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Autor Tema: Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial  (Leído 165211 veces)

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #15 en: Marzo 16, 2016, 12:25:41 pm »
¿Para qué sirve un presidente si hace novillos?

President Obama is touting his foreign policy experience on the campaign trail, but startling new statistics suggest that national security has not necessarily been the personal priority the president makes it out to be. It turns out that more than half the time, the commander in chief does not attend his daily intelligence meeting.
The Government Accountability Institute, a new conservative investigative research organization, examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

El artículo es antiguo (del 2012) pero es un síntoma más de que la mayoría de los políticos son fachada de los que realmente mandan por detrás. Incluyendo el hombre teóricamente más poderoso del mundo.
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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #16 en: Marzo 20, 2016, 13:26:29 pm »
Como en España, parte de los republicanos se plantean votar a Clinton para evitar que alguien que no sea político profesional (Trump) pueda ser presidente.

Just a few steps from the White House, the latest secret gathering of Republicans seeking an answer to the question of who can still stop Donald Trump reached a demoralising answer for their party on Thursday night: Hillary Clinton.


Instead the many mainstream Republicans who are appalled at Trump’s antics are now realising they could have little alternative but to vote for Hillary Clinton or not vote at all.
Half of Republican voters tell pollsters they do not know yet whether they could bring themselves to back Trump if he wins their party nomination.
Leading moderates in the Senate, such as Maine’s Susan Collins who fear a crushing defeat in congressional elections if Trump is at the top of their party ticket, also refuse to say.
Laura Bush, the wife of the last Republican president, George W Bush, this week simply replied: “Don’t ask.”

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #18 en: Abril 03, 2016, 12:31:22 pm »
Del ego inflado de Trump y lo que dice sobre nuestros egos:

Donald Trump is the most famous narcissist in the world. That fact probably seems obvious to you, given Trump’s continuous self-promotion. Mental health experts agree with your assessment. Trump hits most of the checkboxes for the diagnosis.
The biggest tell for narcissism is a belief that you are better than other people. For example, if Trump believed he could run for President – with almost no political experience – and dominate the Republican party in only a few short months, that would be an example of…
Okay, wait. That one doesn’t work. Apparently his self-image was spot-on in that one specific case. It was the rest of us who got that one wrong.
But still, Trump obviously has an inflated self-image. For example, there was the time he thought he could transition from being a real estate developer to being a best-selling author of a book about negotiating, but then…shit. Okay, that example doesn’t work.
Okay, how about this example: Remember when Trump thought he could transition from developing real estate and being a best selling author to becoming a reality TV star and then…okay, forget that one. That sort of worked out for Trump.
Um…okay, I have one. Remember all of the Trump real estate and casino businesses that failed? I think there were a handful of big failures. That’s a terrible track record when you consider Trump’s hundreds of successful projects that…shit. Okay, that example doesn’t work when you put it in context.
But the ego on that guy. For example, Trump thinks models are attracted to him. Models! Ha ha! And they are, but my point is that I forget what my point is. Something about his ego? Yes, that’s it.
Anyway, Trump thinks he is smarter than most people just because he has a high IQ and went to great schools. Usually that does mean you are smarter than 98% of the public, but in this case it was probably just luck, because obviously all of us are smarter than Trump. I mean, look at his haircut!
Narcissists also seek attention from others. That is Trump all over! Compare his attention-seeking ways to other people who license their brands for a living. Those other people like to stay quiet or maybe say their brand is not so good. That is what good mental health looks like. But narcissist Trump actually promotes his brand every chance he gets, which is gross. Sure, it makes him a lot of money, but capitalism is about more than that. For example, something about the Fed.
Anyway, unlike Trump, the other candidates for President of the United States do not seek attention. Okay, technically they are seeking it as hard as they can, and failing. But to me, that seems exactly the same as not trying.
Narcissism is more than having an over-inflated ego and a need for attention. Narcissists also lack empathy. That’s Trump all over. He has no empathy whatsoever. Sure, he says he loves wounded veterans, underemployed Americans, and even the undereducated. But you know all of that is lies.
How do you know? Simple! You know because you are far smarter than normal people. You might be an unrecognized genius, given your modesty. Maybe you’re not the test-taking kind of genius, but you are definitely a beacon of common sense. For example, you know for sure which candidate would be the best president while idiots like me can only guess. In fact, you are so smart that you can peer into Trump’s soul from a distance and see his lack of empathy. Impressive! And, I might add that you are an ace at diagnosing mental conditions despite your total lack of training in the field. You, my friend, are indeed better than other people because you see Trump for the over-inflated, uncaring buffoon that he is. And unlike Trump, you do not seek attention. So don’t leave a comment below to showcase your brilliance.
Narcissism is definitely a thing. But we also need a name for the mental condition in which you believe you are so smart you can diagnose narcissism from a distance.
I won’t call you a narcissist unless you state your opinion in a public comment forum and insult other voters and commenters as if you have no empathy. So don’t do that.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #19 en: Abril 03, 2016, 12:48:24 pm »
Krugman y sus opiniones sobre la política USA, las elecciones venideras y el saldo de Obama:



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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #20 en: Abril 16, 2016, 13:21:30 pm »
Trump está a la izquierda de Obama en algunas cosas...


