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https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/american-dream-of-homeownership-more-expensive-than-ever-300825155.htmlAmerican Dream of Homeownership More Expensive Than Ever A new study published by PropertyClub shows that homeownership is getting more expensive nationwide, with real estate prices in most major US cities surpassing those seen during the 2007-2008 housing bubble.
A todo esto, una duda que me asalta:En un escenario sin fantasmas inflacionistas, ¿qué nos evita un QE agresivo y permanente que asegure la patadapalante sine die?
Desigualdad en la UE: La brecha entre norte y sur ha crecido en los últimos 15 añosLos ministros discutirán este viernes un documento que advierte del peligro de "tensiones sociales" si sigue esa tendencia
El BCE pospuso la subida de tipos tras constatar que el bajón en el crecimiento durará “varios trimestres”Las actas de la reunión de marzo revelan que el organismo se planteó aplazar aún más la próxima alza en el precio del dinero
Cita de: Yupi_Punto en Abril 05, 2019, 13:14:14 pmA todo esto, una duda que me asalta:En un escenario sin fantasmas inflacionistas, ¿qué nos evita un QE agresivo y permanente que asegure la patadapalante sine die?Que el dólar ya no es la moneda de refrerencia mundial, y la hegemonía USA está en decadencia.Ese es el problema. Al contrario que en los años 90 donde se permanecía en un juego de equilibrio estable, ahora el equilibrio es inestable.Compárese la super-recuperación financiera de la burbuja .com (=casi inmediata) con el panorama actual, con los Estados rozando la insolvencia. USA ha renunciado a ejercer de policía del mundo. HA RENUNCIADO AL CONTROL HEGEMÓNICO!!! Es un oxímoron. No es que haya renunciadao, es que ya no puede ejercerlo. Y no puede porque el dólar ya no es la moneda de referencia mundial.
Recapitulando, la FED ha sido amedrentada por Trump.No tendría mayor importancia porque la avalancha ya se ha iniciado, la FED sola ya no puede pararlo y parece claro que las políticas de todos los grandes bancos centrales están coordinadas.¿Entonces por qué hizo hace poco China una gigantesca inyección parecida a la que salvó el tenderete en 2016 (acuerdo de Shanghai).https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-06/did-china-just-hint-new-shanghai-accordWhile the language sounds fairly similar, the new description is similar to what was adopted in 2015, just as monetary policy eased significantly and ahead of the famous "Shanghai Accord" of late January 2016 when, as the world was careening to a bear market, a coordinated response from G-7 leaders and China sparked a massive rally in stocks as China unleashed another major monetary easing burst which impacted the global economy for the next year. Furthermore, as Goldman adds, "such official policy language, while subtle, can carry important information about the monetary policy stance.https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-23/chinas-premier-slams-central-bank-gargantuan-lending-spreeLast week many traders were dumbfounded when, just as speculation was building that China was preparing to unleash a massive credit expansion a la Shanghai Accord, Beijing confirmed that it had indeed decided to massively reflate its (and the global) economy, in what may soon be dubbed the Shanghai Accord 2.0, when the PBOC announced it had flooded the economy with a gargantuan 4.64 trillion yuan in various new forms of debt which comprise China's Total Social Financing in January, including notably, the "shadow" credit which Beijing had been aggressively cracking down on: an aggressive credit expansion which many took as a tacit confirmation that China was losing the fight with deleveraging.¿Ha utilizado Trump la amenaza de guerra comercial para controlar también al banco central de China?Ojo, que Trump no es tonto, según esto, la situación actual sería la siguiente:El bando popularcapitalista controla parte de la UE, Reino Unido, EEUU por la vía fiscal y tiene bajo amenaza a la FED y al PBOC.Quedan por conquistar el BCE (Draghi no ha tomado en todo su mandato una sola medida antipopularcapitalista), el BOJ (están con el balance en máximos y son de los que más lo han aumentado en los últimos tiempos).El próximo ataque/excusa de Trump nos dirá cuál es el próximo banco central cuyo control quiere conseguir.
A Trump le da igual, solo le interesa la siguiente batalla.Es curioso cómo arremete contra China---> relajación monetaria en China.Arremete contra la FED---> relajación monetaria en EEUU.
Trump urges Fed to lower U.S. interest rates“I think they should drop rates,” Trump told reporters. “I think they really slowed us down. There’s no inflation.” The U.S. president also suggested that the central bank pursue an unconventional monetary policy called “quantitative easing” that was used to nurse the economy back after the global financial crisis. The technique used from 2008 to 2014 involved buying trillions of government-sponsored bonds.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-fed-trump/trump-urges-fed-to-lower-u-s-interest-rates-idUSKCN1RH1M2CitarTrump urges Fed to lower U.S. interest rates“I think they should drop rates,” Trump told reporters. “I think they really slowed us down. There’s no inflation.” The U.S. president also suggested that the central bank pursue an unconventional monetary policy called “quantitative easing” that was used to nurse the economy back after the global financial crisis. The technique used from 2008 to 2014 involved buying trillions of government-sponsored bonds.