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Australian State Orders Public Servants To Stop Remote Working After a Newspaper Campaign Against ItPosted by BeauHD on Wednesday August 07, 2024 @07:20PM from the physically-present dept.An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Associated Press:CitarThe government of Australia's most populous state ordered all public employees to work from their offices by default beginning Tuesday and urged stricter limits on remote work, after news outlets provoked a fraught debate about work-from-home habits established during the pandemic. Chris Minns, the New South Wales premier, said in a notice to agencies Monday that jobs could be made flexible by means other than remote working, such as part-time positions and role sharing, and that "building and replenishing public institutions" required "being physically present." His remarks were welcomed by business and real estate groups in the state's largest city, Sydney, who have decried falling office occupancy rates since 2020, but denounced by unions, who pledged to challenge the initiative if it was invoked unnecessarily.The instruction made the state's government, Australia's largest employer with more than 400,000 staff, the latest among a growing number of firms and institutions worldwide to attempt a reversal of remote working arrangements introduced as the coronavirus spread. But it defied an embrace of remote work by the governments of some other Australian states, said some analysts, who suggested lobbying by a major newspaper prompted the change. "It seems that the Rupert Murdoch-owned Daily Telegraph in Sydney has been trying to get the New South Wales government to mandate essentially that workers go back to the office," said Chris F. Wright, an associate professor in the discipline of work at the University of Sydney. The newspaper cited prospective economic boons for struggling businesses.The newspaper wrote Tuesday that the premier's decision "ending the work from home era" followed its urging, although Minns did not name it as a factor. But the union representing public servants said there was scant evidence for the change and warned the state government could struggle to fill positions. "Throughout the New South Wales public sector, they're trying to retain people," said Stewart Little, the General Secretary of the Public Service Association. "In some critical agencies like child protection we're looking at 20% vacancy rates, you're talking about hundreds of jobs." Little added that government offices have shrunk since 2020 and agencies would be unable to physically accommodate every employee on site. Minns said the state would lease more space, according to the Daily Telegraph.Further reading: Ordered Back To the Office, Top Tech Talent Left Instead, Study Finds
The government of Australia's most populous state ordered all public employees to work from their offices by default beginning Tuesday and urged stricter limits on remote work, after news outlets provoked a fraught debate about work-from-home habits established during the pandemic. Chris Minns, the New South Wales premier, said in a notice to agencies Monday that jobs could be made flexible by means other than remote working, such as part-time positions and role sharing, and that "building and replenishing public institutions" required "being physically present." His remarks were welcomed by business and real estate groups in the state's largest city, Sydney, who have decried falling office occupancy rates since 2020, but denounced by unions, who pledged to challenge the initiative if it was invoked unnecessarily.The instruction made the state's government, Australia's largest employer with more than 400,000 staff, the latest among a growing number of firms and institutions worldwide to attempt a reversal of remote working arrangements introduced as the coronavirus spread. But it defied an embrace of remote work by the governments of some other Australian states, said some analysts, who suggested lobbying by a major newspaper prompted the change. "It seems that the Rupert Murdoch-owned Daily Telegraph in Sydney has been trying to get the New South Wales government to mandate essentially that workers go back to the office," said Chris F. Wright, an associate professor in the discipline of work at the University of Sydney. The newspaper cited prospective economic boons for struggling businesses.The newspaper wrote Tuesday that the premier's decision "ending the work from home era" followed its urging, although Minns did not name it as a factor. But the union representing public servants said there was scant evidence for the change and warned the state government could struggle to fill positions. "Throughout the New South Wales public sector, they're trying to retain people," said Stewart Little, the General Secretary of the Public Service Association. "In some critical agencies like child protection we're looking at 20% vacancy rates, you're talking about hundreds of jobs." Little added that government offices have shrunk since 2020 and agencies would be unable to physically accommodate every employee on site. Minns said the state would lease more space, according to the Daily Telegraph.
