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No me extrañaría que el siguiente paso fuese eliminar, o modificar, de la constitución el artículo 47. Según como se plantee, hay un grueso de la sociedad bastante madura para proponerlo. Es una burrada lo que digo, pero.....
Cita de: Negrule en Marzo 09, 2021, 13:03:29 pmNo me extrañaría que el siguiente paso fuese eliminar, o modificar, de la constitución el artículo 47. Según como se plantee, hay un grueso de la sociedad bastante madura para proponerlo. Es una burrada lo que digo, pero.....Derechos fundamentales, derechos ordinarios y principios rectores de la política social y económica. El artículo 47 se encuentra entre estos últimos, meras aspiraciones a perseguir por los poderes públicos. Nunca fue un derecho aunque lo llamaran así por lo que nunca se pudo exigir ante un juez, ni ese ni el resto de principios en ella recogidos.Más en detalle:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISLFp05EqZY&t=3047s
Intuyo, que todos los que estamos en el foro, a pesar de que nos convence, en muchos aspectos, lo que explica asustadisimos, intuíamos que es muy difícil que se den esos cambios. La información, las sensaciones, que procesa nuestra intuición, llevan dando señales claras de alarma desde hace muchos años. Percibo, intensamente, que la situación en el mercado inmobiliario es mucho peor que en la megaburbuja, en lo que respecta a accesibilidad. Es que es muy fuerte, pero es así. Tienen, sin duda alguna, todo, y todos, los que tienen voz y voto a su favor. Que poderosa arma la intuición, y que poco caso le hacemos cuando ponemos nuestros deseos por delante. Cita de: Yupi_Punto en Marzo 09, 2021, 11:39:09 amAsustadísimos debe estar revisando todos sus esquemas. Es muy grave su último mensaje, quizá está volviendo a tomar el pulso a la realidad real, y abandonando prejuicios.Inflación, oro, criptomonedas, GameStop, SP500...Todas las predicciones hechas, ante un capitalismo fallido, ¿deberán revisarse?
Asustadísimos debe estar revisando todos sus esquemas. Es muy grave su último mensaje, quizá está volviendo a tomar el pulso a la realidad real, y abandonando prejuicios.Inflación, oro, criptomonedas, GameStop, SP500...Todas las predicciones hechas, ante un capitalismo fallido, ¿deberán revisarse?
Global Transformation: The Precariat Overcoming PopulismLambert here: A dense treatment of a subject of burning concern.(...) From Neo-liberalism to Rentier XCapitalismThe Mont Pelerin Society that groomed the economic and political leaders of the 1980s between 1947 and 1979 could be called ‘neo-liberal’, in that they believed in free market capitalism, financial and capital market liberalisation and extreme individualism. Undoubtedly, they and their politicians, notably Thatcher, Reagan and others listed in The Corruption of Capitalism (second edition, 2021), were advocates of global capital and vehemently against the proletariat.Many commentators forget that Thatcher was an accidental leader, who never gained the support of a majority of the electorate.[ii] Intense class conflict ensued. Key events were the miners’ strikes in Britain and the defeat of the air traffic controllers in the United States. The miners’ strike was doomed from the outset, but represented the protest of the dying class, standing up, or going down, with dignity. Those who defied the state deserve our respect.Here we come to the first crucial point I wish to make in this article. The ideology used to break the old social formation was what we now call neo-liberalism – known in its various guises as the Washington Consensus, the Chicago School, shock therapy and supply-side economics. It corresponded to the ideology guiding the dis-embedded phase in the Great Transformation. But neoliberalism does not define the system that it forged. It was a destructive ideological tool, the hallmark of which was virulent determination to dismantle all institutions and mechanisms of social solidarity, the benchmarks of ‘the left’, on the grounds that they stood against the market.Neoliberalism essentially died in the 1980s as a political project. By then it had done its work. It had laid the ground for financial capital to take control from national production capital. The Big Bang in the City of London symbolised that moment, although reforms in the USA and elsewhere preceded it. Multinational financial and corporate capital then forged the hegemonic system of today – rentier capitalism. This in turn, as in previous dis-embedded phases in the evolution of capitalism, ushered in a new class structure with new class tensions.We will come to those later. First, a few words on rentier capitalism. It represents the triumph of private property rights over free market principles. Contrary to what neo-liberals claim, it is the most unfree market system ever constructed. More and more of the income flows to owners or controllers of property – financial, physical and intellectual. The income and wealth gained are forms of rent, not profits from production or wages.Indeed, another error of the mainstream left was to think neoliberalism ushered in a ‘deregulated’ labour market. As argued elsewhere, the labour market is more tightly regulated than in the social democratic industrial capitalism era. It is just that it is regulated in favour of capital, and the mainstream left helped to make that happen.There is no space here to go into the contours of rentier capitalism.