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La revuelta de Ucrania por saturno
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Autor Tema: La revuelta de Ucrania  (Leído 485223 veces)

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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #450 en: Marzo 31, 2014, 14:42:35 pm »
Si los teléfonos por satélite siguen siendo del tamaño de los que aparecían en Parque Jurásico 3, no creo que se lo haya podido esconder en el culo.  :roto2:

Porque un teléfono normal, cobertura en una isla en mitad del Índico, no creo que tenga...

Las bases de USA se consideran territorio de USA. Todas tienen la misma cobertura que en USA. Por ley. Toda tienda que venda a territorio USA vende a las bases. Por ley; el correo esta subsidiado para que cueste lo mismo enviarlo a una base que a Arkansas. Y así.

Dudo mucho que en Diego García un Francés tenga Roaming; pero un americano si va a tener su operador.

¿Podrías explicar un poco más la cuestión de la cobertura de telefonía móvil en Estados Unidos?

Mi información acerca de ello es bien diferente. En Estados Unidos la cobertura de telefonía móvil es bastante mala a poco que te alejes de áreas densamente pobladas.

En Europa los gobiernos son más exigentes acerca de este particular con las empresas que en Estados Unidos; es más, en Estados Unidos, al contrario que en la Unión Europea, un operador de telefonía móvil ni siquiera tiene la obligación de a utilizar un standard designado por el gobierno, sino que puede elegir la tecnología que estime conveniente.
«Willard [...], el discípulo, el iniciado, es la metáfora de la derrota del pensamiento racional, de las líneas rectas y los hitos, a manos de la sinuosidad del pensamiento mítico.»



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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #451 en: Marzo 31, 2014, 15:30:11 pm »
Si los teléfonos por satélite siguen siendo del tamaño de los que aparecían en Parque Jurásico 3, no creo que se lo haya podido esconder en el culo.  :roto2:

Porque un teléfono normal, cobertura en una isla en mitad del Índico, no creo que tenga...

Las bases de USA se consideran territorio de USA. Todas tienen la misma cobertura que en USA. Por ley. Toda tienda que venda a territorio USA vende a las bases. Por ley; el correo esta subsidiado para que cueste lo mismo enviarlo a una base que a Arkansas. Y así.

Dudo mucho que en Diego García un Francés tenga Roaming; pero un americano si va a tener su operador.

Es cierto que DG,siendo formalmente territorio británico, tiene apartado postal estadounidense por contener una base de la Navy. Pero la red de telefonía es de Cable & Wireless (inglesa), igual que en España los americanos en Rota o Morón tienen cobertura de red como "roamers" en Movistar, Vodafone u Orange (por cierto, me cuentan que Orange España está en venta y esto es llamativo, de alguna manera despeja el camino para una futura fusión TEF-FT al desaparecer solapamientos).

Pero precisamente por tratarse de una microisla con pocos miles de pobladores, la red de telefonía debe ser de lo más simple y por lo que me han contado el roaming funciona más o menos así:

-Todo usuario de móvil tiene en su SIM un identificador único que se llama IMSI (los usuarios no podemos conocer este número, sí el IMEI del teléfono) que es como el famoso IMEI de los terminales (este está codificado por fabricantes y modelos, el IMSI por redes); los españoles, por ejemplo, comienzan por 214.

-Debe haber acuerdo entre el operador "propietario" de la línea que viaja y el visitado. Se suele "abrir rangos de IMSI" para este menester.

-Pero además de lo anterior, antes de permitir que una línea concreta  se conecte a una red visitada, se pregunta al operador "propietario" si tiene los permisos correspondientes (porque uno no quiera o la operadora no desee facilitárselo -cosas de morosidad, calificación crediticia del cliente.etc-).

Es decir, si se planea un secuestro de este tipo, difícil será que primero no cotejen la lista de viajeros y previamente a la acción impidan que su teléfono se conecte a la red de C&W de DG como "roamer". Sería un fallo estúpido e imperdonable en gente que es capaz, se dice, de desviar un avión en vuelo. Además si es cierta la excursión de cota hasta FL450 -supuesto que se despresurizara la cabina a esa altura-, los viajeros estarían muertos al llegar a destino, a esa altura no hay oxígeno suficiente para respirar y las mascarillas son una cosa "cuasi-psicológica", como los chalecos, ya que su utilidad de circunscribe a aguantar mientras la tripulación (si está consciente, los pilotos tienen más reserva) desciende a toda velocidad, porque duran poco (los chalecos también, solamente sirven en caso de amerizaje milagroso como el del A-320 en e Hudson, que no son lo normal).

