-history”, the science fiction notion that the whole galaxy operates on a clear cyclical pattern of governance and inevitability (Turchin calls the real thing “cliodynamics”). Would that Asimov were around today to reflect on that as actually true.End Times is a six star book, not because of the writing style, which is friendly but a little flabby, but because Turchin pulls together a vast jigsaw puzzle and changes the face of history with it. It is dramatic. Every page is a revelation. Dots are connected. Questions are answered. Relevance gets established where no real importance had been noted before. It is important because it determines, reveals and reinforces a universal truth: it is the lack of governance over the rich that causes all the cyclicality of society. Instability, turmoil and wars can be seen as failure to control the elites from their corrupting influence in society after society, era after era. That is a significant step in our understanding of history and ourselves.This is a whole new way to see how the human world works. And we should be embarrassed that we didn’t realize it a lot sooner. Because we’re about to pay the price. Again.David Wineberg(End Times, Peter Turchin, June 2023)
Por fin mis obligaciones me permiten volver al foro. No voy a comentar los recientes eventos pero estoy muy sorprendido. Lo único que diré al respecto es para asustadísimos. Sin estar de acuerdo con la mitad de las cosas que escribe, espero que su salud le permita seguir posteando por aquí muchos años más.Respecto al fin del modelo y las últimas intervenciones de Benzino, copo y algunos más antes, soy pesimista. No es que el modelo no funcione, es que se sabe que no funciona y se mantiene artificialmente vivo a una escala psicópata que raya el sadismo.Si se quisiera arreglar el modelo se haría. Occidente tiene la capacidad para volver a estar en la senda de la excelencia si quiere, pero en vez de eso seguimos intencionadamente empeorando nuestro sistema educativo, creando conflictos donde no los hay (no hablo de guerras, que también, hablo de ideologías de género, agendas verdes y otras barbaridades) y dinamitando cualquier sector en el que Europa es puntero (como la automoción)La última ha sido de John Kerry, aconsejando a Biden que hay que cortar la agricultura para cumplir con la agenda verde https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-climate-agriculture-idINL1N3771SC¿Qué estamos haciendo? No sólo estamos desmantelando industria con la excusa del CO2, también estamos cerrando granjas y ahora queremos acabar con los cultivos. Sin trabajo y sin comida (y sin vivienda). Todo por decisiones políticas que nadie ha votado. La guinda estos días la ha puesto Von der Leyen diciendo que la UE no puede permitir un alto el fuego en Ucrania (¿la guerra no era entre Ucrania y Rusia? cómo va cambiando el discurso poco a poco)Estados Unidos consume más del 20% de los recursos del mundo para una población de poco más del 4% (los datos los puse en este mismo foro unos meses más atrás) y ahora parecería que se ha propuesto acabar con nosotros (la UE).Veo el ortograma, pero me da la sensación de que algo se nos escapa. Me da la sensación de que hay otra foto mucho más grande que la supervivencia del sistema capitalista y no soy capaz de verla. Para salir de un agujero lo primero es dejar de cavar, y aquí (el mundo occidental) en vez de parar nos hemos traído una pala todavía más grande.
Swedish property group SBB replaces CEO as searches for buyersHELSINKI, June 2 (Reuters) - Debt-laden Swedish real estate company SBB (SBBb.ST) said on Friday its founder and CEO Ilija Batljan has stepped down and will be replaced by industry veteran Leiv Synnes as the board seeks to divest assets or find a buyer for the group.SBB's share price surged 50% to trade at 5.18 Swedish crowns by 1307 GMT, but is still down more than 70% year-to-date.Hit by soaring interest rates that forced the company to cancel its dividend and scrap a share issue, SBB on Monday said it was broadening a strategic review to consider a sale of all or parts of the company.(...)
Cita de: Negrule en Junio 01, 2023, 20:27:36 pmPodría haber puesto otro ejemplo, pero cuál elige? la casa, indirectamente te está diciendo que es lo más valioso que tiene la inmensa mayoría de la gente, que es cierto. No te pondrá el ejemplo de que lo cambio por un van Gogh.No, hombre.Se refiere a la burbuja de los tulipanes holandeses. Llegó a haber casos de quien lo vendió todo por bulbos de tulipán. El libro hace un repaso de las grandes burbujas especulativas. Tulipanes, Mares del Sur, 1929, Japón, y 2008.En todos los casos, un pánico, un acontecimiento inesperado, o la simple imposibilidad de mantener el Ponzi acabaron echando todas abajo.
