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He leído con interés el post de Mistermaguf en la página 55 sobre la cuestión de las tipologías de "las izquierdas" y me gustaría traer un comentario complementario centrado en los rasgos comunes tal como evolucionaron desde la segunda guerra mundial sobre semillas anteriores.
La Izquierda tiene un pecado original que es su mal acomodo con la cuestión de la libertad y otro con la dificultad del materialismo para reconciliarse –incluso científicamente—con la naturaleza humana y el espíritu. La libertad es el principal recurso para el desarrollo de nuestra especie y reducirla significa condenarnos a rendimientos decrecientes. A su vez el espíritu inmaterial es un hecho constatado desde Planck por mucho que se escamotee de los CVs académicos. Junto a la Física moderna, Plotino y Kant redondean la antropología occidental sin tener que acudir a Aquino o a los Padres de la Iglesia.
Adicionalmente, encuadrar y diferenciar los diferentes sabores de lo que se conoce como "la Izquierda post-marxista" es relativamente sencillo si, además de conocer el viejo corpus marxista, incorporamos a Antonio Gramsci –sucesor aventajado de Kautsky y de Rosa Luxemburgo—y, tras la caída de la URSS, recordamos los movimientos inspirados por Fidel Castro desde Foro de S. Pablo y, casi simultáneamente, por la obra de Laclau y de su esposa Chantal Mouffe "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy" (1985) traducida ampliamente con el mismo título a partir de 1987.Además es importante tener en cuenta el poco conocido papel de la Izquierda de los EEUU que ha liderado la penetración subrepticia en determinadas instituciones norteamericanas --por ejemplo, la enseñanza pública en la costa Este y California--. Todo ello bien documentado por dos obras muy desconocidas a pesar de su relevancia. La primera es de Charlotte Yserbit (Inspectora federal de enseñanza) y la segunda de Drew Westen (Psiquiatra, Neurólogo y miembro del Comité técnico del Partido Demócrata). Los títulos: "The deliberate dumbing-down of America" y "The political Brain".Gramsci era Filólogo y el Partido Socialista de Pensilvania lideró ya en los años 50 el uso de técnicas de camuflaje lingüístico como fue la sustitución de "Socialista" por "Liberal" que tuvieron un gran éxito porque si "socialista" era una palabra con fuertes connotaciones negativas en los EEUU, lo contrario sucedía con "liberal". El cambalache se vio coronado por el éxito.Por resumir la cuestión: la clave de la acción de la Izquierda desde el final de la Guerra es la progresiva incorporación doctrinal de la Guerra Cultural de Antonio Gramsci (iniciada por el PCI desde 1946/47) y la recomendaciones tácticas de la Obra de Laclau/Mouffe desde el final de la URSS. A partir de ese momento arranca con fuerza la estrategia es la destrucción de todas las estructuras culturales de la sociedad occidental. Desde la familia clásica (explicado por Wolff en su obra de 1965 "A critique of pure tolerance" con Barrington Moore y Marcuse) a la más reciente destrucción legislada de los arquetipos masculino/femenino (ya impuesta por ley del Parlamento Europeo en 2006). No es casual que esta labor destructiva/deconstructiva coincida con algunos de los objetivos --secretos hasta 1991-- incluidos en el célebre Memorandum 200 de la NSA de 1974. Todo este ingente trabajo de demolición desde dentro ha pasado desapercibido con la complicidad activa del las autoridades de la UE también inmersas en la captura de cotas crecientes de poder sobre sus poblaciones y no precisamente para el bien de las mismas.No deja de ser irónico que una entidad como la actual UE, construida paso a paso por la CIA desde finales de los años 40 y supuestamente basada en el principio de Subsidiaridad resulte ser hoy mucho más centralizadora y destructiva de su sociedad que el gobierno Chino o el Ruso.Si uno compara --yo puedo por edad-- los arquetipos familiares soviéticos o chinos veremos que son mucho más sólidos, esenciales y permanentes en el tiempo que los actuales Europeos o Norteamericanos que han sido destrozados. Personalmente da una cierta envidia ver la mayor solidez moral de una familia china (preserva el modelo extendido de Confucio) o rusa comparando con lo que se observa en nuestras ciudades europeas o, mucho peor, norteamericanas.El resultado es que la Izquierda que conocemos se ha convertido en lo que propugnaban Gramsci, Laclau