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CitarRecruiters Try Asking Laid Off Tech Workers to Return to the Same Companies as ContractorsPosted by EditorDavid on Monday April 17, 2023 @12:04AM from the same-as-the-old-boss dept.The Seattle Times reports:CitarAfter losing their jobs at one of Seattle's biggest tech companies, some workers find themselves facing an unexpected question: Do you want to return to the company that just let you go?There's a catch. Those offers, from third-party recruiters eager to place workers at the companies they just left, are for contract positions rather than staff positions. They would come with an end date, a lower salary, no benefits and no stock options.For workers the messages range from insensitive to insulting. "We all just got the shock of our life, the last thing I need is for you to continue to ask me to go to a company that just let me go," said one former Microsoft worker who was laid off in March and asked to remain anonymous during the job hunt. Another worker who was laid off from Amazon in January and also asked to remain anonymous out of concern for future job prospects said they've heard from several recruiters looking specifically for people with Amazon experience. In one response, the former Amazonian passed this message to the recruiter: "Tell Amazon if they want an engineer, they can just not fire me later this month...."Because companies and recruiters cast such a wide net, workers who were recently cut are still getting caught in the pool of potential candidates — whether they want to be or not... [T]ech companies often ask recruiters to find workers who have already worked at their company, particularly when hiring for a contract position that would require a worker to get up to speed quickly, said Nabeel Chowdhury, senior vice president at recruiting firm 24 Seven Talent. That's what happened with the former Amazon worker. One recruiter sent a message that began "Reaching out to see if you might be open to returning to Amazon on a contract position?"One former Microsoft worker told the Seattle Times "I do have a sense of pride. There's no way I want to go back ... making half the amount."Saludos.
Recruiters Try Asking Laid Off Tech Workers to Return to the Same Companies as ContractorsPosted by EditorDavid on Monday April 17, 2023 @12:04AM from the same-as-the-old-boss dept.The Seattle Times reports:CitarAfter losing their jobs at one of Seattle's biggest tech companies, some workers find themselves facing an unexpected question: Do you want to return to the company that just let you go?There's a catch. Those offers, from third-party recruiters eager to place workers at the companies they just left, are for contract positions rather than staff positions. They would come with an end date, a lower salary, no benefits and no stock options.For workers the messages range from insensitive to insulting. "We all just got the shock of our life, the last thing I need is for you to continue to ask me to go to a company that just let me go," said one former Microsoft worker who was laid off in March and asked to remain anonymous during the job hunt. Another worker who was laid off from Amazon in January and also asked to remain anonymous out of concern for future job prospects said they've heard from several recruiters looking specifically for people with Amazon experience. In one response, the former Amazonian passed this message to the recruiter: "Tell Amazon if they want an engineer, they can just not fire me later this month...."Because companies and recruiters cast such a wide net, workers who were recently cut are still getting caught in the pool of potential candidates — whether they want to be or not... [T]ech companies often ask recruiters to find workers who have already worked at their company, particularly when hiring for a contract position that would require a worker to get up to speed quickly, said Nabeel Chowdhury, senior vice president at recruiting firm 24 Seven Talent. That's what happened with the former Amazon worker. One recruiter sent a message that began "Reaching out to see if you might be open to returning to Amazon on a contract position?"One former Microsoft worker told the Seattle Times "I do have a sense of pride. There's no way I want to go back ... making half the amount."
