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Autor Tema: Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?  (Leído 144602 veces)

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Re:¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #90 en: Febrero 02, 2012, 20:44:00 pm »
Nos pastorean. Esa es toda la razón.


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Re:¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #91 en: Febrero 02, 2012, 20:47:31 pm »


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Re:Democracia y control social: pensamiento dicotomico, etiquetaje y PNL
« Respuesta #92 en: Febrero 02, 2012, 21:43:09 pm »

Real-life Minority Report: Analytics assist police in detecting crime
Police at the Los Angeles Police Department are trialling predictive analytics

By Linda Rosencrance
Captain Sean Malinowski of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has just done something once unimaginable for a commanding officer: He's given up control of deploying his beat officers to a computer.

Malinowski, commanding officer of the LAPD's Foothill Community Police Station, is a pioneer in the field of "predictive policing." That means using predictive analytics to analyse data, such as the times and locations of past crimes, to forecast where and when certain crimes are likely to happen in the future so police can stop them before they occur.

"We're doing a rigorous examination, an experiment, for the next three months of predictive analytics and for the first time we're going to rely 100 percent on the computer to forecast property crimes, which are the lion's share of our crime," he says. The experiment began 6 November.

Malinowski says he's willing to make some sacrifices in terms of control if it means reducing crime in his jurisdiction.

"That's unusual for me to do because, as a [commanding officer], I like to be in control of things, especially the mission," he says. "But I'm going to give that up and I'm going to let the computer generate the geographic assignment of the missions."

Across the country, police departments must fight crimes in the face of decreasing budgets and manpower. But in Los Angeles and Santa Cruz, California, the police departments are turning to new technologies like predictive analytics to help them save time and money by enabling them to prevent crime by more effectively deploying patrol officers.

The LAPD and the Santa Cruz Police Department are using a crime-fighting tool developed by researchers - social scientists and mathematicians - at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to target property crimes such as home and business burglaries, as well as vehicle thefts and break-ins.

Like predicting earthquakes
The tool, which identifies criminal hotspots, is modeled on a mathematical algorithm used to predict earthquakes and their aftershocks because the researchers discovered that, just as aftershocks are in close proximity to the initial earthquake, criminals tend to commit crimes in close proximity to past crimes.

The technology grew out of a long-standing UCLA-based project looking at the mathematics of crime, says P. Jeffrey Brantingham, one of the UCLA researchers and an associate professor of anthropology at the school. For the first six years of the seven-year project, researchers focused on trying to figure out what models do a good job determining how and why crime patterns form in the way they do. Now that they've developed those models, the researchers are putting them into practice.

"We're now testing these predictive analytics in the field and we launched a controlled, randomized trial in LA earlier this month," Brantingham says.

The theory is that predictive analytics might work better on property crimes because the targets are stationary and the nature of the targets doesn't change that much over time, he says, unlike crimes where the victims are mobile and change their behaviors.

Criminologists find it's easier to predict these types of crimes because there are patterns regarding where and when they occur. For example, burglaries tend to be clustered in terms of time and location and the individuals committing these crimes tend to have predictable patterns - usually they commit them somewhere near their homes or near familiar locations.

Additionally, property crimes are not displaceable crimes, which means if police departments target these crimes in particular areas, the criminals won't simply move two miles to another location.

Zach Friend, a crime analyst at the Santa Cruz Police Department, says his department is the "operational test case agency" for the system, although Santa Cruz didn't set its program up as a controlled experiment, as did the LAPD.

"What [the researchers] did before was just test crime data, but we were actually willing to test it in the field," he says.

Friend says data from the department's records management system is fed into the computer program on a daily basis, and then transferred to Microsoft Excel software where it's cleaned, ordered and geocoded. Next, the data is combined with a master Excel database of all pertinent crimes for the past seven years and run through the UCLA algorithm.

Hotspots on Google Maps
"We recalibrate on a daily basis and the algorithm produces 10 Google hotspot maps every day of approximately 500 feet by 500 feet where burglary or vehicle theft is likely to occur in our city on that day," he says.

Officers are given the hotspot maps at roll call. The officers check those areas during their "free" patrol times, when they're not obligated on other calls, and they document their activities for tracking purposes. Because the city of Santa Cruz is only 13 square miles, the hotspot maps significantly reduce the area that officers need to patrol.

"Law enforcement in the past has taken a reactive approach to enforcement - if crime occurs in one place you need to go to that place," Friend says. "This is breaking that mold. You don't necessarily have to go there. Maybe it will send you to a separate location to prevent the next crime from occurring."

The point of predictive policing is not to make arrests but rather to reduce the numbers of the targeted crimes from happening in the first place. And it seems to be working in Santa Cruz.

"In the first month, July 2011, the only variable we introduced was the application of this model and there was a 27 percent reduction year-over- year of the targeted crime types, because there was a police presence in the area where maybe there wouldn't have been a police presence at all," Friend says.

The SCPD just finished it's three-month analysis of the algorithm and the department learned a couple things: There isn't enough crime in Santa Cruz to make a definitive statement about causality, but there was a correlation between the number of extra checks the officers ran in the hotspot areas and a reduction in the crime types the department was targeting.

Accurate predictions
"So for every extra 50 checks we ran in the city per week we found a two percentage-point decrease in the targeted crime types," Friend says. "The predictions [based on the algorithm] where crimes will occur are 10 times more accurate than if you let an officer go where he wants to go."

Malinowski isn't impressed with the Santa Cruz department's methodology.

"Santa Cruz will have a difficult time making a scientific claim that the [computer] forecast contributed to a reduction in crime, because I think they had very little in the way of crime analysis before," he says. "And they didn't set it up as an experiment. It takes a little more time and effort to do it the way we're going to do it."

Malinowski, who explains that his station is the only one in the LAPD currently engaged in the experiment, wants to be able to tell his counterparts at other LAPD stations that he went strictly by the computer forecast and realized, say, an additional 2 percent, 3 percent or 4 percent reduction in property crimes.