Let’s look at some Trump socialist quotes:


On November 9, 1999, Trump said,

” I would impose a one-time 14.25% net worth tax on individuals and trusts with a net worth of over $10 million.”

This is not a Republican position at all. In fact, on September 6, 2014, Bernie Sanders was at the AFL-CIO convention and called for a national wealth tax.


On health care, Trump is more to the left of Barak Obama.

Here are some quotes:

“We must have universal healthcare”

From January 2000, he wrote: “The goal of health care reform should be a system that looks a lot like Canada. ”

I’m not sure any Republican would ever say that.



I won’t go into the details of this tax loophole or the arguments for or against. Maybe I am for it, maybe I’m against. I have no clue.

Suffice to say, Trump wants to close the loophole.

Here are the people who have directly praised Trump for this:

Elizabeth Warren, Warren Buffett, and Paul Krugman.

Nobody would accuse any of the above of being a right wing Republican. If anything, they are left-wing liberals.



Both Trump and Bernie Sanders are opposed to raising the retirement age.


If I paid attention any more to this race, I would be disgusted.

But I honestly don’t care. What I do care about is how many people with super strong opinions are consistently wrong.

When you are fed horse-sh*t, you sh*t horse-s**t.

And that’s what is happening. People open their mouthes and s**t pours out.

Where do they get it? From BS media or websites with no information or corrupt ads paid for by anonymous PACs. The entire system is corrupt.

And to vote is to acknowledge that the system is honest. Which it isn’t.

The people sitting on top are invisible. The names we hear (Clinton, Trump, Sanders) have been puppets for decades.


Which is why the average person needs to look inward and change for themselves rather than depend on a government that makes promises they can’t possibly implement and don’t even have the authority to.

Sanders and Trump probably agree on more economic and political issues than disagree.

Wealth tax, closing hedge fund loopholes, pro tariffs, anti-free trade, centralized government, nationalized health care, isolationism, and on and on. I left out several other issues because I got tired of writing this.

Trump = Sanders = socialism on all of these issues.


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #21 en: Mayo 17, 2016, 23:21:18 pm »
Vengo aquí a hablar de un libro, aunque no sea mío.  8)

This is a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress that shows why career politicians need to come to an end. This is written by one of its own, anonymously entitled “The Confession of Congressman X.” His admissions are dark and stunning, yet you can bet the mainstream media will ignore it for they are part of the game. This is what he has to say:
  • “Most of my colleagues are dishonest career politicians who revel in the power and special-interest money that’s lavished upon them.”
  • “My main job is to keep my job, to get reelected. It takes precedence over everything.”
  • “Fundraising is so time consuming I seldom read any bills I vote on. Like many of my colleagues, I don’t know how the legislation will be implemented, or what it’ll cost.”
As for the voters, he also explains:
  • “The average man on the street actually thinks he influences how I vote. Unless it’s a hot-button issue, his thoughts are generally meaningless. I’ll politely listen, but I follow the money.”
  • “Voters are incredibly ignorant and know little about our form of government and how it works.”
  • “It’s far easier than you think to manipulate a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification.”
Welcome to the decline and fall of Western civilization.

Con recuerdos a Pringaete.  :)

« última modificación: Mayo 17, 2016, 23:27:22 pm por Currobena »
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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #24 en: Agosto 15, 2016, 17:55:05 pm »
Más sobre el pacifismo de Trump y la alianza entre políticos demócratas y republicanos contra él.