[iii] But a key point for political action in the coming period is that a transformation can only be forged if one understands the structures one wishes to see transformed. A focus on ‘neoliberalism’ gives rentier capitalism a free pass.Borrowing from the philosophy of science, we may say that a paradigm will not be displaced by a new paradigm until the existing one prompts questions that its practitioners cannot answer and a new paradigm exists to fill its place with a bevy of advocates and practitioners capable of implementing it.This should remind ourselves of the nature of political transformations. Rentier capitalism is the latest form of capitalism to ‘negate’ the pursuit of Enlightenment values, encapsulated in its trinity of freedom, equality and solidarity. In that regard, Chantal Mouffe correctly refers to ‘struggles for equality and liberty’ and calls for a ‘deepening of democracy’. One should also emphasise a need to ‘deepen solidarity’, through promoting new collective bodies, as is recognised in Spyros Sofos. However, the immediate challenge is to achieve ‘the negation of the negation’. This is an ontological perspective, not a teleological one. We may not be able to define precisely what type of society we wish to create in the longer term, but we should be able to see what the near Future could be.This point relates to another historical error of the mainstream left, that is, twentieth century social democrats. They lost a sense of the Future. They became reactionary, at best promising to restore Yesterday.The Precariat in the Global Class StructureThis leads to the class structure generated by the combination of neoliberalism and its progeny, rentier capitalism. It is a globalised class fragmentation superimposed on earlier class structures, which always linger. Very briefly, we should define classes by three dimensions – distinctive relations of production, distinctive relations of distribution and distinctive relations to the state. It is essential to define classes in this multi-dimensional way in order to escape both from the old pseudo-Marxist dualism of the bourgeoisie versus the proletariat (or worse, working class) and the phoney dualism of crude populism of ‘the people’ versus ‘the elite’ (or establishment).In descending order of income and state power, at the top is the plutocracy, below which is an elite, and then proficians and the salariat. These are defined in detail elsewhere. The crucial points for this contribution are that all are recipients of rentier income and all are objectively and emotionally detached from existing welfare states. It is sometimes overlooked that the salariat – those with salaried employment, occupational pensions, houses and shares – have done very well during the rentier capitalism era, gaining from one of its outstanding outcomes, asset price inflation.[iv]All this means, in turn, that the top strata – perhaps accounting for 30% of the population – have little inclination materially to defend wages, labour standards or state benefits, unless driven by fear of losing their privileges from the rage of the advancing sans culottes.Below those groups is the old proletariat, for whom labour and social democratic parties and labour unions were built, and whose interests were advanced globally by the International Labour Organisation. The key point for this discourse is that the proletariat was subject to proletarianization, to the disciplines of stable full-time labour, and to fictitious decommodification, in that the money wage shrank as a share of social income, with more coming as non-wage benefits and entitlements, giving them labour security. It was not real decommodification, since workers were obliged to sell labour (effort and time) in order to obtain those entitlements or be married to someone who was prepared to do so.For the proletariat, the norm was and is to be in a stable job. There is nothing labourists love more than to have as many people as possible in jobs. They romanticise being in a job, promising Full Employment, and quietly resorting to workfare. They conveniently forget that being in a job is being in a position of subordination and fail to recall Marx’s depiction of labour in jobs as ‘active alienation’.The hallmark of the proletariat’s relations of production was employment security, not job security, in the sense of what work or activity one does.[v.] As for their relations of distribution, those in the proletariat are, as a norm, neither rent-recipients nor structurally exploited by rent mechanisms, unless in the process of falling into the precariat.This leads to what is the emerging mass class of rentier capitalism, the precariat, below which is a lumpen category cut off from society, without an active role. The precariat’s distinctive relations of production include having unstable, insecure labour, having to do a lot of work that is not labour, including work for the state, having no occupational or organisational narrative to give to themselves, and being exploited and oppressed off workplaces and outside labour time as much as within them.More of them are being drawn into platform capitalism, as ‘concierge’ or cloud taskers, controlled and manipulated by apps and other labour brokers. Above all, they are being gradually habituated to precariatisation, told to put up with a norm of unstable task-driven bits-and-pieces existence.The distinctive relations of distribution are that they must try to survive solely on low, volatile and uncertain money wages, with few if any non-wage benefits or assured state benefits, while being subject to onerous exploitation by rental mechanisms, living constantly on the edge of unsustainable debt. The insecurity experienced is unlike the norms of the proletariat, being characterised by chronic uncertainty and fragility to unpredictable but common shocks.Those characteristics are bad enough. But it is the distinctive relations to the state that most define the precariat. The precariat are denizens rather than citizens, meaning that they are losing or not gaining the rights and entitlements of citizens. Above all, they are reduced to being supplicants, dependent on the discretionary benevolence of landlords, employers, parents, charities and strangers, showing them pity.(...)