"We're experimenting and we'll see how it goes and if it will answer the questions: 'Does the forecast add value to the process of assigning missions for patrol?' and 'Will it give us some information on how many officers we need in a certain part of our jurisdiction and for how long?' and 'Will it make an impact on property crime in a certain very small geographic space like a block?' We're going to be collecting data as well so we'll be able to track that," he says.

Malinowski says LAPD Chief Charlie Beck as well as former LAPD Chief William Bratton both support using predictive analytics to inform the department's decision-making in fighting crime because they know that it's getting harder and harder to slash crime rates.

Crime is down so dramatically in the Foothills "that we're victims of our own success in some way," he says. "Take burglary of a motor vehicle: [We're] down 25 percent year-to-date, so what else can I do? I've pretty much exhausted my arsenal, so if I want to eek out a couple more percentage points, then it looks like I have to use the data to do that."

Malinowski says at some point he may think about using a commercial product, but for now the easiest thing to do is work with the UCLA researchers because they come with their own government funding--and unlike the vendors he's talked to who are in it for the profit, the researchers' motives are "more pure."

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It's a win-win, he says. "We give the researchers the data and we're a real-world laboratory for the researchers [and it doesn't cost us anything]."

But there may be a small downside. Malinowski acknowledges that the patrol officers who are assigned to do crime analysis worry that they'll be replaced by the new system.

"It's difficult for people to get their heads around the fact that the computer could generate these specific geographic locations where crimes are most likely to occur," he says. "And it's hard because they feel there's a lot of special knowledge that they can bring to the forecast that the computer can't."

But the bottom line for Malinowski is to deny the criminal the opportunity to commit the crime he intended to commit. "He doesn't get arrested and we don't spend time booking him," the commanding officer says, "and someone doesn't get his laptop stolen out of his car."


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Re:¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #93 en: Febrero 02, 2012, 21:43:51 pm »
Martha Stout comentaba algo acerca de esos puntos:

THE PARANOIA SWITCH (reviewed on July 1, 2007) (Conferencia inside, no se como insertar el dichoso vídeo)

How unscrupulous political leaders turn people into sheep and make them bleat on cue.

This latest tome from one of my favorite writers gives some incredible insight on the topic of fear. Namely, how it is generated, transmitted, and how it can impact your behavior without you knowing. Dr Stout has over thirty years of practice working with survivors of trauma, and treating them, helping them along the road to recovery. She's pretty much seen it all; children, adults, memory loss, missing time, child abuse, incest, multiple-personalities, and her experience shows in her writing.

The Paranoia Switch deals exclusively with the politics of fear, and how fear-brokers use our own limbic systems against us. The limbic system is a part of the brain that deals with reading and transmitting human emotions. It allows us to comprehend, in a matter of microseconds, the feelings of another human being through body language, expressions, tone of voice and other subtle yet present markers. Stout writes:


Overall her book is stunning. It allowed one, such as myself, to understand in scientific terms, why and how our nation has become the caricature it is today. How a noble, and idealistic race of people became paralyzed and twisted by their own biology, and thus it helped alleviate much of my frustration and anti-American angst. It's also a tome of healing, and can help pretty much anyone, who's on the question for knowledge, gain insight and understanding about our world, and why it is the way it is.

mmmm....Ponerología...¿conocíais el término?

Pedazo de aporte, Alonso, pedazo de aporte.

Conforme lo leía me ha venido a la mente la consabida doctrina del shock de la amiga Klein, pero más serio. Es importante que sean distintos autores desde distintas aproximaciones (Klein investigación periodística, Stout psicóloga clínica, etc) los que lleguen a las mismas conclusiones. El problema es que usan términos distintos, pero el concepto está claro.

También parece tener que ver con el tema de las disonancias cognitivas y como el cerebro suele cortar por lo sano, de ahí el "interruptor". Nuevamente emplea terminología que yo no conozco pero el concepto está ahí, recurrente respecto a otros autores.

 Estoy ahora viendo el vídeo.

El problema es que los malnacidos que controlan el cotarro han aprendido (a base de salir bien su jugada de manipulación) a usarlo contra nosotros. Ella los llama "fear brokers" pero sabemos lo que son: HDP.
Todos estos estudios que reflejan los comportamientos humanos suelen estar ignorados por la mayoría, EXCEPTO, por una minoría que se sirve de ellos. Los utiliza para sus intereses  y se cuida muy mucho que las consecuencias de su uso sean prácticamente desconocidas, parte esta esencial para que funcionen.

Pocas veces esos estudios se abren al gran público, ni tan siquiera se exponen en aulas de secundaria y poco en universidades. Generalmente se dan de pasada como si no tuvieran la más mínima importancia, como una anécdota.

Es el lema que ha funcionado siempre "un pueblo ignorante es más fácil de manejar", y si además lo tenemos distraído con el circo mucho mejor.

Insisto, nos pastorean.

(No he encontrado una imagen mejor en google, pero se entiende ¿verdad? Había una en la firma de un forero burbujista sobre un rebaño y una oveja pensando indignada, a ver si lo encuentro).

Hace tiempo comenté un documental que habla sobre este tema
Volumen I
Volumen II
Volumen III
(enlaces patrocinados por Autobombo SA, pero no tengo tiempo de traer todo eso aquí, discúlpenme la licencia ::))

PS: ha sido imperdonable que deje este hilo descuidado por tanto tiempo en la lista de pendientes, en mi opinión es de los más interesantes del foro. La maldita falta de tiempo.


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Re:Convertir la sociedad en un infierno
« Respuesta #94 en: Febrero 02, 2012, 22:06:47 pm »
Hace unos 2500 años un filósofo chino llamado Sun Tzu escribió un tratado militar. Ese tratado es el primero donde se explica que el verdadero arte militar no consiste en dominar por la fuerza, sino en dominar sin tener que luchar. ¿Como se hace esto? Explicarlo bien explicado daría para escribir un libro. Solo voy a dar algunas pinceladas.