The press from CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS and countless newspapers all want a Hillary coronation and could care less about the direction of the world no less the nation as long as they keep the money flowing in their direction. This election will destroy their own credibility as people turn to the internet for the truth. Welcome the American version of PRAVDA. The press go into hyper-analysis of every single word Trump now speaks, but there is never a word that Hillary sold influence approving contracts to foreign governments who donated to her pretend charity. The press attacked Nixon for 18.5 minutes of tapes being erased. Hillary gets a crown for her coronation and a get-out-of-jail-free card for treason. When it comes to the GOP leaders, you MUST understand that the neoconservatives are originally the old Democrats of the South who jumped ship when the Democratic Party began turning more socialist and liberal in their view. There was a large evangelical element to this group and that is why they initially supported Jimmy Carter’s evangelical liberalism. However, their hard line agenda on ruling the world led them to abandoned Carter and voted for an outsider named Ronald Reagan who the “traditional” Republicans feared because he was not a Washington boy. Most of these neoconservatives, like Strom Thurman, were outright racist.
These neoconservatives began to fear ‘liberals’ who they saw as surrendering in the Cold War. To them, foreign policy was all about nation-building abroad to defeat communism. They really were against political correctness so the Republicans were reshaped according to their views. I was personally a close friend of someone high up in Reagan’s campaign. I had a discussion about these neoconservatives back then and warned that embracing their agenda would alter the Party. I was told that I should not worry for the Party would temper and control these rebels. But in the end, the Party needed them to win the election and in the process the heads of almost every committee became a Southern neoconservative.
Even since the 1980s, this group of neoconservatives has constituted the elite of their newly adopted party. These are the very same people in revolt today and refuse to support Trump. Yes, the career politicians fear Trump will not grease their palms with the usual corruption that has consumed Washington. God forbid if Trump began cutting pork from Washington’s diet. How would a politician run for office if he did not deliver pork to get votes? That is the grease that keeps the government working.
Oama_Nobel_Peace_Prize height=395However, you have to examine closely what is really happening. Pick up the rug and you will see that there is far more to the mere statement of Trump building a wall to prevent Mexicans from coming in. Trump is against the core of the neoconservative agenda, which has always been nation-building and ruling the world. When Mit Romney and others say Trump is “no conservative” this is what they are really saying. Trump does not want to rule the world like them. Why do you think they put together a letter of 50 former national security advisers to say Trump is dangerous? You will not hear the Truth from Wolf Blitzer. What they are saying is Trump is against their agenda to engage in nation-building and dominating the world at the expense of our young boys as if it worked so well in Iraq and Libya not to mention Syria and of course Vietnam. When Trump says Obama is the founder of ISIS, he may be sarcastic, but Obama, after getting the Nobel Peace Prize, agreed to try to muster support to invade Syria. Only the American people rejected another nation-building scheme. The whole idea of a wall between the USA and Mexico means to them isolationist and Trump has criticized nation-building. Trump has stated that we should not be nation-building any more.
Of course CNN will not tell you this point blank for they are a covert Democratic propaganda machine that benefits from war coverage. Why would they explain this deep rift between Trump and the neoconservatives. The aired the letter from 50 former national security advisers saying Trump is dangerous. But they would never explain why they think he is dangerous. Most people ASSUME that means he would get us into war. The truth is precisely the opposite. They fear he would stop the neoconservative agenda of ruling the world. The danger to these 50 advisers if the USA would no longer be engaged in nation-building such as Vietnam, Iraq, Libya just in recent memories. This is why so many people in the Republican Party are against Trump. He is changing the dynamics driving war and in so doing reshaping the Republican Party sending these neoconservatives back to the Democrats from where they originally emerged.
Consequently, the Republican neoconservatives are turning to Hillary for they know she will not dismantle the war machine and Obama is expanding the cold war against Russia and China. After getting the Nobel Peace Prize, this man has done more than any former recipient to reignite international war. When I say I often feel I should just go to some island and wait for the mushroom cloud to know it is safe to come out, this is what I am referring to. These are the people who want to rule the world.
Therefore, the neoconservatives are reinventing themselves once more and are quietly abandoning the Republican Party of economic conservatism for their real goal of nation-building and dominating the world political scene. The Republican elite are silently returning to the Democrats to support Hillary Clinton. They know she will do their bidding for everything is negotiable with Hillary for her only goal is to be the first woman president. Nothing else matters to Hillary. I believe they will rig the vote and the press will be backing this takeover of America making the view ahead anything but stable.
Ironically, Bernie Sanders made the hard-left Clinton appear as a centrist. They have reasoned that they need to attack Trump to keep the game of nation-building in play. This aligns with our war model. Sorry, but Hillary will create the war, not Trump who is an isolationist, which they fear.
Being behind the curtain and working with many people globally, I have just come to know far more than I ever really wanted to know. The neoconservatives are anti-Trump for the primary reason of their desire for world domination and nation-building. They are a bunch of sick people who will more likely than not lead us into World War III under Hillary. That is their goal and make no mistake about it.
The agenda of CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS along with countless newspapers, is to paint Trump as crazy and unfit for office distorting everything he says because they are secretly supporting the status quo in particular the nation-building and dominating the world political scene. This makes news for the mainstream media and keeps them in business. This is not about explaining what this very issue is all about and how it is the core of this national election. They have no problem spilling the blood of our young boys washing their hands in it before counting their money. You will NEVER hear one word of this in that media – not one. This is the real secret agenda. This is why they simply say Trump is no conservative without explaining what they mean.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #25 en: Agosto 15, 2016, 17:59:08 pm »
Más sobre Hillary y sus cobros por servicios a los bancos.