Cita de: Yupi_Punto en Marzo 09, 2021, 11:39:09 amAsustadísimos debe estar revisando todos sus esquemas. Es muy grave su último mensaje, quizá está volviendo a tomar el pulso a la realidad real, y abandonando prejuicios.Inflación, oro, criptomonedas, GameStop, SP500...Todas las predicciones hechas, ante un capitalismo fallido, ¿deberán revisarse?la vivienda no es ni de lejos la mayor preocupación de los Jóvenes.La juventud está desencantada, saben que están metidos en un sistema educativo viciado, en una economía con lúgubres espectativas laborales.Saben que no se pueden permitir los lujos de sus padres o incluso hermanos mayores, comprar coche, comprar vivienda, tener hijos.Por tanto el problema ya no es la vivienda, que puede quedar como un lujo que se permiten unos pocos, igual que no todos pueden comprarse un Panerai.Aquí el problema es el desmembramiento de la sociedad, sin hijos ni familias que den el relevo.
El Gobierno prorrogará hasta final de año la moratoria de los concursos de acreedoresLa medida excepcional se aprobará en el Consejo de Ministros del viernes, con el objetivo de dar un balón de oxígeno a los empresariosLas empresas que se encuentren en una situación de insolvencia por la crisis económica del coronavirus contarán con un tiempo extra para intentar poner sus cuentas en orden. El Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez planea prorrogar hasta el próximo 31 de diciembre la moratoria que suspende la obligación de las sociedades de entrar en concurso de acreedores.La dilatación en el tiempo de la pandemia ha forzado al Ejecutivo a renovar esta medida excepcional que se puso en marcha hace un año con la declaración del primer estado de alarma y que ya se había ampliado en una ocasión. La nueva prórroga se debatirá en el Consejo de Ministros que se celebrará este viernes, según ha publicado El País.Esta medida se aprobó para evitar que las empresas más golpeadas por la crisis tuvieran que acudir a un concurso de acreedores si no eran capaces de salir de su situación de insolvencia en un plazo máximo de dos meses, tal y como figura en la ley. Un escenario muy breve si tenemos en cuenta que la pandemia ya se ha prolongado durante casi un año con tres oleadas diferentes de contagios que han desencadenado severas restricciones para muchos sectores económicos.Su prórroga se ha convertido en fundamental para los empresarios, ante las dificultades para hacer frente a sus pagos, únicamente con el resto de herramientas que el Gobierno ha puesto en marcha como los Expedientes de Regulación Temporal de Empleo (ERTE) o la concesión de créditos ICO avalados por el Estado, que todavía no se conoce con claridad cómo tendrán que devolver.El Banco de España ya advirtió a mediados de febrero que cerca de un 40% de los negocios españoles tuvieron dificultades en 2020 para cubrir sus gastos financieros, como consecuencia de las pérdidas que ha provocado la crisis económica de la Covid-19. La institución prevé que el porcentaje de empresas en insolvencia supere el 14% este curso, lo que representa cuatro puntos más que en 2019, cuando la pandemia todavía no había aparecido en escena.(...)
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