En primer lugar desmoralizando al enemigo, atacando sus valores y sus creencias mas profundas. Ejemplos: Si el enemigo cree en Dios y en el cielo, pues te dedicas a atacar, descalificar y ridiculizar esas creencias. Si el enemigo cree en el bushido y en el honor, pues te dedicas a atacar, descalificar y ridiculizar esas creencias. Si el enemigo cree en el confucianismo y en el civismo, pues te dedicas a atacar, descalificar y ridiculizar esas creencias.

La gente tiene unas creencias en torno a las cuales construyen su vida. Son la brujula con la que ellos lo orientan todo. Si atacas esas creencias los dejas sin nada a lo que agarrarse. Por eso esta fase se llama precisamente de desmoralización.

En segundo lugar provocando la guerra de todos contra todos. Ejemplos: Pon a los empleados en contra de los jefes y a los jefes en contra de los empleados. Pon a las mujeres en contra de los hombres y a los hombres en contra de las mujeres. Pon a la policia en contra del pueblo y al pueblo en contra de la policia.

En tercer lugar corrompiendo todas y cada una de las instituciones de las que depende la sociedad. Ejemplos: Haz que los sindicatos se dediquen a cualquier cosa menos a preocuparse por los trabajadores. Haz que los jueces se dediquen a cualquier cosa menos a hacer justicia. Haz que los médicos se dediquen a cualquier cosa menos a dar salud a la gente.

Finalmente, como consecuencia de todo lo anterior, llega el infierno. No nacen niños, las empresas no funcionan, todo el mundo está gordo y achacoso, nadie confia en nadie, etc.

Y entonces llegamos a la cuarta fase
: gestionar el colapso para implementar un nuevo sistema político.

Estas cuatro fases se pueden usar para someter una potencia enemiga sin necesidad de luchar (o para cambiar el sistema político de tu propio país y traer el Nuevo Orden Mundial).

Lo primero
que necesitas paraa subvertir una sociedad es reclutar agentes para que actuen de quintacolumnistas. ¿Donde creeis que se reclutan esos agentes? Pues entre los homosexuales, entre las minorias étnicas y religiosas, entre los inadaptados, entre gente con patologías mentales diversas, entre la juventud radical, entre criminales chantajeados.

Por ese motivo cuando te pones a mirar entre los políticos, entre los banqueros, entre los magnates que controlan la prensa y entre el resto de gente que tienen poder para subvertir la sociedad, lo que te encuentras es precisamente a homosexuales, a judios, a tarados diversos, a tipos con ideas radicales...

Hay un par de puntos sobre los que quiero hacer incapies:

-Esto no significa que todos los homosexuales o que todos los judios o que todos los criminales o que todos los locos o que todos los radicales estén metidos en el ajo. Esto significa que esos son los colectivos en los que se recluta a los agentes. Pero no significa que todos hayan sido reclutados.

-Que a estos tipos se les coloque en puestos de poder tampoco significa que tengan poder. Solo son títeres. Son tontos útiles que están siendo utilizados.

Lo segundo que necesitas es corromper las mentes de las personas. Tienes que hacerles pensar que el norte está en el sur y que el sur está en el norte. Esto se consigue mediante escuelas, prensa, televisión, etc.

Lo tercero
que necesitas es cambiar la burocracia y las leyes y modificar los organismos públicos.

Lo cuarto
que necesitas es eliminar a todos aquellos que obstaculizan tu plan. Esto se hace mediante sobornos, chantajes, asesinatos...

Cuando el plan llega exitosamente a su fin, todos esos agentes que se han dedicado a convertir la sociedad en un infierno, son fusilados o algo peor. Se les trata como la basura humana que son.
Tico, le he dado el zankeo porque me parece interesante la aportación de Sun Tzu. Es, digamos, una perspectiva interesante que piense que nos consideran "el Enemigo". Su punto de vista hasta ahí me resulta interesante y que traiga el viejo libro del viejo estratega me ha parecido un acierto por su parte.

Algunas otras interpretaciones que hace ud. sobre el reclutamiento y demás de los títeres no las comparto en absoluto. No pienso que sean meros instrumentos reclutados y desde luego no comparto su "categorización" sobre esas minorías a las que no considero como ud. Ni sobre sus valoraciones sobre ellos ("basura humana"). Por todo lo demás, y deslindando esos juicios de valor que hace ud., su planteamiento extremo en términos generales me parece una aportación novedosa que tal vez otros no hemos querido llegar a plantearnos (no sé si precisamente por no caer en esos juicios o por otra cuestión) pero que en definitiva añade complejidad a la imagen global.

He tenido que editar este mensaje porque he contestado antes de ver que se anda debatiendo sobre la idoneidad de su fusión con este otro hilo. Lo que quiero decir es que sin saber que estaban fusionados a mí me ha parecido bien traído como aporte inherente al propio hilo y que puede generar un debate más rico.
« última modificación: Febrero 02, 2012, 22:10:20 pm por pringaete »

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Re:¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #95 en: Febrero 02, 2012, 23:56:05 pm »
PS: ha sido imperdonable que deje este hilo descuidado por tanto tiempo en la lista de pendientes, en mi opinión es de los más interesantes del foro. La maldita falta de tiempo.

Imperdonable no, pero hubiera sido una pena perdernos tus interesantes aportaciones.

Los posts de AlonsoQuijano sobre este tema y los del hilo de PNL son muy valiosos, pero al igual que tú, ando escasa de tiempo. Traducir el texto me requiere un esfuerzo extra, así que tendré que buscarle un hueco porque después de tu comentario me ha entrado gran interés en entender bien su post.

Como ya comenté, desde el principio creo positivo unir este hilo al de PNL. Una vez que ha pasado un tiempo y se observa que ambos hilos van tomando los mismos derroteros, procedo a su fusión.