Dicho lo anterior, hay cosas que dan miedo  y aunque no soy aficionado a las conspiraciones enrevesadas, a veces ocurren y esto es para tener en cuenta (y la compañía propietaria es americana y solamente tiene ese B-777 aunque también se trata de un aparato de enorme éxito, hay más de 1.200 por el mundo pero ninguno en Irán):


Claro que, si ya el mundo lo sabe, ¿Colaría que un B-777 pintado de Saudia, Kuwait Airways (esta solamente tiene uno ahora mismo),  Turkish, Ethiopian o El Al se estrellase en Dimona un día del próximo mayo, por poner un ejemplo, generando un "casus belli" seguramente deseado? Porque entonces tendrían que dar todo un cambiazo de aviones y eso no será tan fácil (las piezas llevan matrículas y números de serie, etc).
« última modificación: Marzo 31, 2014, 16:19:55 pm por Republik »


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #452 en: Marzo 31, 2014, 16:10:10 pm »
Creo que deberíais abrir un hilo para hablar del vuelo. Aquí se habla de Crim...digo de la crisis en Ucrania. :roto2:



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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #453 en: Marzo 31, 2014, 19:10:28 pm »
Si los teléfonos por satélite siguen siendo del tamaño de los que aparecían en Parque Jurásico 3, no creo que se lo haya podido esconder en el culo.  :roto2:

Porque un teléfono normal, cobertura en una isla en mitad del Índico, no creo que tenga...

Las bases de USA se consideran territorio de USA. Todas tienen la misma cobertura que en USA. Por ley. Toda tienda que venda a territorio USA vende a las bases. Por ley; el correo esta subsidiado para que cueste lo mismo enviarlo a una base que a Arkansas. Y así.

Dudo mucho que en Diego García un Francés tenga Roaming; pero un americano si va a tener su operador.

¿Podrías explicar un poco más la cuestión de la cobertura de telefonía móvil en Estados Unidos?

Mi información acerca de ello es bien diferente. En Estados Unidos la cobertura de telefonía móvil es bastante mala a poco que te alejes de áreas densamente pobladas.

En Europa los gobiernos son más exigentes acerca de este particular con las empresas que en Estados Unidos; es más, en Estados Unidos, al contrario que en la Unión Europea, un operador de telefonía móvil ni siquiera tiene la obligación de a utilizar un standard designado por el gobierno, sino que puede elegir la tecnología que estime conveniente.

USA es grande de pelotas, y tiene enormes zonas con una densidad de población de 0,01 habitantes por Km2, asique si, tienen en general mala cobertura.

Pero no me refería a eso. Me refiero a que las bases USA en territorio extranjero, al igual que se les da cobertura postal como si fueran territorio USA (Mandar un paquete de illinois a una dirección APO (Army Postal Office) en Kazijistan cuesta mas barato que enviarla al estado de al lado), también se les da cobertura movil como si fueran territorio USA; hasta hace unos pocos años, esto no era así, pero hace un año o dos lo cambiaron.


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #454 en: Abril 01, 2014, 00:29:58 am »

oM MaNi padMe HuM


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #455 en: Abril 01, 2014, 09:14:53 am »
El futuro de Ucrania es de cuento de hadas: hay lujosos palacios y la lucha del rey del chocolate contra la princesa del gas.

Battle of the Ukrainian Oligarchs: the Chocolate King versus the Gas Princess

     Posted on March 31, 2014 by Peter Turchin

At the end of my second blog on democracy and oligarchy in Ukraine, I came to a gloomy conclusion that there would be no real effort to curb the power of the oligarchs, and that it will be the common Ukrainians who will have to bear the costs of reforms. All this came to pass even faster than I expected. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout of Ukraine, which was announced last week, will result in an already very low living standards in Ukraine crashing even lower.

ukraine_poverty height=334
An elderly woman begs for money near a currency exchange office in Kiev (Reuters/Gleb Garanich)

The Ukrainian government has already increased the price that the population pays for gas by 50 percent (and further increases may occur down the road). This raises the specter of thousands of people unable to pay for heating their apartments during the coming winter. These are likely to be the old folks whose only source of income is a state pension. Pensions will be cut drastically, perhaps halved, because the IMF requires the government to balance its books. Many state employees will be fired, and the salaries of the rest reduced.

So popular immiseration in Ukraine is set to deepen dramatically. What about the other end of the wealth scale? Things there look very grim, too.
A unifying message of the Maidan uprising in Ukraine was that people had it enough with the oligarchic rulers of Ukraine. One of the leaders of Maidan, the retired boxer Vitaly Klichko, has been a vocal critic of the corrupt Ukrainian politics. Klichko, is not your common Ukrainian (with an estimated wealth of $65 million), but he is small potatoes, compared to real oligarchs (with fortunes of at least $1 billion).

