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readwrite.com/2013/01/31/us-cyber-command-to-recruit-4-000-cyber-soldiersU.S. Cyber Command To Recruit 4,000 new Cyber SoldiersChristina Ortiz, January 31st, 2013Over the next few years the U.S. Cyber Command, an army of 900 military personnel and civilians who monitor and defend against cyber attacks, is set to grow by 4,000 cyber soldiers. The command will expand its role in national defense by becoming a new kind of fighting force, one that protects the Internet safety of the entire country. As the expansion is implemented, Cybercom will be separated into three teams:National Mission ForcesCombat Mission ForcesCyber Protection Forces
Disculpas de antemano por posible off-topic:"El mayor ataque 'hacker' de la historia ralentiza internet a nivel globalUna disputa entre un grupo que lucha contra el 'spam' y un proveedor de 'hosting' neerlandés provocó este miércoles la ralentización de internet a nivel global. Los ataques, que alcanzaron en su punto álgido los 300 GB./segundo, han sido definidos por expertos como "el mayor ciber-atentado jamás cometido" y ha forzado a gigantes como Google y Netflix a reorganizar sus recursos apresuradamente para evitar besar la lona. Los departamentos de delitos cibernéticos de cinco países están colaborando en la investigación, aunque se teme que numerosos servicios de banca 'online' y correo electrónico pudieran caer en las próximas horas. El detonante de la situación radica en la inclusión de la empresa de alojamiento CyberBunker en una de las listas negras que elabora la organización sin ánimo de lucro SpamHaus. Con sedes en Londres y Ginebra, SpamHaus ayuda a filtrar el correo indeseado señalando los servidores que hospedan, o ayudan a mover, contenidos maliciosos para el usuario. Y es aquí donde entra en juego CyberBunker, cuya política de admisión tan solo excluye la pornografía infantil y los mensajes que enaltecen al terrorismo, mientras que 'spam' y 'malware' son bien recibidos. Sven Ola Kamphuis, portavoz de CyberBunker, lamentaba hace unos días que SpamHaus "esté abusando de su posición de poder y no debe tener el derecho a decidir lo que pasa y no pasa en internet". Y como suele suceder en estos casos, de las palabras se pasó a los hechos: SpamHaus bloqueó los servidores de la holandesa y ésta ha contraatacado con todo el arsenal disponible. "Incluso están cooperando con bandas criminales de Europa del Este y Rusia", asegura Kamphuis. El método de ataque ha sido, una vez más, el DDoS o denegación de servicio, una maniobra que consiste en colapsar las máquinas a base de enviar un volumen de datos que son incapaces de gestionar. Se trata de un tipo de agresión muy difícil de repeler por las víctimas, ya que mantener una infraestructura que mantenga el tipo sale más caro que el tiempo que se pasa 'offline'. En esta ocasión se ha incidido en la vulnerabilidad de sistema de nombres de dominio (DNS), una suerte de guía telefónica de internet."http://www.elconfidencial.com/tecnologia/2013/03/27/el-mayor-ataque-hacker-de-la-historia-ralentiza-internet-a-nivel-global-4573/
Informe: 'Enjambres' de drones chinos desafían a EE.UU.China está construyendo una de las mayores flotas del mundo de drones para ampliar su alcance militar en el Pacífico y desafiar a los portaaviones de EE.UU. en caso de guerra, indica un nuevo informe.El Ejército de China tiene previsto explorar campos de batalla, dirigir ataques con misiles y derrotar a los opositores con un gran número de drones, según el documento 'The Chinese People’s Liberation Army’s unmanned aerial vehicle project: organizational capacities and operational capabilities'.El complejo militar-industrial de China ha creado en la última década una amplia gama de aviones no tripulados para lograr esos objetivos, según el informe publicado por 'The Project 2049 Institute'."El Ejército Popular de Liberación dispone de una de las flotas más amplias de drones en el mundo", afirman Ian Easton y LC Russell Hsiao, investigadores de 'The Project 2049 Institute' y autores del nuevo informe.Según la investigación, los drones militares chinos ya se encuentran en la primera línea en las disputas territoriales de China con los países vecinos, como Japón, y realizan patrullas marítimas sobre las zonas en litigio."En particular, numerosos estudios fidedignos indican un fuerte énfasis en el desarrollo de vehículos aéreos no tripulados para la localización, el seguimiento y determinación de un objetivo de portaaviones estadounidenses en apoyo de ataques con misiles de crucero antibuque de largo alcance y con misiles balísticos", reza el informe.
Now Upma Sharma and her colleagues at Arsenal Medical, a start-up from Massachusetts, hope to change that. They are developing a way let a field medic staunch blood loss from punctured organs.Over the past decade researchers have experimented with injecting a variety of foaming agents into the abdomen to absorb and clot blood gushing from an internal injury. These efforts stumbled, however, because the rate at which blood was being lost outpaced the foam's capacity to soak it up. At first Dr Sharma and her team tried to solve this problem by getting their foam to carry a biological compound that would home in on the bleeding vessels and seal them off. They soon discovered, however, that the foam by itself did the job just as well.
