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Hablando de notontas...Las clarisas "herejes" de Belorado: rompen con el papa y se alían con un excomulgado por un lío inmobiliariohttps://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/castilla-y-leon/2024-05-13/clarisas-herejes-belorado-rompen-papa-operacion-inmobiliaria_3882948/Las monjas acusan al Arzobispado de Burgos de impedir la venta de un convento para sufragar la compra de un Monasterio. Juran fidelidad a Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, vinculado a una corriente cristiana de corte preconciliar
[Se abusa aposta del verbo 'to prevail'. He mejorado ligeramente el comentario anterior. No se me quita de la cabeza que la OTAN diga expresamente que no se responsabiliza de la reconstrucción en un escenario 'no-prevail'. La clave para entender esto es, precisamente, saber qué significa 'no-prevail'. ¿Por qué no se utilizan los verbos resistir, aguantar o, si no, vencer? Se diría que prevalecer se usa como imponerse o ganar. ¿Pero por qué no se usan estos verbos? ¿Prevalecer incluye la rendición con mantenimiento del 'statu quo' ucraniano, incluso con Zelenski al mando, aunque sin salida al mar? Reconstruir, en efecto, es carísimo presupuestariamente (destruir es baratísimo, en comparación); aunque es un negocio para las constructoras, que siempre son empresas locales. ¿Es como si quisieran declarar la derrota en cuanto caiga Jarkov, pero para que Rusia no consiga Odessa? No tengo ni idea, ciertamente. Lo que sí intuyo es que esto es determinante para lo que nosotros, los estructuraltransicionistas, estamos llamando El Hostión de los juegos de dinero-sin-trabajar popularcapitalistas. Estamos al final de la etapa de la guerra de Ucrania en la que habría habido efectos oxigenantes de las expectativas popularcapitalistas. A partir de ahora, es una losa más. De pulmón a almorrana. ¿Qué leches es el escenario 'no-prevail'?]
08 abr 2022 . El presidente del Gobierno español, Pedro Sánchez, mostró esta mañana su convencimiento de que «Ucrania resistirá, Europa prevalecerá y estos crímenes de guerra no van a quedar impunes». Fueron afirmaciones efectuadas después de una visita al centro de refugiados ucranianos instalado en el recinto de Montjuic de la Fira de Barcelona
Ordered Back To the Office, Top Tech Talent Left Instead, Study FindsPosted by BeauHD on Tuesday May 14, 2024 @09:00AM from the surprise-surprise dept.An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Washington Post:CitarReturn-to-office mandates at some of the most powerful tech companies -- Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX -- were followed by a spike in departures among the most senior, tough-to-replace talent, according to a case study published last week by researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan. Researchers drew on resume data from People Data Labs to understand the impact that forced returns to offices had on employee tenure and the movement of workers between companies. What they found was a strong correlation between the departures of senior-level employees and the implementation of a mandate, suggesting that these policies "had a negative effect on the tenure and seniority of their respective workforce." High-ranking employees stayed several months less than they might have without the mandate, the research suggests -- and in many cases, they went to work for direct competitors.At Microsoft, the share of senior employees as a portion of the company's overall workforce declined more than five percentage points after the return-to-office mandate took effect, the researchers found. At Apple, the decline was four percentage points, while at SpaceX -- the only company of the three to require workers to be fully in-person -- the share of senior employees dropped 15 percentage points. "We find experienced employees impacted by these policies at major tech companies seek work elsewhere, taking some of the most valuable human capital investments and tools of productivity with them," said Austin Wright, an assistant professor of public policy at the University of Chicago and one of the study's authors. "Business leaders should weigh carefully employee preferences and market opportunities when deciding when, or if, they mandate a return to office."While the corporate culture and return-to-office policies differ "markedly" between the three companies, the similar effects of the RTO mandates suggest that "the effects are driven by common underlying dynamics," wrote the authors of the study."Our findings suggest that RTO mandates cost the company more than previously thought," said David Van Dijcke, a researcher at the University of Michigan who worked on the study. "These attrition rates aren't just something that can be managed away."Robert Ployhart, a professor of business administration and management at the University of South Carolina, said executives haven't provided much evidence that RTO mandates actually benefit their workforces. "The people sitting at the apex may not like the way they feel the organization is being run, but if they're not bringing data to that point of view, it's really hard to argue why people should be coming back to the workplace more frequently," Ployhart said.Senior employees, he said, are "the caretakers of a company's culture," and having to replace them can have negative effects on team morale and productivity. "By driving those employees away, they've actually enhanced and sped up the very thing they were trying to stop," Ployhart said.