Podría haber puesto otro ejemplo, pero cuál elige? la casa, indirectamente te está diciendo que es lo más valioso que tiene la inmensa mayoría de la gente, que es cierto. No te pondrá el ejemplo de que lo cambio por un van Gogh.
https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/swedish-property-group-sbb-replaces-ceo-searches-buyers-2023-06-02/CitarSwedish property group SBB replaces CEO as searches for buyersHELSINKI, June 2 (Reuters) - Debt-laden Swedish real estate company SBB (SBBb.ST) said on Friday its founder and CEO Ilija Batljan has stepped down and will be replaced by industry veteran Leiv Synnes as the board seeks to divest assets or find a buyer for the group.SBB's share price surged 50% to trade at 5.18 Swedish crowns by 1307 GMT, but is still down more than 70% year-to-date.Hit by soaring interest rates that forced the company to cancel its dividend and scrap a share issue, SBB on Monday said it was broadening a strategic review to consider a sale of all or parts of the company.(...)
Cita de: Benzino Napaloni en Junio 02, 2023, 12:21:30 pmCita de: copo en Junio 02, 2023, 11:13:54 amInteresante la evolución histórica del modelo. El modelo nació en la década de 1980 conjuntamente con la caída del comunismo.El modelo nació con la crisis del petróleo. Después de décadas de prosperidad nunca vista, hubo países que tuvieron que implantar la jornada de trabajo de tres días a la semana porque la energía era carísima y el dinero no daba para más.Jimmy Carter osó decir en voz alta que igual había que aprender a vivir con menos. Tatcher y Reagan, dos personajes ominosos para nuestra Historia, dijeron que tururú. Vendieron una prosperidad recuperada, cuando en realidad era autofagia. Y hacer ricos a pocos a costa de la pobreza de muchos, con la falsa esperanza de "si trabajas duro progresas".Con el invierno demográfico estallando, vivimos 40 años después el fin de las trampas al solitario. O al menos, el inicio del colapso.Hola.El modelo nació en los ochenta y pico, más o menos con el inicio de la perestroika y cerca de 15 años después de la crisis del petróleo. Al final es transoformar al trabajador como inversor de éxito.Modelo que ya solo beneficia a los rentistas, ni Estados,ni Bancos, ni Empresas sacan un duro del tinglado actual.Saludos.
Cita de: copo en Junio 02, 2023, 11:13:54 amInteresante la evolución histórica del modelo. El modelo nació en la década de 1980 conjuntamente con la caída del comunismo.El modelo nació con la crisis del petróleo. Después de décadas de prosperidad nunca vista, hubo países que tuvieron que implantar la jornada de trabajo de tres días a la semana porque la energía era carísima y el dinero no daba para más.Jimmy Carter osó decir en voz alta que igual había que aprender a vivir con menos. Tatcher y Reagan, dos personajes ominosos para nuestra Historia, dijeron que tururú. Vendieron una prosperidad recuperada, cuando en realidad era autofagia. Y hacer ricos a pocos a costa de la pobreza de muchos, con la falsa esperanza de "si trabajas duro progresas".Con el invierno demográfico estallando, vivimos 40 años después el fin de las trampas al solitario. O al menos, el inicio del colapso.
Interesante la evolución histórica del modelo. El modelo nació en la década de 1980 conjuntamente con la caída del comunismo.
Si se quisiera arreglar el modelo se haría.
senslev no cito tu post por no hacerlo ilegible.Sí, lo leí cuando lo colgaste y me lo he vuelto a leer ahora (y seguramente me lo volveré a releer. Aunque pesimista, me parece muy interesante).No sé si veremos esa revuelta social de la que habla el artículo. Yo pensaba que las elites eran bastante más inteligentes, y que en la partida de ajedrez global, ellos van 3 movimientos por delante del resto. Si resulta que todo se reduce a avaricia, a acaparar más y más, y a pensar en el resto de la gente como insectos exterminables, pues menuda decepción y menuda estupidez. ¿No es mucho mejor repartir un poco la riqueza y tener una sociedad contenta donde hay seguridad en las calles? A fin de cuentas tu vida no va a cambiar si en vez de 1 billón de USD tienes "sólo" 500 mil millones. Más Henry Fords y menos Bezos.Al hilo del asesinato de las elites, soy un firme creyente de la frase "cualquiera puede lograr lo que se proponga si no le importan las consecuencias". Cargarse a alguien parece difícil con tantas medidas de seguridad, pero en realidad no lo es. Lo difícil es cargárselo y salir con vida para contarlo. Hasta ETA tuvo en el punto de mira de un rifle al Rey durante los años de plomo, pero por su propio bien (consecuencias) decidieron no apretar el gatillo.