Dell Reportedly Laying Off 12,500 EmployeesPosted by BeauHD on Wednesday August 07, 2024 @08:02PM from the AI-revolution dept."We are getting leaner," said Dell's Bill Scannell and John Byrne in an internal memo to employees on Monday. "We're streamlining layers of management and reprioritizing where we invest." While no official numbers have been confirmed, a source close to the matter told SiliconANGLE that 12,500 layoffs, or about 10% of Dell's worldwide workforce, were planned across the company starting Tuesday. However, that number could be high. "It's unlikely the number is that high because that would typically trigger an SEC filing," said theCUBE Research Chief Analyst Dave Vellante. From the report:CitarIndeed, in February 2023, a 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission was made for a reduction of about 6,000 employees. The number of new layoffs might become more apparent when Dell files its latest earnings report on Aug. 29, which should show severance and other costs. Dell declined to provide specifics on the layoff. "Through a reorganization of our go-to-market teams and an ongoing series of actions, we are becoming a leaner company," the company said in an email to SiliconANGLE. "We are combining teams and prioritizing where we invest across the company. We continually evolve our business so we're set up to deliver the best innovation, value and service to our customers and partners."Rumors of layoffs were swirling today on TheLayoff.com website. "Despite whatever person from corporate put in here earlier about this being a 1% layoff, it is in fact larger than that and is hitting services, sales, marketing & engineers," one person said. "Half of my team is gone in marketing and still no coms." Dell has been cutting staff for at least the past year. It laid off a total of 13,000 last year, according to CRN, including the 6,000 in February 2023 and another round in August whose numbers the company didn't specify.The layoffs follow a 15% reduction announced by Intel last week, affecting over 16,000 workers.
Indeed, in February 2023, a 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission was made for a reduction of about 6,000 employees. The number of new layoffs might become more apparent when Dell files its latest earnings report on Aug. 29, which should show severance and other costs. Dell declined to provide specifics on the layoff. "Through a reorganization of our go-to-market teams and an ongoing series of actions, we are becoming a leaner company," the company said in an email to SiliconANGLE. "We are combining teams and prioritizing where we invest across the company. We continually evolve our business so we're set up to deliver the best innovation, value and service to our customers and partners."Rumors of layoffs were swirling today on TheLayoff.com website. "Despite whatever person from corporate put in here earlier about this being a 1% layoff, it is in fact larger than that and is hitting services, sales, marketing & engineers," one person said. "Half of my team is gone in marketing and still no coms." Dell has been cutting staff for at least the past year. It laid off a total of 13,000 last year, according to CRN, including the 6,000 in February 2023 and another round in August whose numbers the company didn't specify.
[[...]No se ve al actual presidente del Gobierno de España como suficientemente proanglo. Es la época. Toca UE.[...]Pero, al anglo y al gorrión, perdigón.No carguéis con el anglo como con una sífilis sin penicilina.]
Desvelando a los traidores a España~ 53:50 Y entonces, aquí llegamos a la OPERACIÓN MONCLOA, [...] yo tenía cierta relación, tampoco mucha, con Iván Redondo porque habíamos coincidido en muchos platós de televisión concretamente los programas de Espejo Público y era una persona que sinceramente me caía bien, me parecía una persona muy capaz, muy inteligente, además listo, lo reunía todo, hablaba muy bien, nos caíamos, creo que nos caíamos bien, entonces yo estaba saliendo de dar unas conferencias en Canarias, me Manda un SMS [...] y me dice:'Pedro por favor, ¿eh?, llámame lo antes que puedas que es urgente'.[...] le llamo y entonces me dice que había sido nombrado, acababa de llegar el nuevo gobierno, estamos hablando junio de 2018 [...] presidencia de Pedro Sánchez, estaban buscando gente, y me dice que a él le han nombrado jefe de gabinete, había sido el que le había hecho la campaña a Pedro Sánchez, y dice que él, que habían hablado los dos, y que querían que yo fuera su Director de Seguridad Nacional.