Return-to-office mandates at some of the most powerful tech companies -- Apple, Microsoft and SpaceX -- were followed by a spike in departures among the most senior, tough-to-replace talent, according to a case study published last week by researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan. Researchers drew on resume data from People Data Labs to understand the impact that forced returns to offices had on employee tenure and the movement of workers between companies. What they found was a strong correlation between the departures of senior-level employees and the implementation of a mandate, suggesting that these policies "had a negative effect on the tenure and seniority of their respective workforce." High-ranking employees stayed several months less than they might have without the mandate, the research suggests -- and in many cases, they went to work for direct competitors.At Microsoft, the share of senior employees as a portion of the company's overall workforce declined more than five percentage points after the return-to-office mandate took effect, the researchers found. At Apple, the decline was four percentage points, while at SpaceX -- the only company of the three to require workers to be fully in-person -- the share of senior employees dropped 15 percentage points. "We find experienced employees impacted by these policies at major tech companies seek work elsewhere, taking some of the most valuable human capital investments and tools of productivity with them," said Austin Wright, an assistant professor of public policy at the University of Chicago and one of the study's authors. "Business leaders should weigh carefully employee preferences and market opportunities when deciding when, or if, they mandate a return to office."
Prevalecer tiene que ver con los valores, por eso se predica de Europa, tanto sea luchando contra el fascismo nazi como contra el fascismo de Putin.Además es un verbo que no incluye ningún compromiso territorial, ni militar. Simplemente hay que ser los ganadores morales (Etimología de "prevalecer": https://etimologias.dechile.net/?prevalecer#:~:text=El%20verbo%20prevalecer%20viene%20del,precoz%2C%20premio%2C%20y%20presea.)
England prevailsV for VendettaA mi esa palabra me da miedo
No lo veo así. Europa es un territorio. Un territorio con hasta 50 metros de hielo en la glaciación. Así, solo los más meridionales... serían autoctonos. Luego está la miriada de pueblos, que huyendo de la exclavitud, han ido viniendo desde Asia. Bienvenidos sean, y son. Rusos y turcos son de las últimas hornadas. Bienvenidos sean, y son. Putins (y hasta cierto punto Erdogans) aparte.Ucrania es más bien esa Rusia culta y proeuropea. (Y seguramente, Bielorusia.) Rusia... y Turquía tienen asiento reservado. Sí, pero cuando se quiten el pelo de la estepa. Cuando respeten, serán respetados. Hay un problema adicional: son muchos millones. Tendrán como mínimo que federarse. (Esto último es de tipo práctico.)Yo veo a Pakistan en la UE. El problema es otro. No es un derecho, es una voluntad. La voluntad de crear Unión.
geógrafo sueco Philip Johan von Strahlenberg, quien hacia 1730 propuso fijar el límite oriental del continente en los montes Urales, propuesta acogida con agrado por la monarquía rusa. Hasta el siglo xvi el término Europa no era de uso general y se prefería referirse a ella como "la Cristiandad". Esta expresión, desde el Renacimiento y la Reforma, comenzó a ser sustituida por el nombre propio del continente, con menos connotaciones confesionales-culturales y teniendo en cuenta la invasión y ocupación turca de gran parte de los Balcanes.