But the latest news is that Klichko decided to step down as a presidential candidate. Although there are other candidates, it is generally acknowledged that the race now is between just two individuals, Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko. I have already written about Tymoshenko, who made a huge fortune (estimated at $1 billion) from murky gas-trading deals during the chaotic 1990s. Poroshenko, on the other hand, made his fortune in the confectionery industry.

Not anybody who is super wealthy is an “oligarch,” of course. The sources of true oligarchic power must include both a huge fortune and the access to the highest levels of political power. Both Tymoshenko and Poroshenko fit this definition perfectly, since both have been in and out of government, occupying a variety of posts. Since 1999 Tymoshenko has been the Deputy Prime Minister for Fuel and Energy and Prime Minister (twice). Poroshenko hasn’t climbed quite as high as that, but he occupied the two next most powerful posts in the government: Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister of Trade and Economic Development. Just as Kevin Philips wrote, political power begets economic power, and economic power begets more political power. At least, that’s how it works in oligarch-dominated countries.

It’s highly ironic that when the corrupt Yanukovich fell, crowds of Ukrainians flocked to marvel at his palatial residence.

yanukovich_palace height=371
Yanukovych’s residence at Mezhyhirya (AP) Source
yanukovich_staircase height=371
The  staircase in Yanukovich’s palace (JEFFREY J. MITCHELL/GETTY IMAGES)

The problem is that the next Ukrainian president is likely to be even more of an oligarch than Yanukovich (who must be a very wealthy man, but unlikely to be in the same league as Poroshenko and Tymoshenko).

Here’s what Poroshenko’s palace looks like:

poroshenko height=394

The residence of Petro Poroshenko, known as the White House (Source)

And here’s Tymoshenko’s:

tymoshenko height=394

The residence of Yulia Tymoshenko (Source)

As the French say, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose (or, less elegantly in English: the more it changes, the more it’s the same thing). Are we going to see another insurrection, this time against Poroshenko (or Tymoshenko, whoever wins the elections)? If so, at least we will get to see the interiors of their palaces…

Lástima que sólo lo sea para los ricos. Para los pobres, el combustible de calefacción subirá un 50 por ciento y las pensiones bajarán. Claro que sólo puedes ser presidente de Ucrania si tienes más de 1000 millones de dólares...a este paso va a ser más caro ser presidente de Ucrania que del Real Madrid.

P.D.: al menos, a los españoles nos quedan nuestros pisitos, el ahorro del pobre.  :troll:

P.D.: ¿qué palacete creéis que veremos primero por dentro, el del rey del chocolate (la casa blanca) o el de la princesa del gas (el último)?  ¿Qué diferencia hay entre éstos y Putin?  :-\

« última modificación: Abril 01, 2014, 09:19:44 am por Currobena »
Estoy cansado de darme con la pared y cada vez me queda menos tiempo...


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #456 en: Abril 01, 2014, 09:36:21 am »
Viendo esas fotos de casas horteras  tengo cada vez más claro que Ucrania es Asia y no Europa.


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #457 en: Abril 01, 2014, 09:51:37 am »
Viendo esas fotos de casas horteras  tengo cada vez más claro que Ucrania es Asia y no Europa.

En ese caso, España es África y no Europa. Simplemente, son tan pisitos y corruptos como nosotros.

Sirvan como ejemplos:


« última modificación: Abril 01, 2014, 09:58:39 am por Currobena »
Estoy cansado de darme con la pared y cada vez me queda menos tiempo...


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #458 en: Abril 01, 2014, 09:56:50 am »
Viendo esas fotos de casas horteras  tengo cada vez más claro que Ucrania es Asia y no Europa.

En ese caso, España es África y no Europa. Simplemente, son tan pisitos y corruptos como nosotros.

Pero nuestra "horteridad" es "como más" europea (antes quizá era más de doraditos, ahora es más de cristal, acero y muebles de diseño)  aunque se robe mucho, la suya es genuinamente asiática.


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #459 en: Abril 01, 2014, 10:05:48 am »
No sé, Republik, a mí la de Yanukovitch me recuerda a los palacios reales del despotismo ilustrado. Supongo que tendremos que esperar a ver por dentro las casas del rey del chocolate y la princesa del gas.  :)
Estoy cansado de darme con la pared y cada vez me queda menos tiempo...