"Más de 900 millones de personas vive en una situación de extrema pobreza. Mientras, el crimen organizado mueve más de 3 billones de dólares al año, el doble del presupuesto militar del mundo, los sobornos absorben un billón de dólares anuales y el lavado de dinero hasta 6,5 billones" CdE


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Re:¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #96 en: Febrero 03, 2012, 01:08:39 am »
PS: ha sido imperdonable que deje este hilo descuidado por tanto tiempo en la lista de pendientes, en mi opinión es de los más interesantes del foro. La maldita falta de tiempo.

Imperdonable no, pero hubiera sido una pena perdernos tus interesantes aportaciones.

Los posts de AlonsoQuijano sobre este tema y los del hilo de PNL son muy valiosos, pero al igual que tú, ando escasa de tiempo. Traducir el texto me requiere un esfuerzo extra, así que tendré que buscarle un hueco porque después de tu comentario me ha entrado gran interés en entender bien su post.

Como ya comenté, desde el principio creo positivo unir este hilo al de PNL. Una vez que ha pasado un tiempo y se observa que ambos hilos van tomando los mismos derroteros, procedo a su fusión.

Ahora tendré que retomar ambos hilos xD

He encontrado leyendo a Qmunty un término muy descriptivo en un artículo interesante porque es de aplicación de todo esto pero concretando en España y de como estamos igual que hace un siglo y pico.
servum pecus (Del latín, significa rebaño servil).
Eso es lo que somos, un rebaño servil. No basta que ellos nos pastoreen, debemos ser nosotros los que lo permitamos. Ahí está, en mi modesta opinión, toda la cuestión. Se lo permitimos. Bien por los mecanismos arriba descritos, bien por la manipulación sufrida (digo sufrida, sí, porque esto es peor que una pena a cadena perpetua de todo un pueblo), bien porque somos un pueblo incorregible en nuestros complejos históricos que nos mantienen aletargados, el caso es que a fin de cuentas se lo permitimos. Y es lo que en el fondo hay que empezar a cambiar. Hay que sacudir conciencias para que la gente, la gleba, dejemos de ser una masa servil. Para exigir que se marchen ellos y no que nos veamos con obligados a la disyuntiva de la maleta (que no queremos) o metralleta (que no queremos menos aún).

Hay una serie de conceptos en el artículo que aunque no vengan del todo al pelo con este hilo no me parece bien dejar pasar
España es una meritocracia a la inversa (...) “trastornos de mediocridad” (...) mediocridad inoperante activa (MIA) (...)
que en cierto modo vendrían a decirnos que no, que esos malnacidos, esos "terror brokers", esos manipuladores de pacotilla, en el fondo no son más que una panda de malnacidos de alta cuna que son perfectamente prescindibles de la posición que ocupan en la jerarquía social. No son ni seres de luz ni especiales. Solo recurren a ser panic-mongers porque son incapaces de conseguirlo de otro modo más lícito. Y que conste que no tengo nada contra la mediocridad en sí como el autor del artículo (que en mi opinión ahí desbarra un poquito), pero señala que los miembros de la oligarquía no tienen cualidades especiales y en mi opinión por ello tienen que recurrir al terror para manipularnos. Porque no son capaces de hacerlo de otro modo.


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #97 en: Febrero 08, 2012, 16:45:13 pm »

Have the Pediatricians Lost Their Minds?

February 7, 2012
The American Academy of Pediatrics, whom we have previously criticized for industry ties, now says all boys between the ages of 11 and 12 should receive the HPV vaccine—the same one that has harmed so many girls. Action Alert!

During the Republican Party presidential debates, Michelle Bachman questioned the safety of this vaccine and was roundly ridiculed, especially by the media. Commentator after commentator noted that the government said this vaccine was safe. But let’s look at the facts.

No other vaccine lists and thereby acknowledges the serious side effects that the HPV vaccine does. One particularly alarming side effect, acknowledged by the manufacturer Merck even in advertisements, is the risk of seizure. Of the twelve other vaccines recommended by the CDC for children, only two—the controversial MMR combination vaccine and the HiB vaccine—list “seizure” as a safety concern. Pain at the injection site, headache, fever—these are fairly commonplace reactions. But none of the others has the acknowledged serious side effects that the HPV vaccine does. We have created a graphic (click for larger view) showing the side effects side-by-side.

We are emphasizing these side effects (acknowledged in writing by the manufacturer) because Merck, the Centers for Disease Control, the Institute of Medicine, and the American Academy of Pediatrics all seem determined to stonewall and deny any significance to the 20,096 adverse events and 1,498 “serious adverse events” associated with the vaccine and reported by physicians. We reported on this sorry state of affairs a number of times last year, most recently in October. These adverse events include blood clots, the neurological disorder Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and death.

Our readers will note the irony of this. One reported adverse event for a supplement is enough to get the FDA’s full attention. But when it comes to drug and especially vaccine adverse events, everyone in government looks the other way.

Wouldn’t you think that 34 associated deaths (there were actually 71 deaths reported through September 15 of last year, but 37 of the reports didn’t have enough information for the report to be independently confirmed) would be worth looking into by somebody? But no. The official party line is that the adverse events are not peer-reviewed research and therefore may be ignored. And the government isn’t about to do any peer-reviewed research into this frightening data.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now recommends the HPV vaccine for boys aged 11 to 12. This mirrors a recommendation released last October by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

This is truly Alice in Wonderland medicine, and can only be explained by close—indeed, tight—financial ties between vaccine makers, government, and researchers. For more on the financial ties between Big Pharma and the AAP, please see our previous stories on heat exhaustion and sports drinks, and on cholesterol screenings for pre-pubescent children.

To say that the HPV vaccine is of dubious benefit is really an understatement. Although touted as a cancer vaccine, it is still very possible to develop cervical and other cancers even after being vaccinated. As we noted last September, of the 100 different types of HPV, only fifteen might someday develop into cancer, the vaccine targets only two; moreover, the relationship between infection with HPV at a young age and later development of cancer is unknown.

