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Ya se va oficializando lo que muchos en este foro venimos advirtiendo desde el inicio:https://m.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/ukraine-krieg-selenskyjs-armee-chef-gibt-schweren-fehler-zu-85964150.bildMobile.htmlLa Bild (el periódico con mayor tirada en Alemania) se fundó sobre estos tres pilares de línea editorial: 1. Pro alianza transatlántica, 2. Pro Israel, 3. Pro unificación alemana (anti comunista).
Maersk cuts 10,000 jobs as shipping boom endsDanish company warns costs will remain under pressure for next two yearsAP Møller-Maersk plans to axe at least 10,000 jobs as the container shipping industry’s pandemic-driven boom gives way to weaker demand during the economic downturn.The owner of the industry’s second-largest fleet said on Friday it was stepping up cost cuts as the global cost of living crisis hits harder.Container shipping lines had already warned this year would be much tougher, but the outlook has deteriorated.Maersk chief executive Vincent Clerc warned that shipping costs would remain under pressure for the next two years, adding the Danish group had been forced to make significant job cuts, including in its logistics business despite ambitions to expand its presence on land and across the supply chain.The redundancies are the latest sign of how dramatically a downturn in consumer spending has reversed the fortunes of container shipping companies, whose performance is seen as a bellwether for global trade. These businesses generated record profits during Covid-19 lockdowns, when increased spending on online shopping and supply constraints caused by port congestion helped drive up the cost of shipping.But shipping rates have cratered this year, just as the recent boom in earnings draws deeper regulatory scrutiny and heavily polluting shipowners face pressure to invest in decarbonisation. Analysts say the industry’s downturn in profits has also been self-inflicted, with profligate spending on new ships during the pandemic leading to an oversupply of vessels.Maersk said profits before tax plunged 94 per cent year on year to $691mn during the three months to September, although earnings remained above pre-pandemic levels. It warned that “a slowing global economy [and] a long list of geopolitical tensions, ranging from tense China-US relations, war in Ukraine and in the Middle East, [could] wipe out the improvements expected” next year.The company said it would cut its workforce to below 100,000, from 110,000 in January, a move that would generate annual savings of $600mn.Clerc said that, as part of the staff reduction, Maersk had already let 6,500 workers go, with “all offices” globally affected by its cost-cutting measures.“We had to hire a lot of colleagues during the pandemic [but now] you don’t need the same workforce,” he added. “We don’t necessarily think this is over yet and therefore we’re taking pretty radical measures to ensure we’re in the best possible shape to go through whatever is going to happen.”Maersk has ordered substantially less ships than rivals such as industry leader Mediterranean Shipping Company, as it funnelled its earnings into warehousing, planes and broader logistics services. But Clerc warned that the large number of ships entering the market “could put prices in shipping under pressure for a couple years to come”, damping Maersk’s ambitions to expand its dominance across the supply chain.He said Maersk had been forced to make “a fair share” of job cuts in its logistics unit, which the group had hoped would be more resistant to economic downturns. Maersk warned that capital expenditure across the business would be lower this year and next, with its share buyback programme for next year also under review.Profits are falling just as officials are tightening their scrutiny of shipping, which has previously proven difficult to regulate because of its international nature. Last year, US President Joe Biden promised to crack down on the “nine foreign-owned” businesses that dominate container shipping, with the country’s shipping regulator accelerating a clampdown on the sector.Separately, the EU last month axed the shipping industry’s exemption from competition laws, which it said no longer appeared “fit for its purpose” after years of consolidation and higher profits.Meanwhile, UN member states this summer set a target for shipping to cut its dependence on fossil fuels and achieve net zero emissions “around 2050”. In September, Maersk expanded into the energy business and launched a company to produce green methanol fuel, as it responds to pressure to decarbonise.
Cita de: Vipamo en Noviembre 03, 2023, 16:45:58 pmYa se va oficializando lo que muchos en este foro venimos advirtiendo desde el inicio:https://m.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/ukraine-krieg-selenskyjs-armee-chef-gibt-schweren-fehler-zu-85964150.bildMobile.htmlLa Bild (el periódico con mayor tirada en Alemania) se fundó sobre estos tres pilares de línea editorial: 1. Pro alianza transatlántica, 2. Pro Israel, 3. Pro unificación alemana (anti comunista).Vipamo, para los que no hablamos alemán, podría hacernos un resumen? Entiendo que habla del jefe de estado mayor de Zelenski, Zaluzhni, pero a más no llego
PD: Alguien dijo en el foro que la OTAN vencería a Rusia sin quitarse la gorra. Lo que obvia es que la OTAN somos nosotros (tú y yo). Voluntarios den un paso adelante.
Buscamos voluntarios para unirse a las unidades de combate AZOVInfanteriaArtilleriaTanquistasResponsables de comunicacionNinguna experiencia necesaria¿Cuánto dura la formación en el campo de entrenamiento de Azov?La formación es de 4 a 5 semanas- Prestamos mucha atención a la formación de nuestro personal----Qué documentaciön necesitoQuelle est la liste des documents requis ?DNI une copie de votre carte d’identité ;5 fotos photos 3×4 – 4 pièces, 9×12 – 1 pièce ;Certificado estudios (BUP) une copie du diplôme/certificat d’études ;Certificado de cuenta bancaria le relevé d’identité bancaire.
LA RUTA DE LA JETA.—Tras el BRICS+ (2023) y la Ruta de la Seda (OBOR 2013-2049), con Arabia Saudí, Irán y Egipto del mismo lado, ¿qué sentido 'abracadabrear' con un corredor India-New_Middle_East-UE, que permite presentar un mapamundi con Israel en el centro del sosmos —algo superjudío—, en el que la fábrica es India y el imperio monetario, la eurozona? ¿Acaso el éxito del aislamiento energético Rusia-UE (Ucrania y North Stream 2) es definitivo?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyuDZ78ZfZwWalking in Gaza[Economiita de zocos, emulando al Profeta; Los árabes, al final de la Segunda Mundial, siguieron en guerra, solo que contra Israel, nueva nación jurídico-política decidida por la ONU, que salieron de los campos de concentración y exterminio rumbo a Israel, y cuyos aliados eran los 'aliados', obviamente].https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx4r_eYdDk4Dubai esta horrible[Dubai y Gaza, el mismo fondo, solo que con y sin petróleo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_wcAJ26i8sLos judíos antisionistas[Los judíos ultraortodoxos, los pobreticos, son los que de verdad-de-la-buena son judíos pero no sionistas, y no los judíos izquierdistas que no quieren guerrear; el Estado de Israel se arrima hoy más a EEUU, pero mañana será a Rusia, como lo fue a la extinta URSS; EEUU tiene para 'la judiada' su receta de 'libertad' para elegir 'lo correcto', libertad confinada en el hogar nacional judío, en el desierto de 'Jodea' —siempre que sale la libertad en estos contextos, incluidos los contestatarios conservadores, me acuerdo de Don Giovanni, 'il dissoluto punito': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaWH_yJ388o ][Aclaración: La kipá tejida o 'serugá' identifica en el moderno Israel a los judíos sionistas —tejida por tu novia—; lo contrario es la kipá 'shejorot' o negra, de fieltro o terciopelo, que identifica a los religiosos ultraortodoxos.]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlAYZvC9HK0El Futuro de la Energía. Antonio Turiel[min. 01:30:53 la AIE avisa de varios picos de precio del petróleo de aquí a... ¡2025!]En suma, el peligro es la ZELENSKYZACIÓN & PUTINIZACIÓN y la HAMASIZACIÓN & NETANYAHUZACIÓN de estas dos guerras civiles que, curiosamente, tienen sus grandes recidivas justo cuando el sistema capitalista cambia el modelito popularcapitalista, dejando a la estacada a sus clases medias, que se creían capitalistitas, ¡qué casualidad!Zelensky y Hamas, son grandes baluartes del Movimiento Contestatario Conservador Internacional. «Gafes del mundo, uníos». Pero topan con su propia medicina: un mundo con menos reglas es igual a mutua indiferencia.No sé que es más divertido:— si ver a la derecha haciéndose la neosionista (complejo de culpa por holocausto y pogromo anti-judeo-masón-comunista-woke-Soros-Agenda_2030) o— si ver a la izquierda heterodoxa haciéndose la antisionista (complejo de culpa por deserción).Nótese que, en los dos casos, defienden que habría habido un cambio de naturaleza del sionismo —porque hay consenso acerca de que el sionismo histórico es rojo—; cambio que se explicaría, no por leyes objetivas, sino por el jaez de ciertas personas, que para simplificar podemos llamar los 'netanyahus'. Unos y otros llegan tarde:— los judíos vuelven a no pintar nada, como lo prueba la iniciativa sonrojante de la Ruta de la Jeta; y— los árabes ya están en el BRICS+, consolidando la Ruta de la Seda.China habría condenado a Israel a 'pertenecer' a una cosa a la que no pertenece: la angloesfera.Israel solo tiene una opción: seguir ganando festivales de Eurovisión. Pero la UE debiera ser un poco más independiente. Será así, pero primero hay que acabar con el modelito de los 1980.
Cita de: tomasjos en Noviembre 03, 2023, 17:00:40 pmCita de: Vipamo en Noviembre 03, 2023, 16:45:58 pmYa se va oficializando lo que muchos en este foro venimos advirtiendo desde el inicio:https://m.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/ukraine-krieg-selenskyjs-armee-chef-gibt-schweren-fehler-zu-85964150.bildMobile.htmlLa Bild (el periódico con mayor tirada en Alemania) se fundó sobre estos tres pilares de línea editorial: 1. Pro alianza transatlántica, 2. Pro Israel, 3. Pro unificación alemana (anti comunista).Vipamo, para los que no hablamos alemán, podría hacernos un resumen? Entiendo que habla del jefe de estado mayor de Zelenski, Zaluzhni, pero a más no llegoResumiendo:Zalushny reconoce que la contraofensiva ha fracasado. Admite errores personales. Se equivocaron pensando que Rusia iba a deestabilizarse a causa de los muertos en sus filas. Ahora se encuentran en una guerra posicional (trincheras). Teme que los rusos vayan l cada vez a más con sus recursos y aumentando el output de material militar. Ahora mismo ya se encuentran en ventaja con lo que se refiere a drones, aviación, antimisiles. Ucrania necesita urgentemente aviones, drones, sistemas antiaéreos etc. para contrarrestar. Sobretodo necesitan personal (carne de cañón), ya que la capacidad de reclutar soldados está en mínimos.PD: Alguien dijo en el foro que la OTAN vencería a Rusia sin quitarse la gorra. Lo que obvia es que la OTAN somos nosotros (tú y yo). Voluntarios den un paso adelante.
Austrian property tycoon René Benko ousted from SignaBillionaire steps down from real estate empire that co-owns Selfridges and the Chrysler Building after a series of setbacksInvestors in Signa took note of René Benko’s departure ‘in an affirmative and positive manner’ © Getty Images for Oberpollinger/The KaDeWe GroupBillionaire property developer René Benko has been ousted from his real estate empire Signa amid a cash crunch that threatens to hit European lenders exposed to the indebted Austrian group. Speaking to Austrian state television on Friday afternoon, Signa investor Hans Peter Haselsteiner said he and other investors in Signa took note of Benko’s departure “in an affirmative and positive manner”. Haselsteiner said a “far-reaching solution” was now needed for Signa. Benko’s ousting was first reported by the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, which Benko partly owns. Signa, which has long denied suggestions of any financial problems, did not respond to several requests for comment. Benko could not be personally reached for comment.Signa, which says it owns a leveraged portfolio of assets worth €27bn including joint ownership of Selfridges in London, KaDeWe in Berlin and the Chrysler Building in New York, is seeking to restructure its operations. It is in discussions with its major shareholders about an emergency lifeline, two sources familiar with the company’s finances said.Arndt Geiwitz, the prominent German insolvency expert who was called in to restructure Lufthansa in 2020, has been appointed by the Innsbruck-headquartered company to try to find a financial solution to its problems.A collection of hundreds of corporate entities linking back to Liechtenstein-based trusts, Signa has been facing headwinds for more than a year.Galeria Karstadt Kaufhof, which Signa owned, filed for insolvency last year, triggering public anger at Benko as Germany’s largest department store chain cut thousands of jobs.Signa insisted it was financially insulated from problems in its portfolio, stressing its prime assets — ultra-luxury developments around Europe known as “Signa Prime” — have retained their value amid growing vacancies across Europe’s commercial property and retail market.Other problems have stymied efforts to raise funds. Signa’s offices were raided by Austrian police last year as part of a sprawling probe by Austrian prosecutors into high-level corruption. In February, Deutsche Bank cut ties with the company over concerns about the financial and reputational risks of keeping it as a client.In recent weeks, revelations have deepened concerns over the group’s liquidity. A €150mn lifeline to Signa Sports United, its struggling online retail sports division, was cancelled last month, forcing the NYSE-listed company into bankruptcy. And work on the Elbtower in Hamburg, a €700mn project to erect the third-tallest building in Germany, was halted last week because Signa stopped paying workers’ salaries.Benko built Signa over the last two decades, becoming a billionaire by the time he was 40. His personal fortune was estimated by Forbes this year at €6bn.