y Mouffe: --una eficaz maquinaria de carcoma y derribo-- pero, lógicamente, sin capacidad de crear alternativas en positivo. Es decir, la tesis del cuanto peor, mejor, se hace realidad y tras su victoria no hay ya opción a mejorar dentro del nuevo paradigma. Se tratará únicamente como estamos viendo de explicar y administrar el final del progreso y una miseria creciente.Si además observamos cómo esa izquierda privilegia al Islam frente a lo poco que ya queda del Cristianismo--otra estrategia suicida en mi opinión-- se entiende que el horizonte que ofrece sea también negativo al compararlo con los viejos valores “aspiracionales” de Occidente basados en el crecimiento personal y libertad pública y privada y con fuertes limitaciones estructurales a las capacidades de injerencia del poder en ambas cuestiones: el desarrollo personal y la libertad. En esta última reside al principal activo de la especie humana.¿En efecto, alguien cree que el Islam se dejará someter por nuestra extrema izquierda --que se sabe terminal-- cuando todo el Islam sabe que el Corán, antes que un libro religioso, fue un Código Civil para la implantación de la Sharia?Si alguien piensa que podrá repetir con el Islam lo hecho con el Cristianismo se va a llevar una buena sorpresa. Lo podrá usar como ariete contra la cultura occidental pero las uvas o las nueces del poder no las recogerán ni una izquierda que ha destruido hasta las familias ni una derecha idiotizada o “pasmada” que no ha sabido defender nuestro legado civilizatorio.Así veo la coyuntura secular. Complicada. Muy complicada.Saludos cordiales.
Accused of Using Algorithms To Fix Rental Prices, RealPage Goes on OffensivePosted by msmash on Thursday July 18, 2024 @02:04PM from the tussle-continues dept.RealPage says it isn't doing anything wrong by suggesting to landlords how much rent they could charge. From a report:CitarIn a move to reclaim its own narrative, the property management software company published a microsite and a digital booklet it's calling "The Real Story," as it faces multiple lawsuits and a reported federal criminal probe related to allegations of rental price fixing. RealPage's six-page digital booklet, published on the site in mid-June, addresses what it calls "false and misleading claims about its software" -- the myriad of allegations it faces involving price-fixing and rising rents -- and contends that the software benefits renters and landlords and increases competition. It also said landlords accept RealPage's price recommendations for new leases less than 50 percent of the time and that the software recommends competitive prices to help fill units.[...] But landlords are left without concrete answers, as questions around the legality of this software are ongoing as they continue renting properties. "I don't think we're seeing this as a RealPage issue but rather as a revenue management software issue," says Alexandra Alvarado, the director of marketing and education at the American Apartment Owners Association, the largest association of landlords in the US. Alvarado says some landlords are taking pause and asking questions before using the tech.
In a move to reclaim its own narrative, the property management software company published a microsite and a digital booklet it's calling "The Real Story," as it faces multiple lawsuits and a reported federal criminal probe related to allegations of rental price fixing. RealPage's six-page digital booklet, published on the site in mid-June, addresses what it calls "false and misleading claims about its software" -- the myriad of allegations it faces involving price-fixing and rising rents -- and contends that the software benefits renters and landlords and increases competition. It also said landlords accept RealPage's price recommendations for new leases less than 50 percent of the time and that the software recommends competitive prices to help fill units.[...] But landlords are left without concrete answers, as questions around the legality of this software are ongoing as they continue renting properties. "I don't think we're seeing this as a RealPage issue but rather as a revenue management software issue," says Alexandra Alvarado, the director of marketing and education at the American Apartment Owners Association, the largest association of landlords in the US. Alvarado says some landlords are taking pause and asking questions before using the tech.