Unlike the HPV vaccine, other cancer prevention strategies are free or low-cost. The standard for cervical cancer screening, regular Pap smears, carries no side effects and when performed regularly can easily catch cervical cancer in time for a simple removal without complication. Women who have been vaccinated against HPV must still submit to regular Pap smears since the vaccine does not protect against all causes of cervical cancer. Most insurance plans cover an annual Pap smear, and programs funded by the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program offer free or low-cost Pap tests to women in need throughout the US.

Another really powerful  prevention strategy is to eat cruciferous vegetables or take the supplement DIM (diindolylmethane, a plant compound found in cruciferous vegetables), as explained by Dr. Jonathan Wright in the December 2011 issue of his newsletter Nutrition and Healing. DIM may also be used therapeutically for those with cervical cancer or pre-cancer.

The most effective combination prevention strategy both for viruses and for cancer (and certainly for cancer-linked viruses) is to maintain optimal levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D comes from the sun for free, and vitamin D3 supplements are inexpensive. Most Americans are deficient in the vitamin.

Virginia is currently the only state requiring that all children be vaccinated with the HPV vaccine, and Virginia legislators have introduced a bill to repeal the HPV vaccine requirement—HB1112.


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #98 en: Febrero 08, 2012, 16:51:30 pm »

Civilian drones to fill the skies after law shake-up

Updated 16:02 06 February 2012 by Paul Marks

Law changes mean uncrewed aerial vehicles aren't just for the military any more – civilian uses are taking off, too

Editorial: "High time to welcome the friendly drones"  :roto2:

THE hobbyist was testing the camera on board his small uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV), when he spotted it: a creek in Dallas, Texas, running red with blood.

He'd captured a picture of a stream of animal blood flowing north away from the Columbia Packing Company's meat-processing facility. Acting on the visual evidence, investigators monitored the plant before raiding it last month. The company may now face criminal charges from local, state and federal authorities for polluting city waterways with a gory mix of pig's blood and toxic chemicals.

Such a story may crop up more often as UAVs fall in price and become simpler to use. What is traditionally thought of as a military technology is about to change the lives of private citizens as well as big businesses.

For the moment, the law stands in the way. The US Federal Aviation Administration allows for recreational use of remote-controlled air vehicles, but the Columbia Packing case blurs the line because the UAV became a surveillance tool. Commercial use is also illegal - last week real estate agents in Los Angeles, California, were ordered to stop using helicopter drones to shoot aerial movies of properties they are selling. "Although the FAA allows hobbyists to fly model airplanes for recreational purposes, that authority does not extend to operators flying unmanned aircraft for business purposes," the Air Division of the Los Angeles police department reminded the California Association of Realtors.

That could soon change. The FAA plans to unveil a new set of rules this year that will cover the burgeoning interest in flying commercial and private UAVs.

And on 9 February, the European Commission's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Panel will meet in Brussels, Belgium, to agree on the key flight rules and technologies essential for commercial UAVs to operate safely in civilian airspace. This will include discussing technologies such as collision avoidance systems, says Mike Lissone of Eurocontrol, the pan-European air traffic control organisation.

The moves, which are expected to go into effect between 2013 and 2015, will likely mean hundreds of people apply for permission to fly UAVs, predicts Peter van Blyenburgh of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (UVS), a global trade association based in the Netherlands.

What van Blyenburgh wants is for aircraft weighing up to 25 kilograms to take to the air without the owner needing permission to fly it. The craft will probably have to remain in line-of-sight of the controller, but that shouldn't be a problem, he says. It's only when the drones get much heavier, and present a greater safety risk, that he expects they'll need expensive sensors so they can automatically avoid other air traffic.

Meanwhile, UVS members are investigating how drones could become vital tools in many fields, from helping police track stolen cars to assisting emergency services in crisis situations such as fires, floods and earthquakes, to more prosaic tasks like advertising or dispensing fertiliser from the air.

This is already happening in some out-of-the way places, where air traffic problems are unlikely. In Brazil, for instance, small helicopter UAVs carrying 12-megapixel cameras are surveying soybean and sugar cane.

"They fly grid patterns, using algorithms to stitch the photos together to identify tracts where they have to resow, optimising growth on the fields," says van Blyenburgh.

In Antarctica, meanwhile, a team from the Australian universities of Tasmania and Wollongong, New South Wales, have been using two types of UAV helicopters, one remotely steered and another that can fly between GPS waypoints on autopilot. The drones are helping the team create 3D maps of moss beds, whose health may be an indicator of climate change.

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a fixed-wing UAV made by Gatewing of Ghent, Belgium, (pictured right) has been taking aerial photographs of Easter Island, with a resolution down to just 5 centimetres - Google Earth can only manage several metres in most places. Archaeologists are using the images to produce the highest resolution survey of the World Heritage Site ever made.

Germany's renewable energy industry has turned to drones to solve a skills shortfall, says Lissone. With nearly 22,000 wind turbines in the country, he says energy firms do not have enough skilled people who can climb them to perform close visual inspections of the turbine blades, which can become delaminated after lightning strikes, for instance. So small UAVs, such as those made by Microdrones of Siegen, east of Cologne, are doing the job instead.

Across the border, France's TGV trains travel from Paris to Lyon at 320 kilometres per hour - a super-high speed that can upset the pebble bed supporting the rails. To find the dents that need to be flattened out, a helicopter drone travels alongside the track and films it with 3D stereoscopic cameras. It is easy to spot serious undulations that need attention by watching the footage.

With UAVs already proving their worth, the future looks bright for uncrewed aviation as the upcoming regulatory changes enable still more uses to be dreamed up. But operators should not expect a free-for-all, says Lissone. "The key here is safety. Unmanned aircraft, regardless of their size, can only fly in civil airspace if they are as safe, or safer, than piloted aircraft are now."

Cattle rustlers no match for Predators
Military drones are finding a role in civilian life, with armed cattle-rustlers their first target.