14 Big Landlords Used Software To Collude on Rent Prices, DC Lawsuit SaysPosted by msmash on Friday November 03, 2023 @10:44AM from the how-about-that dept.DC's attorney general has sued 14 of the city's largest landlord firms, claiming they entered into agreements with a property management software firm to keep rent prices high in a city with a housing affordability crisis. From a report:CitarThe complaint, filed earlier today by Attorney General Brian Schwalb, focuses on the multifamily landlords' use of software from Texas-based firm RealPage, which suggests rental prices based on a pricing algorithm. Key to those models, according to the suit, is the data fed in from the landlords and the pressure RealPage puts on them to stick to the code-derived rental rates. "RealPage and the defendant landlords illegally colluded to artificially raise rents by participating in a centralized, anticompetitive scheme, causing District residents to pay millions of dollars above fair market prices," Schwalb said in a release tied to the complaint.The collaboration "amounts to a District-wide housing cartel," Schwalb said, noting that "well over" 30 percent of buildings with five or more units use RealPage's software, along with 60 percent of 50-unit-plus buildings. Across a wider Washington-Arlington-Alexandria area, more than 90 percent of units in large buildings are subject to RealPage pricing, according to Schwalb's office. RealPage's rent management service, YieldStar, has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. RealPage and the property management firms utilizing their software were the subject of a class-action suit filed in the Southern District of California in October 2022, alleging the "cartel" artificially inflated prices. The Department of Justice's Antitrust Division opened an investigation in November 2022 into RealPage's role in potential landlord collusion.
The complaint, filed earlier today by Attorney General Brian Schwalb, focuses on the multifamily landlords' use of software from Texas-based firm RealPage, which suggests rental prices based on a pricing algorithm. Key to those models, according to the suit, is the data fed in from the landlords and the pressure RealPage puts on them to stick to the code-derived rental rates. "RealPage and the defendant landlords illegally colluded to artificially raise rents by participating in a centralized, anticompetitive scheme, causing District residents to pay millions of dollars above fair market prices," Schwalb said in a release tied to the complaint.The collaboration "amounts to a District-wide housing cartel," Schwalb said, noting that "well over" 30 percent of buildings with five or more units use RealPage's software, along with 60 percent of 50-unit-plus buildings. Across a wider Washington-Arlington-Alexandria area, more than 90 percent of units in large buildings are subject to RealPage pricing, according to Schwalb's office. RealPage's rent management service, YieldStar, has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. RealPage and the property management firms utilizing their software were the subject of a class-action suit filed in the Southern District of California in October 2022, alleging the "cartel" artificially inflated prices. The Department of Justice's Antitrust Division opened an investigation in November 2022 into RealPage's role in potential landlord collusion.