Con este Gobierno nacional todas las provincias pierden, pero la PBA es, ampliamente, la más perjudicadaEntre el desplome de la coparticipación y las transferencias obligatorias, el recorte a la Provincia supera el 1,3 billón y multiplica x10 la pérdida provincial promedio
Toronto Condo Developers See Lowest New Unit Sales in 27 YearsSales in the first half of the year fell 57% from 2023Trend does little to cut prices as development costs stay highToronto’s condominium developers saw sales of new units fall to the slowest pace in 27 years as high interest rates temper demand despite a shortage of housing.Sales of newly built condos in Canada’s largest city fell 57% from last year, to just 3,159 transactions in the first half of this year, consultancy Urbanation said in a report Thursday. That’s the fewest in the first half of a year since 1997, helping unsold inventory rise to a record.While the Bank of Canada cut rates in June for the first time in four years, the quarter-point decrease may not be enough to relieve pressure on a housing market that has grown unaffordable for many Canadians. With inflation easing and the unemployment rate rising, the central bank is widely expected to continue reducing borrowing costs — including at its rate decision next week.The lower mortgage rates those cuts would bring may be the best hope for making new condos more affordable to buyers.“Buyers remained cautious in anticipation of further rate cuts and amidst a burgeoning supply of units for sale,” Shaun Hildebrand, Urbanation’s president, said in a statement. Despite the slowdown in sales and the buildup in unsold inventory, prices for new condos have held up, declining only 2.6% over the past year, according to Urbanation. The consultancy said developers’ high construction and financing costs, as well as the prices they paid for land, make them unwilling or unable to reduce prices for their units.And because most new condominiums are sold before construction starts — a way to secure financing for projects — the decline in new unit sales has translated into a decline in new developments. Only 727 new condo units started construction in the second quarter, a 20-year low, according to Urbanation.With Toronto, and Canada more broadly, facing a shortage of housing that’s keeping prices out of reach and rents at record highs, the slowdown in future supply runs counter to policymakers’ efforts to boost building.“The continued weakening in condo market conditions during the second quarter of 2024 is likely to cause more projects that were slated to launch this year to remain on hold,” Hildebrand said. “Others that are struggling to meet sales thresholds for construction financing may ultimately be pulled from the market.”
Von der Leyen bets big on housingCommission president vows to free up cash for affordable homes and create the bloc’s first-ever housing commissioner.From Lisbon to Tallinn, Europeans have taken to the streets to protest against sky-high housing costs.European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has apparently heard them.In her address to the European Parliament on Thursday ahead of her reelection, von der Leyen said housing would be a priority issue for the next Commission. Among other measures, she vowed to appoint the EU's first-ever commissioner for housing and present a plan to boost public and private investment in homebuilding across the bloc.In her speech, von der Leyen acknowledged that housing had not "typically" been seen as Brussels' problem. The EU treaties don't mention the topic, and member countries have not given the Commission the power to intervene directly in the sector. But housing associations and local authorities have long argued that the institutions can still play a role in addressing the issue, and on Thursday the president agreed."Prices and rents are soaring ... People are struggling to find affordable homes," she said. "I want this Commission to support people where it matters most, and if it matters to Europeans, it matters to Europe."In addition to creating a dedicated housing commissioner — a portfolio likely to be sought by a candidate backed by the Socialists, who made housing a key issue in their European election manifesto this year — von der Leyen proposed revising state aid rules to make it easier for member countries to build homes.At present, EU members can use public funds to build affordable housing for people who cannot buy at the market price. But a growing number of national governments argue the crisis is now affecting middle-income households, and say guidelines need to be changed so that the cash can be used to build homes for a larger swathe of society. Von der Leyen's policy program, which was shared with lawmakers on Thursday, suggests her next Commission will back that proposal.The policy program also suggests doubling the bloc's so-called cohesion funding earmarked for new affordable housing, and for the European Investment Bank to launch a pan-European investment platform to channel more public and private investment into affordable and sustainable housing schemes.Von der Leyen's housing plans for the next term lean on several big-name measures created during her first administration. In her policy program, she argues the "swift and effective roll-out" of the Social Climate Fund — an €86.7 billion scheme to help governments soften the blow of higher prices for vulnerable consumers — will be key to renovating homes and accessing affordable, energy-efficient housing.She also calls for the continuation and expansion of her signature New European Bauhaus program, which aims to marry innovative, climate-conscious development with aesthetic design.Housing is one of the few topics von der Leyen can tackle with broad support from across the political spectrum. The Left and the Socialists campaigned on the issue in the lead-up to June's EU election and the Netherlands' new far-right government has made homebuilding one of its priority issues.Two lawmakers told POLITICO that the Parliament was also keen to work on the issue, so much so that a new committee to address housing may be created in September.