When police in Nelson County, North Dakota, lost track of some suspects last June, they called in the US Customs and Border Patrol's drone: a Predator-B UAV normally used to hunt illegal immigrants and drug runners with its swathe of cameras and heat sensors. It worked and the rustlers were caught. Police have used the drone many times, much to the dismay of privacy advocate, the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It sees the move as an escalation of invasive airborne surveillance technology. The group has filed a lawsuit demanding the US government reveal how often military drones are being used by police in the US - and on what basis.


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #99 en: Febrero 08, 2012, 16:58:28 pm »
 Bank of America, does not accept u.s. dollars as payment
 :roto2: :roto2: :roto2:

Vid 1 of 4 Inside Bank of America DOES NOT accept U.S. DOLLARS as payment on mortgages in AMERICA?!?

Vid 2 of 4 Inside Bank of America, refusing to countersign a check from Farmers Insurance.
Vid 2 of 4 Inside Bank of America, refusing to countersign a check from Farmers Insurance. Small | Large

Vid 3 of 4 Outside Bank of America, Dumb-Ass-Cop accusing me of "Casing the Bank!"
Vid 3 of 4 Outside Bank of America, Dumb-Ass-Cop accusing me of "Casing the Bank!" Small | Large

Vid 4 of 4 Outside Bank of America, Cops telling me that if I enter BofA again, I'LL BE ARRESTED!
Vid 4 of 4 Outside Bank of America, Cops telling me that if I enter BofA again, I'LL BE ARRESTED! Small | Large


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Re:¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #100 en: Febrero 08, 2012, 19:56:17 pm »
Nos pastorean. Esa es toda la razón.

Esto que dices (y tu firma) me han recordado una foto muy cachonda...

No es signo de buena salud el estar bien adaptado a una sociedad profundamente enferma


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #101 en: Febrero 08, 2012, 20:12:41 pm »
Una vez más y como siempre, la realidad supera a la ficción...


Nuevas cámaras de vigilancia en Reino Unido también dan órdenes

La esquizofrenia y paranoía de gobiernos del “primer mundo” están llegando a los niveles más bajos posibles. El nuevo gadget de seguridad que esta causando controversia en Reino Unido es un poste de luz con cámara de vigilancia integrada, que además, da órdenes:

    Stop, this is a restricted area and your photograph is being taken. It will be sent for processing if you don’t leave the area now.

Alto, esta es un área reestringida y se le esta tomando una fotografía. Será enviada para ser procesada si usted no abandona el área ahora.

La persona que grabó este video vive en el conjunto habitacional en donde la cámara le ordenó alejarse.


La cámara funciona por medio de sensores de movimiento que emite alertas cuando detecta la presencia de alguien no autorizado. ¿Quién esta autorizado y quién no para caminar a través de un conjunto habitacional? ¿Cómo es que una cámara puede reconocer las intenciones de alguien? La estúpidez no tiene límite.

Según la organización Big Brother Watch, un funcionario del ayuntamiento de Camden explicó que al parecer la cámara emitió este mensaje porque se le estaba acabando la batería.

Reino Unido tiene una larga de historia de vigilancia masiva contra su población la cual ha sido resistida por años, sin embargo, es el país con más cámaras de vigilancia per cápita en el mundo. El costo social de una sociedad vigilada es alto, pero también el costo económico al cual no se le presta mucha atención aunque sea de la alucinante cantidad de £321,331,453.18 libras esterlinas.

Big Brother Watch condena fuertemente el uso de este dispositivo:

    Este equipo resalta el absurdo entusiasmo por la vigilancia que prevalece en algunas autoridades de este país. La idea de que una grabación (estilo) Robocop va a detener el comportamiento antisocial y el crimen, es ridícula y una invasión total de la privacidad. ¿Quién sabía los ayuntamientos podían tomar tu fotografía simplemente porque caminas en un jardín comunal?

    Es necesaria una regulación acerca del cómo y cuándo se va a utilizar este equipo. Este tipo de tecnología puede ser aceptable en un estado policial o una película de ciencia ficción, pero absolutamente no en un Reino Unido moderno.

Al parecer la administración británica no aprendió nada de las revueltas del año pasado… El sentido común es un cuento de ficción.
« última modificación: Febrero 08, 2012, 21:04:40 pm por NosTrasladamus »
No es signo de buena salud el estar bien adaptado a una sociedad profundamente enferma


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #102 en: Febrero 09, 2012, 12:13:51 pm »
Globalist Campaign Calls for Abolishment of Constitution
Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones

February 8, 2012

The global elite will not rest until they have revoked the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Over the last few years, they have engaged in a concerted attack on our founding documents and time-honored ideals. On Tuesday, the New York Times continued this trend with an article on the front page of its print edition.
“The rights guaranteed by the American Constitution are parsimonious by international standards, and they are frozen in amber,” the New York Times argues.

Entitled ‘We the People’ Lose Appeal With People Around the World, the article by Adam Liptak argues that the Constitution is outdated, inflexible and no longer trendy. It cites an article published in June in The New York University Law Review that explains how America’s Constitution is “losing its appeal as a model for constitutional drafters elsewhere” as statists, bureaucrats and autocrats turn to examples presented by more malleable documents such as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and those produced by India, South Africa, New Zealand and the United Nations.
The problem, Liptak notes, is that “rights guaranteed by the American Constitution are parsimonious by international standards, and they are frozen in amber.” In other words, the “problem” with the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is that the rights enumerated there are not open for interpretation and cannot be changed by government.
But what really irks the elite is the idea that government only exists by the consent of the governed and “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,” as the Declaration of Independence states. In other words, it is the right of the people to revolt against government – preferably through peaceful means, but by violent revolution if need be, as Thomas Jefferson argued – when it becomes an oppressive tyranny, as it now is.
The very idea that the people have the right to abolish government scares the hell out of the ruling elite. The Second Amendment is under persistent attack not because guns are a danger to school children, but because guns and people well trained in their proper use are often required to resist and overthrow government tyranny
. Control freaks never surrender power willingly.
The establishment is now openly assaulting the Constitution and the very idea of innate and god-given individual rights going back to the Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Petition of Right and English common law. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence encapsulate and enumerate into law liberties that are the birthright of humanity. Government is not required to bestow them as the New York Times would have use believe. We are born with them despite trendiness or the dictates of commissars at the United Nations.
Obama has continued unabated the concerted attack on the Constitution initiated under his predecessors. Efforts to undermine the Constitution began in earnest with FDR, although earlier presidents – most notably Lincoln – set important precedents.