Al final esos análisis se remiten a lo que ha pasado anteriormente, ¿por qué debería ser esta vez diferente?, ¿ha cambiado el ser humano o ha evolucionado?, ¿hay comportamientos diferentes o seguimos mostrando la estupidez como nuestra mayor característica?.Yo creo que seguimos viendo lo mismo, es pesimista, pero muy realista. ¿Es normal que en USA las calles estén repletas de personas viviendo en tiendas de campaña o directamente en la calle?, ¿que si te pones enfermo y no tienes seguro sea una sentencia de muerte?. Parece que este modelo es lo que quieren las supuestas élites y en este país parece que es lo que se busca.Obviamente prefiero que no sea así pero parece lo más probable. Personalmente pienso que ahora mismo hay muchas variables que están coincidiendo en el tiempo e históricamente ha significado dolor.
Adiós al trabajo para toda la vida: llegan los turistas laboralesLos perfiles tecnológicos buscan promoción rápida y mejor salario saltando rápidamente a otras firmasSelina Bárcena | Madrid - 02 JUN 2023Carlos Cuadra, desarrollador informático de Antequera (Málaga).GARCIA-SANTOS (EL PAIS)Son jóvenes, se han formado en nuevas tecnologías y sus conocimientos son codiciados por las empresas en un mercado laboral cada vez más atravesado por la digitalización. Y no van a trabajar en una sola empresa como hicieron sus padres. Al contrario, son “turistas laborales”, como les denomina Tomás Pereda, subdirector general de la Fundación Máshumano, “que saltan de liana en liana y permanecen en cada proyecto una media de 1,2 años”.“Cuando hay mucha demanda y poca oferta de perfiles profesionales, la sartén por el mango la tienen los técnicos”. Lo dice Alejandro González, consejero delegado de la plataforma de selección de personal Taalentfy, quien también explica que en el sector tecnológico la balanza de la oferta y la demanda ha caído del lado de los trabajadores. “Pueden permitirse ser un poco más exquisitos. Si algo no les gusta —salario, conciliación, localización, presencialidad—, pues se cambian de organización”. Mientras que las empresas se quejan de las dificultades para atraer y fijar talento, los trabajadores señalan que migrar de compañía es la única manera de mejorar sus condiciones laborales y ascender.“Se ha acabado el trabajo de por vida”, afirma el subdirector de la Fundación Máshumano, que ayuda a las empresas a transformar sus modelos de trabajo; en su lugar se prodigan estos nuevos empleados que tanto abundan en el sector tecnológico, “los turistas laborales”, “trabajadores que no quieren permanecer en una sola empresa durante toda su vida laboral. Creen que en un mundo inestable, la única estabilidad es uno mismo, y eso lo proporciona el vivir distintas experiencias en diferentes empresas, proyectos, roles, funciones…”, explica.Carlos Cuadra (Antequera, 35 años) es desarrollador de software. En los siete años que lleva trabajando en la industria tecnológica cuenta que ha cambiado de empresa “siete u ocho veces”. Para Cuadra, esta es “la única manera de ir mejorando las condiciones laborales”, aunque reconoce que es un sector en el que se cobra bien. En la misma línea apunta Roberto Caselles (Málaga, 34 años). Para este desarrollador backend —cuyo trabajo consiste en conectar páginas web con servidores de datos—, el sector está en un buen momento, pero los viajes laborales también se explican por la poca implicación de algunas empresas con sus trabajadores: “Muchas veces la lógica es: no voy a invertir dinero en un trabajador sénior si puedo tener a cinco chavales que acaban de salir de la carrera y con un poco de formación sacan el trabajo”, apunta.En un mercado laboral que trata de aplacar la temporalidad, y que de hecho avanza en esa línea —entre 2021 y 2022 el efecto de la reforma laboral ha hecho caer el porcentaje de contratos temporales desde el 26% hasta el 17,9%—, el abandono voluntario del puesto de trabajo crece. Esta rotación se situó en 2022 en una media anual del 17%. La causa principal del cambio de empresa fue la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades en otras compañías o sectores (77,2%), según un estudio de Randstad. Razones similares a las del sector tecnológico, aunque el salario medio se sitúa en 44.000 euros anuales, según la firma de selección Prosperity: el sueldo seguido de la búsqueda de progreso profesional y la posibilidad de trabajar 100% en remoto son los principales motivos.Pero Cuadra apunta que el dinero no siempre es el detonante: “Algunas veces estás en un proyecto, ves que no puedes hacer mucho más y te cambias a otro”. Otras veces, como le sucedió en octubre del año pasado, el dinero no fue lo determinante: “En el último cambio no he valorado tanto el salario sino la empresa. Yo siempre había estado en consultoras, en empresas grandes, pero me ofrecieron irme a una start-up. Me motivó el ambiente de trabajo que había y eso fue lo que prioricé”.Roberto Caselles, informático de 34 años.GARCIA-SANTOS (EL PAIS)Este ambiente de dinamismo, en el que abundan las ofertas, tiene también una parte negativa. “Como saben que te vas a ir, la mayoría de las empresas tratan de exprimirte todo lo posible”, apunta Roberto Caselles. Él, al igual que Cuadra, priorizó el buen ambiente de trabajo sobre el salario en su último cambio de empresa. Para Pereda, la realidad laboral ha cambiado, ya sea porque en algunos sectores las posibilidades de empleo permiten viajar de un puesto a otro o porque la precariedad lleva a una búsqueda constante de mejores oportunidades. “La gente va y viene, es una nueva forma de vivir”, concluye.Alta rotaciónEn general, las ramas profesionales que presentan peores condiciones laborales son las que más sufren esta volatilidad en el empleo, siendo la hostelería y las actividades inmobiliarias las que encabezan los rankings con un 63,7% y un 44,8% de rotación, respectivamente. Pero en el sector digital el análisis es más complejo.Según la directora general de Experis, Myriam Blázquez, hay dos factores que explican la volatilidad laboral en los perfiles tecnológicos. El primero es el dinamismo y la constante evolución técnica en asuntos digitales que obliga a una formación continua. “Los perfiles que eran válidos hace cinco años ahora no lo son”, explica. El segundo es la horizontalidad del fenómeno. “Casi todos los puestos de trabajo van a tener siempre un componente digital porque la tecnología es transversal a todas las posiciones”. Hay muchas más oportunidades laborales, pero el sistema educativo va a remolque de la demanda.Blázquez cuenta que la franja de mayor movilidad se da entre aquellos empleados que tienen entre 3 y 10 años de antigüedad acumulados. En el caso de Débora Vidal (Gijón, 34 años), el motivo para permanecer en la compañía donde trabaja desde hace nueve años es el “buen ambiente de trabajo”. Pero esta ingeniera eléctrica no descarta un cambio de compañía “en un futuro cercano” porque en las ofertas que le llegan los salarios base están en el mismo rango que el suyo.Sea una filosofía vital, inconformismo, escasez de perfiles o necesidad de los trabajadores de mejorar las condiciones laborales, la realidad es que, de acuerdo con las estimaciones que hacen las empresas de recursos humanos, el nivel de rotación media en España seguirá aumentando. “Son unas reglas del juego que tenemos que saber jugar. De la misma manera que hay rotación y se te va gente, tú puedes generar las condiciones para atraer a gente nueva”, concluye Blázquez.
Los municipios ingresan con el IBI el doble que en el pico del boom inmobiliariohttps://cincodias.elpais.com/economia/2023-06-01/los-municipios-ingresan-con-el-ibi-el-doble-que-en-el-pico-del-boom-inmobiliario.htmlLos ayuntamientos de España recaudaron en 2022 más de 13.000 millones gracias a este impuesto
La banca se deshace de 9.200 millones de activos tóxicos en el último añohttps://cincodias.elpais.com/companias/2023-06-01/la-banca-se-deshace-de-9200-millones-de-activos-toxicos-en-el-ultimo-ano.htmlLas entidades financieras todavía tienen más de 63.000 millones en stock, según Atlas Value Management. Los principales bancos están expuestos al ladrillo en 35.000 millones