After losing their jobs at one of Seattle's biggest tech companies, some workers find themselves facing an unexpected question: Do you want to return to the company that just let you go?There's a catch. Those offers, from third-party recruiters eager to place workers at the companies they just left, are for contract positions rather than staff positions. They would come with an end date, a lower salary, no benefits and no stock options.For workers the messages range from insensitive to insulting. "We all just got the shock of our life, the last thing I need is for you to continue to ask me to go to a company that just let me go," said one former Microsoft worker who was laid off in March and asked to remain anonymous during the job hunt. Another worker who was laid off from Amazon in January and also asked to remain anonymous out of concern for future job prospects said they've heard from several recruiters looking specifically for people with Amazon experience. In one response, the former Amazonian passed this message to the recruiter: "Tell Amazon if they want an engineer, they can just not fire me later this month...."Because companies and recruiters cast such a wide net, workers who were recently cut are still getting caught in the pool of potential candidates — whether they want to be or not... [T]ech companies often ask recruiters to find workers who have already worked at their company, particularly when hiring for a contract position that would require a worker to get up to speed quickly, said Nabeel Chowdhury, senior vice president at recruiting firm 24 Seven Talent. That's what happened with the former Amazon worker. One recruiter sent a message that began "Reaching out to see if you might be open to returning to Amazon on a contract position?"
CitarHow is this supposed to work ?Management fires a bunch of workers, then refill the positions with contractors with lower pay, then management get bonus for "cost savings".As long as there are enough fodders willing to come to fill the positions, who cares about anything else?That's how it works for management. The game will continue until either they cannot fill the positions or the team/company collapses because the contractors are too incompetent.
How is this supposed to work ?
¡Qué pesados se ponen! Jamás Jesús explicó qué era el Reino de Dios. Todos sabían qué era. Era un rabino que predicaba a judíos. Cuando se sabe por qué pasan las cosas, sobra hablar de ellas. No solo no hay que hablar de lo que no se puede (aunque esto es discutible), sino de lo que no hace falta (muchas cosas ciertas, además, son razonablemente indemostrables).
Y les propuso otra parábola: «El Reino de los Cielos se parece a... [Mt, 13, 24]También les propuso otra parábola: «El Reino de los Cielos se parece a... [Mt, 13, 31]Después les dijo esta otra parábola: «El Reino de los Cielos se parece a... [Mt, 13, 33] Todo esto lo decía Jesús a la muchedumbre por medio de parábolas, y no les hablaba sin parábolas, para que se cumpliera lo anunciado por el Profeta: "Hablaré en parábolas anunciaré cosas que estaban ocultas desde la creación del mundo". [Mt, 13, 34-35]"
parábolaDel lat. parabŏla, y este del gr. παραβολή parabolḗ.1. f. Narración de un suceso fingido de que se deduce, por comparación o semejanza, una verdad importante o una enseñanza moral.
Yo hablé al pueblo por la mañana, y por la tarde murió mi esposa; y a la mañana siguiente hice lo que se me había ordenado.La gente me dijo: «¿No vas a explicarnos qué significa lo que haces?». [Ez, 24, 18-19]
Estados Unidos debate condenar a 20 años de prisión a quién utilice Tiktok y otras tecnologías de información de “países adversarios»https://www.cronicalibre.com/investigacion/estados-unidos-debate-condenar-a-20-anos-de-prision-a-quien-utilice-tiktok-y-otras-tecnologias-de-informacion-de-paises-adversarios/Con la excusa de que mediante Tiktok las autoridades chinas pueden estar recopilando información de 150 millones de usuarios estadounidenses, un proyecto de ley estudia la prohibición en Estados Unidos de usar tecnologías de la información y comunicación de países considerados adversarios. Sin ningún control judicial, se establecen sanciones de 20 años de prisión y hasta un millón de dólares. Los críticos ya la han calificado como la Ley Patriota 2.0, en recuerdo de aquella ley que arrasó con los derechos civiles por la guerra contra el terrorismo.La verdad es que EE.UU. está mal, pero que muy mal acostumbrado.