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #460 en: Abril 02, 2014, 15:53:14 pm »
Si lo de las sanciones era un teatrillo, puede que se le les esté yendo de las manos.


Monetary Blockade Of Russia Begins: JPMorgan Blocks Russian Money Transfer "Under Pretext" Of Sanctions


Furious Russia Will Retaliate Over "Illegal And Absurd" Payment Block By "Hostile" JPMorgan

... y eso que uno ya ha aprendido a rebajar a la mitad el tremendismo de todo lo que se lee en ZH,


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #461 en: Abril 02, 2014, 18:22:39 pm »
Small | Large
Lo que está sucediendo es que nos están sometiendo a un proceso de *saqueo* CALCADO, a los procesos neoliberales que practicaron con latinoamérica con la excusa de la "crisis de la deuda" desde los 70, 80 y 90


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #462 en: Abril 02, 2014, 18:40:17 pm »
que bueno!

PS: Acabo de encontrar éste



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTOqplOTKjU (La rueda de prensa de la foto, subtitulada)


« última modificación: Abril 02, 2014, 20:08:41 pm por Lego »


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #463 en: Abril 03, 2014, 22:22:29 pm »
El pueblo ucraniano del este y del oeste, unido contra sus políticos.

The day when Lviv spoke Russian and Donetsk – Ukrainian  Posted on February 27, 2014  by  chornajuravka        The new Ukrainian government that took the scene after Yanukovych fled repealed the controversial language law adopted on July 3, 2012 (adopted with multiple violations of the voting procedure). The law granted the Russian language the de-facto status of a second state language on a backdrop of withering opportunities for the Ukrainian language, oppressed througout the long history of Ukraine’s russification in the times of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. This was a cause for unrest in the predominantly Russian-speaking Eastern and Southern regions, where calls for separatism have not been uncommon recently, not without the help of Russian propaganda and specific politicians. Speculating on the issue of language is an old trick that the Ukrainian authorities have learned to raise around the time of elections. It seems Ukrainians have finally recognised the true reasons for “language games”. The more the different regions hate one another and the more they are afraid of each other, the less unified they are against their common enemy – corrupt officials and oligarchs that steal money.  On February 26, the Ukrainian-speaking Western city of Lviv declared that its residents would be speaking Russian in solidarity with the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine’s Eastern and Southern regions.
 Now, language should not be the issue of the day! Lviv wants reelections to the Parliament, and not speculating on language and nationality! On February 26, I will speak Russian at home, at work, with my friends - everywhere, in solidarity with the residents of Southern and Eastern regions of Ukraine. height=355
Now, language should not be the issue of the day!
Lviv wants reelections to the Parliament, and not speculating on language and nationality!
On February 26, I will speak Russian at home, at work, with my friends – everywhere, in solidarity with the residents of Southern and Eastern regions of Ukraine. The statement, circulating in FB:
“On February 26, I, a Lviv resident, will be speaking in Russian.
 We, the residents of Lviv, would like to address the residents of Ukraine’s East and South with the words of gratitude for their support in the struggle against criminal government. We stood together on the barricades, we are mourning the fallen together, and we want to build the new Ukraine together.
 We address you in Russian, first and foremost, because it is important for us to support you now in the struggle that is still going in in Lugansk, Crimea, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Odesa. And also because certain political forces are trying to speculate on the language issue in Ukraine, despite the already complex and tense situation. We do not wish, as the residents of Western Ukraine, to be associated with the radical statements of Svoboda representatives – as this party’s ideology is far from enjoying the total support amongst everyone in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, or Ternopil.
 We have no intention of forcing the Ukrainian language on everyone, and we have even less of an intention of infringing the rights of the Russian-speaking population in the East and South of Ukraine. Lviv and its residents have always shown hospitality to people of all ethnicities, and everyone who has ever visited here can prove this. Historically, we have been and remain a multicultural center, and we do not exalt any “titular nations.” The rights of every human being, irrespective of ethnicity or language, everyone’s honor and dignity – this is the reason why we stood on Maidan and are continuing to stand.
 As a result of its provocative and questionable actions and statements, Svoboda has been rapidly losing the society’s support lately, and we hope that the upcoming elections and lustration of government will put everything in its places. Just like you, we are interested in a total reload of the system of power, rather than in replacement of faces in key positions.
 That is why we would like to express our solidarity to you and are asking you to please not judge the entire Western Ukraine on the basis of statements of individual controversial politicians. Lately, Lviv has been diligently trying to develop relations with various towns in Eastern Ukraine, and we will continue this work on all possible levels.
