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InmobiliarioColonial pierde 1.019 millones por el ajuste contable del valor de sus activosLa socimi anuncia que incorporará a su cartera inmuebles diferentes a las oficinasLa socimi Colonial cerró 2023 con unas pérdidas de 1.019 millones por el ajuste contable del valor de sus activos derivado de la subida de los tipos de interés. Según explicó su presidente, Juan José Brugera, la pérdida del valor de la cartera, del 9% no supone salida de caja y es inferior a la media del sector en Europa, pero ha absorbido el beneficio recurrente, que fue de 172 millones de euros, un 7% superior al de 2022, y récord en la historia de la firma.Colonial elevó los ingresos que obtiene del alquiler de sus oficinas un 8% hasta los 377 millones de euros, con más de 158.000 m2contratados, frente a una media de cerca de 100.000 en años anteriores. La compañía tiene oficinas en Paris, Madrid y Barcelona, con un valor total de 11.336 millones de euros, y cerró el año con una ocupación del 97% en sus edificios.DesinversionesEl consejero delegado, Pere Viñolas, señaló que el grupo se ha visto respaldado por el mercado: el año pasado vendió activos no estratégicos por 723 millones de euros, a los precios de tasación. Por ello, pese a los ajustes de la valoración, el valor neto contable de las acciones es de 9,95 euros por acción, frente a los 5,02 euros a los que cotiza en bolsa.El grupo, además, prevé continuar las desinversiones este año, con la venta de inmuebles por más de 500 millones de euros. La firma utilizará estos ingresos para reforzar la tesorería, que es de 2.900 millones de euros, y para tener más capacidad de inversión. “La subida de tipos ha secado al mercado este año”, reconoció Viñolas.El consejero delegado explicó que en sus nuevas promociones de transformación urbana va a incluir inmuebles con usos distintos al de oficinas y que su propósito es “patrimonializarlos. Nunca hemos dicho que hayamos de tener solo oficinas en propiedad” señaló Viñolas.Colonial explicó que el resultado bruto de explotación o ebitda creció un 12%, hasta los 316 millones. La firma propondrá a la junta un incremento del 8% en el dividendo hasta los 0,27 euros por acción, con lo que se repartirán 144 millones de euros.
NYCB Downgraded to Junk by Fitch, as Moody’s Goes Even Deeper
The End of "Extend and Pretend"The number of U.S. commercial foreclosures spiked to 635 in January 2024 from a low of 141 in May 2020 reports real estate data firm ATTOM. The January count was up 17% from the previous month and roughly twice as many as in January 2023. “Commercial property deals in the US are picking back up at deep discounts—and forcing lenders to face just how far real estate prices have fallen,” notes Sarah Holder on Bloomberg’s “Big Take” podcast.Bloomberg commercial real estate reporter Natalie Wong detailed a New York office building at 1740 Broadway purchased and renovated by Blackstone at considerable cost and the company has walked away with the debt that's behind that building being marketed at a 50% discount. Ms. Wong said,CitarSo you're seeing these massive discounts on these prominent buildings start to show up in the market, and it's a lot harder for, whether it's the investor or the lender, to tell the regulators that the value of a lot of their buildings haven't fallen greatly. And I—so I think this is starting to create more pressure. You know, a little bit of panic, too, from parts of, you know, the, the lenders that hold these loans. Pretending has become much harder. Problem real estate means problem banks. Bloomberg reporter Patrick Clark chimed in “we certainly hear people say over the next couple of years with commercial real estate debt as a catalyst, hundreds, if not thousands of banks are gonna go away, either because they go outta business or they need to be swallowed up or they need to join forces with another weak bank to survive.” (the combination of two weak banks does not make a strong on)Real estate mogul Barry Sternlicht told Bloomberg “there’s a giant skeleton in the closet of the regional banks,” referring to commercial real estate loans. He made the point that “every piece of real estate is worth less when interest rates go up 500 basis points.”Sternlicht stressed that there are no lenders for buyers who want to buy properties at deep discounts. “Commercial banks are already nervous about their commercial office exposure,” he said. For some banks multifamily loans are the problem. Wolf Richter reports that 49 relatively small banks which average $1.3 billion in assets “had multifamily nonperforming loans (NPLs) that exceeded 5% of their total multifamily loans. At those 49 banks, the multifamily NPL ratio of 5% is far higher than the default rate [1.9%] of multifamily CMBS.”CREDiQ reports commercial property distress is now 480% higher than in February last year. “We are in a period of peak stress and expect the next two quarters to be challenging,” Arbor Chairman Ivan Kaufman told analysts on a call last week, reports Bloomberg. The firm has “longstanding relationships with many quality sponsors that we’ve been working with to step in and take over assets that are underperforming and assume our debt and recap these transactions.”Fitch Ratings doesn’t believe we are anywhere near peak stress. “We expect any deterioration to play out for the banking sector over an extended period,” Fitch said. “During the Global Financial Crisis, losses did not peak until almost two years after a peak in delinquencies, and problem loans have yet to peak for the sector.”Extend and pretend may be coming to an end.
So you're seeing these massive discounts on these prominent buildings start to show up in the market, and it's a lot harder for, whether it's the investor or the lender, to tell the regulators that the value of a lot of their buildings haven't fallen greatly. And I—so I think this is starting to create more pressure. You know, a little bit of panic, too, from parts of, you know, the, the lenders that hold these loans.