----------Hablando de malacostumbraos... Microsoft arregla un bug que reduce el rendimiento de Firefox desde hace 5 años [ENG]https://www.techspot.com/news/98255-five-year-old-windows-defender-bug-killing-firefox.htmlhttps://www.meneame.net/m/tecnolog%C3%ADa/microsoft-arregla-bug-mato-rendimiento-firefox-durante-5-anosMicrosoft ha solucionado un bug en el gestor de seguridad Windows Defender que durante más de 5 años ha estado saboteando el rendimiento del navegador Firefox. Defender realizaba demasiadas llamadas al kernel de Windows si Firefox estaba en ejecución, produciendo una caída del rendimiento del 75%.[ Fuego y azufre sobre Sodoma... (Acordaos de todo esto cuando alguien se queje luego de que no se respeta su propiedad intelectual.) ]
Cita de: sudden and sharp en Abril 17, 2023, 09:59:51 amEstados Unidos debate condenar a 20 años de prisión a quién utilice Tiktok y otras tecnologías de información de “países adversarios»https://www.cronicalibre.com/investigacion/estados-unidos-debate-condenar-a-20-anos-de-prision-a-quien-utilice-tiktok-y-otras-tecnologias-de-informacion-de-paises-adversarios/Con la excusa de que mediante Tiktok las autoridades chinas pueden estar recopilando información de 150 millones de usuarios estadounidenses, un proyecto de ley estudia la prohibición en Estados Unidos de usar tecnologías de la información y comunicación de países considerados adversarios. Sin ningún control judicial, se establecen sanciones de 20 años de prisión y hasta un millón de dólares. Los críticos ya la han calificado como la Ley Patriota 2.0, en recuerdo de aquella ley que arrasó con los derechos civiles por la guerra contra el terrorismo.La verdad es que EE.UU. está mal, pero que muy mal acostumbrado.----------Hablando de malacostumbraos... Microsoft arregla un bug que reduce el rendimiento de Firefox desde hace 5 años [ENG]https://www.techspot.com/news/98255-five-year-old-windows-defender-bug-killing-firefox.htmlhttps://www.meneame.net/m/tecnolog%C3%ADa/microsoft-arregla-bug-mato-rendimiento-firefox-durante-5-anosMicrosoft ha solucionado un bug en el gestor de seguridad Windows Defender que durante más de 5 años ha estado saboteando el rendimiento del navegador Firefox. Defender realizaba demasiadas llamadas al kernel de Windows si Firefox estaba en ejecución, produciendo una caída del rendimiento del 75%.[ Fuego y azufre sobre Sodoma... (Acordaos de todo esto cuando alguien se queje luego de que no se respeta su propiedad intelectual.) ]Solo voy a decir una cosa:VAULT7Y ya lo buscan ustedes en internec
Funcas prevé un fuerte parón de la economía antes de las elecciones generalesCalcula un crecimiento del PIB del 1,5% en el conjunto del año, pero avisa de que irá de más a menos, con crecimientos prácticamente nulos en el tercer y cuarto trimestre. Esta ralentización se trasladará a 2024
Ahora es fácil escribir evangelios, pero en aquella época, en la que la Tierra era plana (y, para un judío, el centro era el Templo), el Reino de Dios era político (indiferenciación política-religión); era el régimen del que, antes que nadie, gozarían los judíos, pueblo elegido (élite), en cuanto consiguieran expulsar a los invasores romanos.
el sistema capitalista, para sobrevivir, necesita modularse en contra del individualismo anarcoide 'de mercao', ante el avance imparable del sistema de planificación central.El mejor ejemplo es la provisión de vivienda: llevamos fracasando cuatro décadas, que se dice pronto (dos generaciones y media esclavizadas y medio sistema financiero quebrado)[...] y llegaríamos a quedarnos sin depósitos bancarios y pensiones.
[Está claro que las dos medidas 'de oferta' (je, je) de este fin de semana (ley de vivienda y 50 000 sarebs-alquiler) están haciendo pupa. Vemos cómo sale a negar la mayor ese monstruo que se lleva dentro. ¿Avivamos las hostilidades? Mal no nos viene a los estructuraltransicionistas que los ganchos, sofistas, gafes y comemierdas se hinchen a hablar de la inoperancia de las medidas para 'bajar el coste del alquiler', dicen los cínicos —operatividad que importa un bledo, porque lo que se busca es triturar las expectativas del 'lo alquilo' para hinchar el 'lo vendo'—.]