 There have been numerous attempts to set the East and the West against each other in the years since Ukraine’s independence. Yet we are confident that our people are wiser than any politicians. And we have proven time and again that it is easy for us to come to mutual consent – once the politicians leave us alone.”
The Russian-speaking cities of Donetsk and Odesa were quick to follow.
 0550ca5-doneDonetsk wants reelections to the Parliament, and not speculating on language and nationality.
On February 26, I will speak Ukrainian at home, at work, with my friends – everywhere, in solidarity with the residents of the Central and Western regions of Ukraine. Today Odesa wants reelections to the Parliament, and not speculating on language and nationality. On February 26, I will speak Ukrainian at home, at work, with my friends - everywhere, in solidarity with the residents of the Central and Western regions of Ukraine. height=359Now, language should not be the issue of the day! Odesa wants reelections to the Parliament, and not speculating on language and nationality.
On February 27, I will speak Ukrainian at home, at work, with my friends – everywhere, in solidarity with the residents of the Central and Western regions of Ukraine. A statement of Ukrainians living in Donetsk was widely circulating in Vkontakte:
“On February 26, I, a Donetsk resident, will speak Ukrainian.
It is on this day that a flashmob will be held in Lviv, aiming to show to the parliament and to residents of the Eastern and Southern regions, that political actions have nothing in common with the real desires of the Ukrainian people. So on February 26, Lviv, the Lion’s city, will switch to Russian.
We, residents of Donetsk, want to express our  support for the development of civil society in Ukraine, and in solidarity with the residents of the western and central regions of Ukraine on February 26  we will speak Ukrainian at home, at work, in transport, with friends – everywhere.
We appeal to the inhabitants of the western and central regions. Do not condemn us. We are hostages to many external factors: misinformation, “Goebbels’” propaganda, concept misinterpretation, irresponsibility of separate officials and politicians, criminal pressure. We have many fronts to fight on. It’s not easy. And it makes it even harder when our brothers from the West compare us all to “cattle” and “bandits”. We are not like that! Yes, we have enough representatives of the human race that we are not proud of, and we ourselves call them bandits and cattle. But show me a place that doesn’t have them?
The people of eastern Ukraine are kind, simple, and strong descendants of the Cossacks, but they were always forced and are still being forced to not remember this. It’s not easy for us. But we are fighting, and we will overcome!
Do not look at all of us through the “Party of Regions” prism and its representatives. The population of our region is still being manipulated, but this phenomenon is coming to an end. We need time and understanding.
The importance of the Russian language in our region is exaggerated, because as soon as you drive 5 kilometers away from any large city, you will hear the Ukrainian language. In our oblasts’ villages and small towns they speak Ukrainian. Not literary Ukrainian, they use Russian words, but are there no influences of the neighboring countries’ languages on the spoken Ukrainian language in the villages of Western Ukraine? And all of this is fine.
We appeal to the our fellow Ukrainian citizens in the Eastern and Southern regions. Maidan is in all of us. Every time one of us is confronted with lawlessness, bribery, unfair courts and injustice, when you wonder how much more of it you can tolerate,  - this is Maidan. Maidan never stood for any sole person, and neither did it stand for somebody’s money. Maidan will not permit political games, will neither allow Tymoshenko to return,  nor will it allow dictatorship. Do not believe the rumors about the gang of “Bandera” and millions of our fellow citizens being paid to stand on Maidan. Maidan are the people of Ukraine. People such as you and me.
Do not believe the intrigues going on with questions of state language language and federalization. All of this is being done for the sake of power over us. But we are not like that! Is not so?
Do not believe the rumors that someone is going to kill us or do anything of the like. We are citizens of the same country, and we will not be figures in the hands of puppeteers. Believe your heart, believe your brethren, believe each other.
Our goal is to show the whole country, and especially the politicians, that we will not allow political games against the background of the sad and difficult days of our history. We will prove that the people of Ukraine, regardless of the language they speak, their nationality, or place of residence – they are free, friendly people who “will not yield” to political games. We will prove that neither the East nor the West will be split by any politician. No one can manipulate the people of Ukraine! Chivalry and honor – that is our shield from the rotten political system. The East and West hold this shield together. We will begin to listen and communicate with one another, regardless of politicians!
So tomorrow, on February 26, in solidarity with the residents of the western and central regions will I speak Ukrainian at home, at work, in transport, with friends – everywhere.”
It seems that the people of Ukraine are wiser than their politicians. The East and West are together!

Estoy cansado de darme con la pared y cada vez me queda menos tiempo...


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Re:La revuelta de Ucrania
« Respuesta #464 en: Abril 03, 2014, 23:23:42 pm »
JPM se la envaina
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