¡Claro! yo le dije, mira, lo primero, como militar en la reserva, yo estoy a las órdenes directas del ministro/ministra de Defensa y del Presidente del Gobierno, no puedo decir que no, o sea lo primero.Y lo segundo, hombre yo que vengo de un origen tremendamente humilde, pues que evidentemente me ofrezcan ese puesto, que creía que algo sabía de él, y que algo podía hacer por España, (cosas que evidentemente yo nunca hubiera permitido de lo que está sucediendo ahora, eso lo tengo muy claro, también quiero decirlo con rotundidad), y bueno me dice: 'Vale pues vente mañana al Palacio de la Moncloa y hablamos ¿eh?. Luego me dijo en vez de venir a lo que te he dicho, ven un poco más tarde, porque tienen que jurar los ministros [...]Fue una conversación que evidentemente nunca voy a relatar, por lo menos de momento, y porque además, no solamente eso, me ofrecieron incluso otro puesto más superior, yo dije que para ese puesto era un puesto ya político, yo dije que para ese puesto no valía, porque yo no soy político, y que ¡hombre!, para Seguridad Nacional algo sabía, después de llevar más de 30 años dedicado a estos temas, y dar muchas vueltas por el mundo, pero para el otro cargo no, y yo salí nombrado de palabra, nombrado que me dijeron ¡Bueno! pues ya mañana o pasado saldrás en el boletín.Pero así como a mí me había pedido máxima discreción Iván Redondo, y yo la había tenido con todo el mundo incluyendo con mi familia como tiene que ser, pero él había cometido la indiscreción que a primera de la mañana lo había comentado en Espejo Público y resulta que a mí me empezó a llamar la gente, yo me llevaba fenomenal con todos los de Espejo Público, que desde que empezó lo de Ucrania no me han vuelto a llamar [...]no lo acaba de decir Iván Redondo en antena bien pues yo no acababa de salir de Moncloa y habían empezado los ataques, y es verdad que yo fui muy inocente, fui muy inocente, yo no tenía experiencia política, ahora sé lo que es la política...Os digo personalmente me afectó, no porque mi familia no quería, era un puesto de echar muchas horas de mucha responsabilidad, sabían que yo, conociéndome y sintiendo ese Patriotismo y ese amor que siento por España, habría cosas que yo no hubiera consentido jamás y habría tenido problemas, pero [..] ya os digo, problema personal, ninguno en absoluto, quien cree que me hicieron una faena, en absoluto, yo lo sentí por España, porque pensaba que algo podía aportar, pero a partir de ahí, ya os digo personalmente ningún problema.Y entonces el artículo que sacan:"El candidato a director de la Seguridad Nacional es un defensor de Rusia".Oye se quedan tan anchos porque dicen que yo defendí a Rusia, fijaros en el subtitular, que es que de verdad, es hasta cómico, dice: "Pedro Baños declaró que Rusia tiene de todo lo que carecemos nosotros"Pero queridos amigos, pero si esa es la realidad: la energía que consume Europa la importa, ¿quién tiene energía para aburrir? Rusia; cada 3 años la Comisión Eeuropea emite un informe de aquellos recursos naturales, básicamente minerales estratégicos, que son esenciales para seguir manteniendo el ritmo de producción industrial en Europa y de los que carecemos, ¿quién los tiene en abundancia? Rusia; ¿quién nos compraba a España más de 3.000-4.000 M. € todos los años en frutas, verduras, hortalizas? lo compraba Rusia..., en fin ¿había mentido?. No.¿Eso significa ser defensor de Rusia?. Oye, pues para esta gente Sí, porque recordad que ellos ya estaban sirviendo, recordad, desde hacía tiempo a intereses anglos, esos anglos que quieren llevarnos al continente europeo a una guerra con Rusia, y a ser posible también con China.No sé estos locos de dónde han salido, pero ya sabéis que ellos se consideran los "equilibradores del poder en Europa" y cualquier poder que destaca, inmediatamente hay que atacarlo. Y destruirlo. Esa es la mentalidad anglo, y entonces pues había que inventarse algo, y se lo inventan... [...]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpigWIFuUSA
AMPAROS Y DESAMPAROSCita de: asustadísimos en Agosto 08, 2024, 03:46:19 am[[...]No se ve al actual presidente del Gobierno de España como suficientemente proanglo. Es la época. Toca UE.[...]Pero, al anglo y al gorrión, perdigón.No carguéis con el anglo como con una sífilis sin penicilina.]Vídeo publicado el 5 de agosto, Virgen de las Nieves, y Salus Populi Romani. 2 horas, con nombres, facturas y contratos. Transcribo 6 minutos. CitarDesvelando a los traidores a Españahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpigWIFuUSA
Desvelando a los traidores a Españahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpigWIFuUSA