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Citarhttps://x.com/EPoptcheva/status/1822578603604803678https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eva-Maria_PoptchevaY ya la primera respuesta acierta en lo que nos están colando aquí
La realidad es que el Estado de las autonosuyas opera con mayor 'federalidad' que un Estado federal, siendo una invención de un menda cuyo nombre titula un aeorpuerto.
Vascongadas y cataluña llevan con privilegios más de ciene años, y ni el dictador fue capaz de cambiar el panorama. No sé qué responsabilidad tiene Sánchez en este entuerto, cuando lo único que busca es una mayoría que permita que el capital discipline a los pisitófilos.
Inicialmente financiado por el Comité Olímpico Internacional,3 La AMA recibe de ellos la mitad de sus necesidades presupuestarias, mientras que la otra mitad procede de diversos gobiernos nacionales. Sus órganos de gobierno también están compuestos a partes iguales por representantes del movimiento deportivo (incluidos los deportistas) y de los gobiernos de países del mundo. Las principales actividades de la Agencia son la investigación científica, la educación, el desarrollo de capacidades antidopaje y el control del Código Mundial Antidopaje.
Can a Free Business Rent Program Revive San Francisco's Downtown?Posted by EditorDavid on Sunday August 11, 2024 @06:34PM from the vacant-to-vibrant dept.The New York Times visits the downtown of one of America's biggest tech cities to explore San Francisco's "Vacant to Vibrant" initiative, where "city and business leaders provide free rent for up to six months" to "entrepreneurs who want to set up shop in empty spaces, many of which are on the ground floor of office buildings."The program also offers funding for business expenses (plus technical and business permit assistance) — and it seems to be working. One cafe went on to sign a five-year lease for a space in the financial district's iconic One Embarcadero Center building — and the building's landlord says the program also resulted in another three long leases. Can the progress continue?CitarThe hope is that these pop-up operations will pay rent and sign longer leases after the free-rent period is over, and that their presence will regenerate foot traffic in the area. Some 850 entrepreneurs initially applied for a slot, and 17 businesses were chosen to occupy nine storefront spaces in the fall. Out of those businesses, seven extended their leases and now pay rent. Eleven businesses were selected in May for the program's second cohort, which started operating their storefronts this summer...The city's office vacancy rate hit 33.7%, a record high, in the second quarter this year, according to JLL, a commercial real estate brokerage. That's one of the bleakest office markets in the nation, which has an average vacancy rate of about 22%. For the moment, however, San Francisco has a silver lining in Vacant to Vibrant. Rod Diehl, the BXP executive vice president who oversees its West Coast properties, said the pop-up strategy was good not just for local business owners to test their concepts and explore growth opportunities, but also for office leasing efforts... Beyond free rent, which is typically given for three months with a possibility for another three months, Vacant to Vibrant provides up to $12,000 to the businesses to help cover insurance and other expenses. The program also offers grants up to $5,000 for building owners to cover costs for tenant improvements in the spaces as well as for other expenses like utilities...In addition to the Vacant to Vibrant program — which received $1 million from the city initially and is set to receive another $1 million for the current fiscal year, which began July 1 — the city is directing nearly $2 million toward a similar pop-up program. This new program would help businesses occupy larger empty spaces along Powell Street, as crime and other retail pressures have driven out several retailers, including Anthropologie, Banana Republic and Crate & Barrel, in the Union Square area.One business owner who joined "Vacant to Vibrant" in May says they haven't decided yet whether to sign a lease. "It's not as crowded as before the pandemic." But according to the article, "she was hopeful that more businesses opening nearby would attract more people.""In addition to filling empty storefronts, the program has the opportunity to bring in a fresher and more localized downtown shopping vibe, said Laurel Arvanitidis, director for business development at San Francisco's Office of Economic and Workplace Development."CitarVictor Gonzalez, an entrepreneur who founded GCS Agency to stage showings for artists, is embracing the opportunity to get a foothold downtown despite the city's challenges. When he opened a storefront as part of the first Vacant to Vibrant cohort in the Financial District last year, he immediately knew that he wanted to stay there as long as possible. He has since signed a three-year lease. "San Francisco is no stranger to big booms and busts," he said. "So if we're in the midst of a bust, what's next? It's a boom. And I want to be positioned to be part of it."
The hope is that these pop-up operations will pay rent and sign longer leases after the free-rent period is over, and that their presence will regenerate foot traffic in the area. Some 850 entrepreneurs initially applied for a slot, and 17 businesses were chosen to occupy nine storefront spaces in the fall. Out of those businesses, seven extended their leases and now pay rent. Eleven businesses were selected in May for the program's second cohort, which started operating their storefronts this summer...The city's office vacancy rate hit 33.7%, a record high, in the second quarter this year, according to JLL, a commercial real estate brokerage. That's one of the bleakest office markets in the nation, which has an average vacancy rate of about 22%. For the moment, however, San Francisco has a silver lining in Vacant to Vibrant. Rod Diehl, the BXP executive vice president who oversees its West Coast properties, said the pop-up strategy was good not just for local business owners to test their concepts and explore growth opportunities, but also for office leasing efforts... Beyond free rent, which is typically given for three months with a possibility for another three months, Vacant to Vibrant provides up to $12,000 to the businesses to help cover insurance and other expenses. The program also offers grants up to $5,000 for building owners to cover costs for tenant improvements in the spaces as well as for other expenses like utilities...In addition to the Vacant to Vibrant program — which received $1 million from the city initially and is set to receive another $1 million for the current fiscal year, which began July 1 — the city is directing nearly $2 million toward a similar pop-up program. This new program would help businesses occupy larger empty spaces along Powell Street, as crime and other retail pressures have driven out several retailers, including Anthropologie, Banana Republic and Crate & Barrel, in the Union Square area.
Victor Gonzalez, an entrepreneur who founded GCS Agency to stage showings for artists, is embracing the opportunity to get a foothold downtown despite the city's challenges. When he opened a storefront as part of the first Vacant to Vibrant cohort in the Financial District last year, he immediately knew that he wanted to stay there as long as possible. He has since signed a three-year lease. "San Francisco is no stranger to big booms and busts," he said. "So if we're in the midst of a bust, what's next? It's a boom. And I want to be positioned to be part of it."
Clausurados los Juegos Olímpicos (JJ.OO.), Francia tendrá que comenzar a pagar las facturas pendientes. La deuda pública ha crecido unos 650 millones de euros, diarios, desde primeros de año; unos 10.000 millones de nuevas deudas, durante los quince días de festejos deportivos ...
BREAKING: The largest overnight stock trading venue, Blue Ocean, has halted operations until August 16. That's the day all of the monthly options expire. I believe Blue Ocean is illiquid.
LOS JUEGOS DE REBECA ANDRADE (CONT.).—La cerdada de Nord Stream fue el aperitivo.Occidente ha tomado inmediatamente el relevo de los fuegos artificiales de la clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos con un ataque directo contra la central nuclear europea de Zaporiyia (47°31'21.37"N 34°34'8.06"E).El humo no se dispersa en dirección a Rabotino, sino hacia Odesa, Moldavia y Rumanía; incluso, podría acabar llegando a Italia.El humo de la central nuclear europea de Kursk (51°40'34.66"N 35°36'21.78"E) se dispersaría sobre Bielorrusia y Alemania.«¡Grrrande Occidente, sí señor! ¡Biba la livertah! Y El Pisito, no me lo toques».El anglo está reaccionando en su decadencia como era de esperar. Pero por mucho que intente ahora cohesionar a la sociedad contra no sabemos muy bien qué, ha sido tan bueno durante tantas décadas con el individualismo que el ejército de Pancho Villa se queda corto en el 'todos generalitos'. Ahora, lo que hay que hacer —el modelo a seguir— es Amador de Sapolla & Pocito de la Cisterna... pero sin que te pillen en Babia.
Pero también pueden ser unos escultistas de fuego de campamento quemando acciones meme.