Obama’s task is to undermine due process and the separation of powers. From the NDAA to Obamacare and violating the will of Congress and the American people through signing statements and waging illegal wars without declaration or congressional consultation, Obama has amplified and expanded what George Bush and Bill Clinton before him began.
Obama’s letter to Congress claiming U.S. military power used with devastating result against the people of Libya was “legitimized” by the United Nations Security Council represents a watershed moment in the effort to trample the Constitution and transfer authority from the people to autocratic globalists. It is a modern version of the “long train of abuses and usurpations” mentioned by the founders in the Declaration of Independence.
It is up to the American people to prevent the destruction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It probably cannot be accomplished from within the system. Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Obama – these are the corrupted minions of globalists who fear the Rights of Man the same as vampires fear sunlight. They will further the destruction of liberty, not impede it and stop the solemn march to slavery and ultimately the destruction of civilization.
Ron Paul represented the best chance to restore the Constitution and rebuild our republic. He was plowed under by the establishment and its corporate media propaganda machine. Patriotic Americans must continue at all cost to oppose the efforts of the elite as they work to methodically turn the planet into a slave labor gulag with a high-tech police state control grid overlay. The effort must transcend any particular political candidate and live in the hearts of men and women as they resist tyranny.
Specific examples of the establishment’s campaign against the Constitution follow:
Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said recently the people of Egypt should not “look to the United States Constitution” as a blueprint for crafting the nation’s new constitution. Ginsberg apparently believes the Constitution is flawed because it spells out what the government cannot do instead of mandating what it should do (like telling citizens at gunpoint they must purchase expensive health insurance).
CNN contributor Fareed Zakaria has argued that the Constitution is outdated and its principles should be “debated and fixed” to conform with the modern era. He suggests “a set of amendments to modernize the Constitution for the 21st Century.
Time Magazine ran a cover story last year trashing the Constitution. The story was entitled “Does It Still Mater?” It portrayed the Constitution as an outmoded document that we should ignore to whatever extent is expedient to pursue someone’s vision of a better society: “We cannot let the Constitution become an obstacle to a future with a sensible health care system, a globalized economy, and evolving sense of civil and political rights.”
In October 2011, two teams of lawyers – one American, the other British – debated the subject of whether the U.S. Declaration of Independence is illegal. “The Declaration of Independence was not only illegal, but actually treasonable. There is no legal principle then or now to allow a group of citizens to establish their own laws because they want to,” the BBC summarized.
Ignorance of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence is rampant, not only in the public at large but also in Congress where members swear to uphold the Constitution.
For instance, in 2010, House Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio declared: ”This is my copy of the Constitution, and I’m going to stand here with the Founding Fathers who wrote in the Preamble, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
He was quoting the Declaration of Independence, not the preamble to the Constitution.
The trashing for the Constitution is legion. In order to get an idea how much, simply type “Constitution outdated” in your favorite search engine.


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #103 en: Febrero 09, 2012, 12:14:06 pm »
Tico, le he dado el zankeo porque me parece interesante la aportación de Sun Tzu. Es, digamos, una perspectiva interesante que piense que nos consideran "el Enemigo". Su punto de vista hasta ahí me resulta interesante y que traiga el viejo libro del viejo estratega me ha parecido un acierto por su parte.

"El antiguo arte de la guerra" creo que es una mala traduccion (no puedo asegurarlo porque no se chino) pero por los temas tratados en el libro seria mas adecuado hablar del arte del conflicto (interno y externo) o del control (se trata mas de la gobernanza y la disciplina interna que de la guerra en el sentido militar ya que este debe ser evitada siempre que sea posible).

Traducir una escritura ideografica es muy dificil y hay partes que resultan dificilmente comprensibles porque su simbolismo hace que puedan ser aplicadas a situaciones que no tienen que ver unas con otras. En muchos casos se habla de "tropas" pero me da la sensacion de que se refiere mas que al ejercito a la poblacion gobernada. Su simbolismo hace necesaria una interpretacion que puede variar mucho segun como se enfoque el tema. Habla mucho de el agua y del fuego y no llego a entender a que se refiere realmente con esos terminos/simbolos

Esta dirigido a los dirigentes del Estado:
Sun Tzu dice: la guerra es de vital importancia para el Estado; es el dominio de la vida o de la muerte, el camino hacia la supervivencia o la pérdida del Imperio: es forzoso manejarla bien.

Los factores fundamentales que tiene en cuenta a la hora de vencer son:
El primero de estos factores es la doctrina; el segundo, el tiempo; el tercero, el terreno; el cuarto, el mando; y el quinto, la disciplina.

La Doctrina
La doctrina significa aquello que hace que el pueblo esté en armonía con su gobernante, de modo que le siga donde sea, sin temer por sus vidas ni a correr cualquier peligro.

A lo largo de todo el libro se habla de manipular la percepcion del enemigo (interno y externo) mediante simbolos y senhales de forma que vayan alli donde les quieres conducir.

El Tiempo
El tiempo significa el Ying y el Yang, la noche y el día, el frío y el calor, días despejados o lluviosos, y el cambio de las estaciones.

Dicotomias reversibles?
"Lograr que el ejército sea capaz de combatir contra el adversario sin ser  derrotado es una cuestión de emplear métodos ortodoxos o heterodoxos. La ortodoxia y la heterodoxia no son algo fijo, sino que se utilizan como un  ciclo. Un emperador que fue con un famoso guerrero y administrador, hablaba de  manipular las percepciones de los adversarios sobre lo que es ortodoxo y  heterodoxo, y después atacar inesperadamente, combinando ambos métodos hasta  convertirlo en uno, volviéndose así indefinible para el enemigo."

El Terreno
El terreno implica las distancias, y hace referencia a dónde es fácil o difícil desplazarse, y si es campo abierto o lugares estrechos, y esto influencia las posibilidades de supervivencia.
Parece que esta es la parte mas "militar" pero habla fundamentalmente del terreno ideologico:
"Sitúa a tus tropas en un punto que no tenga salida, de manera que tengan que  morir antes de poder escapar. Porque, ¿ante la posibilidad de la muerte, qué no  estarán dispuestas a hacer? Los guerreros dan entonces lo mejor de sus fuerzas.  Cuando se hallan ante un grave peligro, pierden el miedo. Cuando no hay ningún  sitio a donde ir, permanecen firmes; cuando están totalmente implicados en un  terreno (ideologico?), se aferran a él. Si no tienen otra opción, lucharán hasta el final. Por esta razón, los soldados están vigilantes sin tener que ser estimulados,  se alistan sin tener que ser llamados a filas, son amistosos sin necesidad de  promesas, y se puede confiar en ellos sin necesidad de órdenes"

Doctrina del shock?

El Mando
El mando ha de tener como cualidades: sabiduría, sinceridad, benevolencia, coraje y disciplina.

"Hace moverse a los enemigos con la perspectiva del triunfo, para que caigan en  la emboscada. Sé extremadamente sutil, discreto, hasta el punto de no tener forma. Sé  completamente misterioso y confidencial, hasta el punto de ser silencioso. De  esta manera podrás dirigir el destino de tus adversario"

Otro tema tratado en el libro es el tema de las recompensas como medio de conseguir lealtad

Las preguntas que hago siempre... quien controla a los medios de comunicacion (ideologia) y a los bancos centrales (monopolio sobre el dinero = monopolio sobre las recompensas)?

La Disciplina
la disciplina ha de ser comprendida como la organización del ejército, las graduaciones y rangos entre los oficiales, la regulación de las rutas de suministros, y la provisión de material militar al ejército.

"los expertos en operaciones militares logran la cooperación de la tropa, de tal manera que dirigir un grupo es como dirigir a un solo individuo  que no tiene más que una sola opción. Dice un Gran Hombre: "El principal engaño que se valora en las operaciones  militares no se dirige sólo a los enemigos, sino que empieza por las propias  tropas, para hacer que le sigan a uno sin saber adónde van."


« última modificación: Febrero 09, 2012, 12:46:31 pm por Spielzeug »
Las palabras no son escuchadas, para eso se hacen los símbolos (etiquetas) y los tambores (pensamiento dicotomico) que se utilizan para concentrar y unificar los oídos y los ojos de los soldados.


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Re:Democracia y control social. ¿Por qué defendemos sistemas corruptos?
« Respuesta #104 en: Febrero 10, 2012, 11:55:31 am »
Una vez más y como siempre, la realidad supera a la ficción...


Nuevas cámaras de vigilancia en Reino Unido también dan órdenes

La esquizofrenia y paranoía de gobiernos del “primer mundo” están llegando a los niveles más bajos posibles. El nuevo gadget de seguridad que esta causando controversia en Reino Unido es un poste de luz con cámara de vigilancia integrada, que además, da órdenes:

    Stop, this is a restricted area and your photograph is being taken. It will be sent for processing if you don’t leave the area now.

Alto, esta es un área reestringida y se le esta tomando una fotografía. Será enviada para ser procesada si usted no abandona el área ahora.

Sigamos con Sun Tzu:

El arte de la guerra se basa en el engaño. Por lo tanto, cuando es capaz de atacar, ha de aparentar incapacidad; cuando las tropas se mueven, aparentar inactividad. Si está cerca del enemigo, ha de hacerle creer que está lejos; si está lejos, aparentar que se está cerca.


El centro de comando del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos supervisa rutinariamente decenas de páginas populares en Internet como Facebook, Twitter, Hulu y WikiLeaks, así como páginas de noticias y sitios como Huffington Post y Drudge Report, según un informe gubernamental.
El documento indica que desde junio del 2010 se realiza una supervisión de lo publicado en redes sociales y otras páginas, siendo habitual la revisión de “foros, blogs, páginas web y tablones de mensajes disponibles públicamente online”.

Sun Tzu: "Haz que los adversarios vean como extraordinario lo que es ordinario
para ti; haz que vean como ordinario lo que es extraordinario para ti"

En mi opinion, el tema de las camaras de seguridad o de la supervision gubernamental de internet o de las redes sociales intenta que seamos nosotros mismos los que nos autocensuremos ante la imposibilidad de una vigilancia efectiva. Solo para "controlar" el contenido de burbuja serian necesarias varias personas dedicadas en exclusiva y ademas actuando con el convencimiento de que lo que hacen es "bueno" (interesante a este respecto es la pelicula "la vida de los otros", si el vigilante no cree que lo que hace es bueno, deja de hacerlo)

La idea es fomentar nuestros miedos de forma que sintamos mania persecutoria (delirio latente en todos nosotros) absteniendonos de esta forma de manifestar opiniones que consideremos "peligrosas" frente a un enemigo al que otorgamos la cualidad divina de la omnisciencia (el ojo que todo lo ve). La autocensura gracias al miedo a posibles consecuencias, es mucho mas efectiva que la censura ya que esta requiere de muchisimos medios y de gente convencida de que lo que hace es bueno (algo dificil de conseguir ya que la gente defiende la libertad de expresion y el propio sistema condena la censura para evitar que los mass media controlados por ellos puedan ser atacados).

El control social es ideologico. No nos pastorean: nos pastoreamos nosotros mismos.
« última modificación: Febrero 10, 2012, 12:01:23 pm por Spielzeug »
Las palabras no son escuchadas, para eso se hacen los símbolos (etiquetas) y los tambores (pensamiento dicotomico) que se utilizan para concentrar y unificar los oídos y los ojos de los soldados.


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