The Swiss bank UBS is one of the biggest, most powerful financial institutions in the world. As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton intervened to help it out with the IRS. And after that, the Swiss bank paid Bill Clinton $1.5 million for speaking gigs. The Wall Street Journal reported all that and more Thursday in an article that highlights huge conflicts of interest that the Clintons have created in the recent past.

Ya estamos al nivel de los Estados Unidos en algo, aparentemente.

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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #26 en: Agosto 16, 2016, 02:17:50 am »
Esto podría ir en este hilo de EEUU, en el de China, en el de Europa, o incluso ser germen para un nuevo subforo enterito.

Fragmentos del reciente discurso de Xi Jiping, presidente de China, del PCC o de lo que sea; el boss.

- Una unión militar con Rusia ayudará a "acabar con los deseos imperialistas de Occidente".

- ​"El mundo está a punto de un cambio radical", apuntó el mandatario chino. "Vemos a la UE, así como a la economía de EEUU, colapsar gradualmente, todo termina para dar paso a un nuevo orden mundial"

- "nunca será como era antes, y en 10 años tendremos un nuevo orden mundial, en el que la clave será la unión entre China y Rusia"


O en el hilo del rescate; Va a coincidir con nuestra TE 2025  :-\   Cuando lleguemos ¿qué habrá?


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #27 en: Agosto 16, 2016, 14:11:09 pm »
Más sobre el pacifismo de Trump y la alianza entre políticos demócratas y republicanos contra él.



No creo que sea apropiado hablar de "el pacifismo de Trump"; si acaso, podríamos hablar de que es pro-aislacionismo y no-beligerante. Pero es un convencido defensor del "derecho" a portar armas sin limitación alguna y no recuerdo haberle oído nada acerca de disminución del tamaño de las fuerzas armadas usanas.

En todo caso, ya he expuesto lo que pienso de él: lo tiene crudo para llegar a la presidencia, pero si acaso lo hiciera, no hay que demonizarlo innecesariamente, sino ver con prudencia qué pretenderá hacer y qué le dejarán hacer de ello. No espero ningún viraje espectacular en la política exterior usana, que gustará más o menos, pero siempre ha sido muy previsible.
"De lo que que no se puede hablar, es mejor callar" (L. Wittgenstein; Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus).


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #28 en: Agosto 17, 2016, 19:16:05 pm »
Más sobre los asuntos de corrupción de los Clinton. ¿Os acordáis del legado de González en España?

Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according to smoking-gun emails released Tuesday.


It wasn’t the first time Team Clinton used its clout to land a position for a donor to the foundation. In emails obtained in June by Citizens United, another watchdog group, it was revealed that a Chicago securities trader who was a Clinton bundler and gave at least $1 million to the foundation landed on the International Security Advisory Board despite having no experience in the field.
The donor, Rajiv K. Fernando, got the gig in 2011 after Mills intervened, according to an email.
The board provides advice to the State Department on all arms control, and its members are national security experts with scientific, military, diplomatic and political backgrounds, according to its website.
After ABC News reported Fernando’s role, he resigned within 24 hours.

The 44 previously unreleased emails in the new documents will raise more questions about conflicts of interest between the Clinton Foundation and the secretary of state and her aides and whether donors could “pay to play” and profit from their donations.

Este es el motor de la campaña de Trump. Contra Sanders hubiera sido muy diferente. ¿Por qué creeis que el partido demócrata ha insistido con Hillary sabiendo perfectamente lo que hay y lo que ayuda a Trump?
Si nos quejamos de la corrupción de aquí no podemos pedir una conducta diferente a los norteamericanos.



Añado que la situación empeora cada año. El propio gobierno de los EEUU admite que no saben cómo han gastado trillones de dólares de los presupuestos.

Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller) (OASA[FM&C]) and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis (DFAS Indianapolis) did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter journal voucher (JV) adjustments and $6.5 trillion in yearend JV adjustments1 made to AGF data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation.2 The unsupported JV adjustments occurred because OASA(FM&C) and DFAS Indianapolis did not prioritize correcting the system deficiencies that caused errors resulting in JV adjustments, and did not provide sufficient guidance for supporting system‑generated adjustments


« última modificación: Agosto 17, 2016, 19:20:11 pm por Currobena »
Estoy cansado de darme con la pared y cada vez me queda menos tiempo...


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Re:Hilo de USA - poder, mentiras y orden mundial
« Respuesta #29 en: Agosto 17, 2016, 21:40:49 pm »
trillones, que son billones pero da igual. Eso es corrupción nivel DIOS.


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