WASHINGTON: The United States is working to block sales of gold to Iranians in order to undermine their currency the rial and to step up pressure on Tehran over its nuclear program, officials said on Wednesday.From July 1, the US will ban sales of gold by anyone to either the Iranian government or to Iranian citizens, a senior US Treasury official said. Washington has warned Iran's neighbors Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, key regional centers of the gold trade, to stop gold sales to Iran, said David Cohen, treasury under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.
Caldeandose el ambiente a 11 dias de las elecciones iranies...http://de.rian.ru/politics/20130603/266238948.htmlLos servicios secretos iranies anuncian que han abortado una serie de atentados y detenido a 12 presuntos terroristas cuyo cabecilla trabajaba para una agencia de noticias "de un pais arabe" y que mantenia contactos con el Mosad.
The US has lifted sanctions on selling communications equipment and Internet access to Iranians, in a bid to help the people circumvent a regime crackdown. But some critics are skeptical of so-called "smart sanctions." It is, the United States claimed, just a coincidence that the Iranian election is coming up. On Thursday (30.05.2013), Barack Obama's administration attempted to replace some of its blunt, sweeping sanctions against Iran with a more sophisticated policy - lifting a ban on sales of telecommunications equipment to Iranians and opening access to Internet services and social media. The move was designed to help the Iranian people circumvent a recent government crackdown on civil liberties in the run-up to the presidential election on June 14.The decision immediately opened the gates for US companies to sell computers, tablets, mobile phones, software, and satellite receivers to Iranians - for personal use only. The US also lifted bans on the sale and free provision of Internet communications like instant messaging, chat, email, social networking, sharing of photos and movies, web browsing and blogging, all of which had been tightly restricted before.
Tens of thousands have attended the funeral of a senior dissident cleric, in what became Iran's biggest anti-government protest for years.Ayatollah Jalaluddin Taheri died at the age of 87 on Sunday in Isfahan.He was a vocal opponent of the hardliners in power in Iran and had resigned from his post in protest.Mourners at the funeral chanted slogans against the government and Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, describing him as a dictator.Protesters also called for the release of all political prisoners, including the two top leaders of the reformist green movement who are under house arrest in Tehran.Ayatollah Taheri was a pro-reformist Friday prayer leader in Isfahan, one of the largest cities in Iran.It is the biggest such protest in Iran in the past few years, and interestingly the police did not intervene, says Kasra Naji of BBC Persian.The authorities are careful not to provoke public anger just 10 days ahead of the presidential elections, observers say.Are you in Iran? Did you attend the funeral? Please get in touch using the form below.
Are you in Iran? Did you attend the funeral? Please get in touch using the form below.(Required) Name (Required) Your E-mail address (Required) Town & Country (Required) Your telephone number(Required) CommentsIf you are happy to be contacted by a BBC journalist please leave a telephone number that we can contact you on. In some cases a selection of your comments will be published, displaying your name as you provide it and location, unless you state otherwise. Your contact details will never be published. When sending us pictures, video or eyewitness accounts at no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws. Please ensure you have read the terms and conditions.
(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Gmail accounts belonging to Iranian users have been targeted in an extensive hacking campaign in the weeks leading up to the country's closely watched presidential elections on Friday, Google Inc said on Wednesday.The U.S. Internet company, which described the attacks as broad "email-based phishing" attempts seeking to trick unsuspecting Gmail users into giving up their user names and passwords, said they originated in Iran and appeared to be "politically motivated in connection with the Iranian presidential election on Friday."Google said it has a policy to alert users to "state-sponsored attacks and other suspicious activity," but did not identify the perpetrators beyond saying that it appeared to be the same group behind a Gmail hacking campaign in 2011 involving fraudulent digital certificates.The most recent phishing campaigns began almost three weeks ago, Google said. The "timing and targeting of the campaigns" suggested a connection to the election, Google said without elaborating.On its security blog on Wednesday, the company posted a screenshot of a phishing email purporting to be from Google administrators. The email, sent from the account "Email.Settings@gmail.com," contained a link to a fake sign-in page that asked for the user's Gmail credentials."Protecting our users' accounts is one of our top priorities, so we notify targets of state-sponsored attacks and other suspicious activity, and we take other appropriate actions to limit the impact of these attacks on our users," Google said.In 2011, a young Iranian student who claimed credit for hacking Gmail accounts belonging to anti-government dissidents told the international press that he acted out of patriotism but denied any connection to the Iranian government.
Citar los de última generación (Leopard 2 A4, derivados y posteriores, M-2 del 1998 para acá, Leclerck, etc....) son unas máquinas de guerra muy refinadas; Yo no he sido militar, pero espero que no me moleste que te corrija un civil , todavía no existen los M2, no te referirás a los M1-A2 ??Sobre lo de el hipotético enfrentamiento convencional en India y Pakistán, me parece interesante tú comentario aunque yo no descartaría que en caso de estancamiento en la guerra convencional se pasase a una guerra de aniquilación total en el que la población civil de un lado u otro es asesinada en masa por milicias populares, mientras los ejércitos regulares se conforman con mantener la linea de frente y mirar hacia otro lado. Un genocidio en toda regla para delimitar las futuras fronteras y evitar tensiones civiles futuras.
los de última generación (Leopard 2 A4, derivados y posteriores, M-2 del 1998 para acá, Leclerck, etc....) son unas máquinas de guerra muy refinadas;